Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Rock Giants!

I walked with Kili, and he was holding onto my arm, because I had almost fallen off the ledge that we were walking on. We were walking in the Misty Mountains. We couldn’t walk next to each other, unless we wanted to lose a few members of the Company, so I was walking in front of Kili. It was already a hard road to walk on, and to make it worse, it started raining. I sighed angrily. “Why does it have to rain when it’s not the best time for it to be raining?” I complained, to myself.

“No, it’s thundering!” Ori said. I heard it too, but I could tell that everyone else was trying to ignore it. I looked up, and I saw a rock flying towards us.

“Lookout!” I screamed. Everyone looked up to see a rock smash into the rock wall above us.

“We have to get out of here!” I said. Kili’s grip on my arm tightened. Thorin kept walking further, but then another rock flew over us.

“This is no normal thunderstorm…” Balin said. I knew what was going on here.

“Rock Giants!” I shouted, and I looked up to see a massive Rock Giant above us, standing with a rock in his hand. I screamed, as our rock moved, and we split in half. Kili’s fingers, slipped off my arm. We were separated, the others were standing on the legs of another giant. All around us, rocks were falling around our feet, and I nearly slipped. I looked around.

Where was Bilbo?

That’s when I saw him, standing on the other leg. The giants began fighting each other, and we each grabbed onto pieces of stone for dear life. Rocks once again began falling down around us, no more than 5 feet away. ‘Our Giant’ was losing, and we smashed into a mountain. The other Dwarves jumped on a cliff off the mountain. We jumped too, but we still couldn’t see each other. My heart stopped, the Giant smashed on the mountain right where, Bilbo, Kili, Fili, and the others stood. The Giant fell into Darkness, and the other one simply walked away.

“Nooo!” Thorin shouted.

“No!” I screamed, they weren’t dead. They couldn’t be dead. They just couldn’t be dead. I ran over to where they were, and my heart was in my throat. I rounded the corner, and I saw them, lying on the ground moaning. I smiled, as I clamped my hand over my mouth, in shock. Tears began to brim my eyes, as I ran over to Kili, and I knelt beside him.

He groaned in pain. I kissed him, for I was never so happy to see someone in my entire life. I broke away from him, and I examined his forehead. Surprisingly, he had no cuts. “You’re hurt…” He said, as he touched my forehead, and cheek. I felt my forehead, and cheek, and I felt warm blood on my hand.

“It’s nothing…” I said, as I stood up, and I helped him up.

“We have to find a cave…” Thorin shouted. About 10 minutes later, we found a cave.

“I will make a fire…” Dori said.

“No. Not here…” Thorin said. I sat down, on a rock, and I began to patch myself up. That’s when I felt it, a cold shiver go through my spine. I felt cold everywhere, I tried my best to warm my body temperature, but as if my some form of dark magic, my powers were shut off? I couldn’t heat myself up. Something was wrong.

“Bofur, you have first guard!” Thorin shouted to Bofur, who seemed a bit displeased.

“I’ll take the first watch, Thorin…” I offered.

“If you want…” Thorin said. After a while, I heard someone get up, and start walking away.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I am going home. I don’t belong here. Haven’t you heard Thorin?” Bilbo said.

“I have heard him, and I have also heard him say that I don’t belong here, but I don’t just get up and leave. I signed a contract, and so did you…” I said, trying to reason with him.

“I know I did, but I have a home, and the rest of them don’t. None of them have one…They won’t find a place to live. Never…” Bilbo said.

“I don’t have a home, either Bilbo. And if I did, I wouldn’t leave, even if I wanted to…”

“Why not?” He asked me.

“I can’t even remember the last adventure that I went on, and this, and them…” I said, gesturing to the Dwarves who were sound asleep. “They are an adventure in themselves. They’re a family, Bilbo. We are all a family in this Company and family don’t give up on each other. That’s why I choose to stay…” Bilbo sighed, and I knew he was going to leave anyways.

“We can still be friends, can’t we?” I asked him.

“Of course…” Bilbo said, and he walked away. As soon as he walked away, I felt the ground underneath us shake, and rumble, as it shook our bodies.

Suddenly, we fell into the darkness of the mountain…