Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Azog the Defiler

The sun shone clear, and I felt its warmth on my face, and on my neck. It gave me a sense of hope, I smiled. Kili seemed to notice that I had gotten happy, and he placed an arm around my shoulders. “Why are you so all of a sudden?” He asked me.

“The Sun. It gives me hope, that’s all, and it just makes me feel happy…” I answered, and he smiled at me.

“Nothing could damper your spirits can it?” He asked me. I grinned.

“Nothing really…” I smiled. That’s when I felt it, a sudden dizziness come over me. I stopped walking, and I placed a hand on Kili’s shoulder.

“Eleniel…are you okay?” He asked, concerned.

What was going on? Why was I feeling weak all of a sudden? After Radagast had said, something about a Necromancer…At the mention of a Necromancer, I shuddered at the thought. I tried to sit down, but I couldn’t find the strength to. “

Eleniel…are you okay?” Kili asked me again. That was the last thing, I remembered before everything went black.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes, and I saw the warmth of a fire. I smiled, and I felt a pair of arms around me. “Hmm…” I said, sleepily.

“You’re awake!” Kili whispered in my ear. I smiled,

“What happened?” I asked him. He gave me a strange look.

“You do not remember?” I shook my head.

“You passed out, and I had to carry you all the way, until we stopped for camp. You owe me big time for this…” He explained. I sighed, and I kissed him.

“Is that enough payment for you?” I smiled. He smirked.

“A little bit…” I leaned forward to kiss him again, but I was interrupted by the howling of Wargs.

Wait…Wargs!? I stood up. I turned around to see a Warg tackle Bilbo. I grabbed my bow and arrows, and I shot it in the neck. It died instantly. I turned around, and I fell to the ground. I was attacked by another Warg. I yelped, as its claws tore into my shoulder. I grabbed my sword, and I stuck it in the stomach. I shoved the Warg off me, and I got to my feet and I ran. I quickly climbed a tree, and I saw Bilbo, who had killed a Warg, but his sword was stuck in the Warg’s eye.

“Come on!” Kili shouted. He couldn’t get it loose, I jumped down from the tree, and I ran over to Bilbo.

“Eleniel!” Kili called to me, I ignored him, and I saw as a Warg was ready to pounce on Bilbo, who didn’t see it.

“No!” I shouted, and I swung my sword, cutting the Warg’s head off cleanly. Finally, Bilbo managed to get his sword out of the Warg’s eye. When I thought the worst was over, a Warg pounced on me. I felt his claws scratch my cheek, and I sliced its head off, and I scrambled up, and I followed Bilbo to the tree, and I scaled it. More Wargs arrived, and they were hungry, they began to jumped up at us, to sink their filthy teeth into our flesh. Bilbo pulled himself up beside Gandalf.

That’s when it happened. The White Orc appeared. I turned to see Thorin, who had a look of confusion on his face. “Azog the Defiler…” Thorin said, “But, you died…” Azog just shook his head.

“Kill them…” He said, in an Orkish language. His gaze went to me, and his gaze burned me.

“All but that one. It’s very important that we bring her back alive…She is what he needs...She apparently has extrodinary talents...."