Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...


We Walked down the hill, and everyone kept glancing over at me, even Kili. We stopped at a lake, and the Dwarves, undressed, and they ran into the lake.


“Eleniel! You are covered in blood, wash up…” I heard my father call to me. I sighed, but I did not undress.

I ran into the water, and I dove in. I didn’t have to hold my breath, for I found out that somewhere in my bloodline I was a water nymph. I love being in water! I felt so peaceful, and calm in water. I swam for what seemed like hours, and then I felt it again.
That awful cold shudder went down my back again. I felt that creepy feeling that I was being watched and I felt a creepy fleshless, boneless, figureless hand pass over my arm.

“Eleniel……” I heard a creepy voice say. I whipped around in the water. There was no one around for as I could see.

“I have seen what you can do…You are extremely powerful for someone like you…” I whipped around.

“What do you want?” I said, my voice betraying on how I felt.

“I want what you possess…”

“I do not possess anything unusual…” I said, I did not have a clue about what he was talking about.

“You do possess something unusual, but nothing made by anyone of this earth. In fact, you can do things that no one on this earth can do…”

“Who are you?” I called out bravely.

“One that no one likes to speak of very much…”

“What do you want from me?” I called out.

“Not from you…I want you. Even if I did manage to talk your powers, they can’t work for me. I cannot control it, only you can…You’re the one I want, Eleniel…” I was surprised at this.

“You won’t get me, or my powers. Ever. You’re going to have to kill me if you want it…”

He growled at me. A black mist wrapped around me, and it began to tighten around me.
“If that is your wish, so be it…” The mist wrapped around my neck, and it tightened. I gasped for air…


We had finished bathing, and we dressed; now we were just waiting for Eleniel. “What’s taking that
Lass so long?” Balin asked.
“She should be along by now…” Gandalf said, he sounded unsure.

“Maybe she’s hurt…” I said, and I hoped that was not the case.

“That could not be possible…she is too clever of a water nymph…” Gandalf said, absentmindedly. Just then, we heard a scream from around 60 feet away from the shore. Gandalf’s face saddened.

“That’s Eleniel…” Bilbo said, panicky.
Without thinking, I tore off my cloak,

(JUST HIS CLOAK! HE IS STILL WEARING CLOTHES!) And I threw my weapons onto the shore, and I dove into the lake, despite the calls of my name coming from the shore. I was surprised at first why I had dove into the water, but from the scream from Eleniel, I could tell that something was wrong. I reached the point where I heard Eleniel scream. I took a deep breath, and I dove in. I saw her, thrashing around under water, with a black mist wrapped around her neck. She was clawing at it, as if it was a snake. I swam over to her, and I tried to pull whatever it was, off of her. As soon as I touched the mist, it disappeared, and Eleniel fell limp. I grabbed her hand, and I swam back to shore, pulling her along with me.

When we reached shallow water, I stood up, and I carried her up. I set her on the ground, and the rest of the Company crowded around her. Her face was a pale as a ghost. I tried to shake her awake, but she wouldn’t stir. Bilbo, and Fili tried calling her name, but nothing was working. One thing came to mind, and I looked to the other’s trying to figure out if I should do it. They all nodded encouragingly. I opened her mouth, and I gave her CPR.

**I know so cliché…**

She didn’t stir; I hung my head, as did the rest of the Company. I heard someone begin cough. I looked down to see………Eleniel! She began to cough up water, by the lungful. I sighed in relief. She looked around, at the completely dry Company, and she looked back at me, who was soaking wet with water.

“Did you…” She began to say, and I nodded. She smiled up at me. She leaned forward, and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I rested my head onto of hers. Thorin grabbed some cloth, and threw it on us, to dry ourselves off. I took my head off hers, and I gave her a kiss.

“You scared me…” I told her.

“I did not mean to…It was not my fault.” She said. I smiled down at her.

“I know…”

“Did you jump in and go after me?” She asked me. I nodded.

“You’re my hero, Kili…” I smiled.

“I’m just glad that you’re alright, Eleniel…”