Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Welcome to the Company!

“Ah, Gandalf!” The Dwarf at the doorway said to, my father.

“I thought you said that this place would be easy to find. I lost my way. Twice. I would’ve passed it by, had it not been for the mark on the door…” This dwarf had looked rather very noble and majestic as he walked through the door; he threw his cloak to Kili. I noticed that we had all gathered in silence to watch him enter. He had long black hair, with a few stray streaks of grey, which indicated to me that he was at yet an old age. He had a long and angular face, with a semi long beard to match his black hair. He had piercing sleet grey eyes. He had a deep voice, yet it flowed as smoothly as silk. I turned my head to look at all the other dwarves. The way that they looked at this new arrival, I knew that they had a great respect for him, so he was obviously had some great importance for him.

“Mark!? What mark?! I had that door painted less than a week ago!” I heard Bilbo protested angrily, as my father stepped into the room. I was amazed at the size difference between the both of them.

“Indeed there is a mark, I put it there myself…” I smiled, as Bilbo’s face reddened.

“Bilbo Baggins…allow me to introduce you to the leader of our company: Thorin Oakenshield…” My father said, to Bilbo.

At this, Thorin turned to face Bilbo and crossed his arms. “So…this is the Hobbit. Tell me master Baggins, axe or sword? What is your weapon of choice?” He said, as he began to circle Bilbo, who was just looking more confused.

“I don’t really see why that’s relevant…” Thorin smirked, as he continued. “…He looks more like a grosser than a burglar…” I smirked at this comment. I heard all the other dwarves laugh along with him. It was a warm, laughter. Thorin then, turned to face me. “Ah…the famous Eleniel. You’re Gandalf’s daughter, I presume…” Thorin asked, my father, who only nodded. “And tell me, Eleniel, what makes you think that you are to be a good asset to our company?”

He looked me dead, straight in the eye. From the look in his eye, I knew he expected me to be cowering in utter fear. But I do not scare easily, and I am the farthest thing from a coward. Instead of backing down, which was what I think he wanted, I looked him straight in the eye. Which surprised him. “I can do many things, fight, shoot, control the things around me…” I said, boldly. He was taken aback by my boldness, but then he broke out into a smirk.

“You’re bold, and you don’t scare easy. I can tell. That I like. So you say that you can control the things around you. Elaborate, if you may.” This was going to get very interesting.

“I can control, like the elements basically. I can make water out of nothing. I can create flames out of nothing. I can protect others from anything else. I can protect myself and others, without even having to be with them…” I said. I heard many gasps from around me, as they took in what I said. Thorin smirked.

“Prove it…”

“Fine…” I said, cocking my head. He liked my boldness obviously. I backed away, and I snapped my fingers. Flames appeared in thin air. I saw out of the corner of my eye, a few jaws drop, at this sight.

“You taught her well…” I heard Thorin say to Gandalf, who just smiled and said.

“I taught her nothing at all, she learned this on her own…”

The mumbling that had started around me, suddenly ceased. They looked at me in utter amazement, and shock.

“Very funny, Gandalf…but you surely must’ve taught her something…” Gandalf looked serious. “It is the truth, she has learned all of this on her own. With no training whatsoever…She can do this with ease, without ever thinking…this would be an excellent asset to us…” Thorin looked very impressed.

“Now can you get rid of the flame before you burn down my home?” Bilbo asked, nervously. I laughed.

“Don’t worry, Bilbo. Even if the fire did catch anything, it would not burn anything, unless I commanded it to…” I smiled.

“Um…Eleniel, why are your eyes a different color?” I heard Kili asked.

“Oh…um…” I did not know that my eyes changed color. So I blinked, and they went back to normal. Everyone looked at me, in admiration and a bit of fear as well. Kili looked at me, and nodded approvingly. I gave him a quick wink, which caused him to redden.

“So Thorin, do you believe my claim?” I asked, teasingly.

Thorin held out his hand to me. “Welcome to the Company!” He said, in a booming voice. I laughed, as I shook his hand, before extinguishing the flame in my hand. He also gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.
The dwarves shouted out in encouragement. Especially Kili, which I noticed. He gave me a good-hearted wink, which now caused me redden. Gandalf ushered us into the dining room. Everyone had a seat except for me. I looked around, and my gaze went to Kili who was waving me over to an empty seat beside him and Fili. “Eleniel, over here!” Kili called to me. I smiled, and walked over to the both of them. Kili pulled the chair out for me, but I noticed that he pulled it closer to him. Fili looked a bit taken back by this, so he pulled the chair closer to him. This went on for a little while. I got fed up, so I used my power to ignite the sides of the chair. Both Kili and Fili let go of the chair, instantaneously. I just stood there, smiling. I sat in between them, satisfied. Soon, a silence fell over the company, as Thorin began to speak to us. I closed my eyes, as I began to zone out. Just then, I heard Kili whisper something to me.

“For the record, sorry for spilling that water all over you, a little while ago…” I smiled.

“It’s fine, it was just water…” I said, reassuringly.

I saw Kili smile, but I could tell that he was still uneasy.

“Hey…” I said, giving his shoulder a playful nudge.

“It’s fine…”

He gave me a smile, his brown eyes piercing my green ones. I turned around, and I gave him a smile as well. I didn’t have to even look at Kili, but I could feel his gaze on me, as Fili gazed at me. I felt my cheeks redden, as I blushed in happiness, and embarrassment.