Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Meeting Beorn

We followed Beorn, and we entered a big hall, and in the middle of it all, was a fireplace. Even though it was summer, the fire was burning, and the smoke was rising to the high beams, and it found a way out, through a gap in the roof. Even though it was a bit messy, and dark, the scent of a fire, made me smile, for I loved the scent of firewood. We continued to walk through the dim hallway, and thanks to the fire, it did provide some light. Bilbo and Gandalf sat down on the shorter couch, and Gandalf started to tell his story to Beorn, and Bilbo began to gaze around the room. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and my eyes were about to close. I missed most of what Gandalf had said, but then I heard him mention the Dwarves.

I looked up to see Thorin and Dori appeared at the door, and they bowed low. “You mean two not four, but they are not Hobbits or Elves…They are Dwarves…” I rolled my eyes.

“They are on their way to their land of their forefathers, Eastern of the Mirkwood, and it’s nothing more than a coincidence that we are in your lands. We’ve crossed the mountains by the, Pass of Caradhras, who would have lead us to the way, south of your land, while we were attacked by Goblins, as I have told you before…”

“Tell further…” Beorn said, and I swear that he did not sound as grumpy as he did before.

“It started to thunder, and Rock Giants were throwing rocks to us, and our companions…”

“Wait? You called three companions?”

“Actually no. There are more than three…” Gandalf replied. I smirked.

There are 18 of us…

“Where are they? Killed, crashed, returned home?”

“Oh no, they haven’t all come when I whistled…” Gandalf said.

“Whistle again…”

Gandalf whistled again, but Ori and Nori were there, earlier than expected.

“Ori and Nori…” They began, to say, but Beorn cut them off.

“Yes thank you. If I need them, I will ask for it, Gandalf…continue…” Beorn said, eagerly. “We found a cave, and we slept in it. While we were sleeping, a gap opened up in the floor, and we fell into it. The others and I did not know what had happened…”

“More?” Beorn asked.

Oh yes, we are a Company of 18…

“Yes more… we are with more than seven, and here are two others!” Gandalf said, and I could not notice that his voice was a bit louder. Balin, and Dwalin walked ‘round the corner, and they bowed so low, that their beards wiped the floor. Beorn’s forehead crinkled, as he frowned, but then he began to grin, because Balin and Dwalin kept nodding, and bowing, and acting extremely polite.

While the others walked in, Gandalf continued to tell his story, and I almost fell asleep on Kili, which I didn’t think that he would mind and all, but still… “What a wonderful story! Let us get you all something to eat, for you all must be very hungry…”