Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

A What?!?!

*Eleniel’s Point of View*

I opened my eyes, and I saw that the fire had now burnt to embers, and I could hear someone breathing beside me, and I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I turned and I saw Kili sleeping beside me. I smiled, and l rested my head on his chest.

“Faster! Faster, please!” I urged Aruanna. I was lost, and I did not know why Wargs and Orcs were chasing me. She led me to a forested area, and out of the corners of my eyes, I could see them closing in on me.

“Faster!” I urged her. She was going as fast as she could, but the Wargs, and Orcs seemed to be growing faster and faster. Just then, Aruanna stopped suddenly, and I was thrown from her back. I landed a few feet away from her, and it felt like I had broken a few bones. I tried to stand, but my legs gave out. I crawled on my hands, away from the Wargs, and the Orcs. Aruanna had bolted, and I was alone. My back hit a rock, and I knew there was no way out.

“Don’t touch her. This one I need…I was no longer a young girl, I was my present self.

“You want what I possess…you won’t get my talents or me. Ever.” I said, boldly.

He smirked, “Bring them to me, and let us show our necromantrix, what will happen if she does not cooperate…”

I heard the familiar sound of marching, and scuffling of feet. I turned around, and I saw the Company bound, and dragged to where we were standing.

‘You really think that I can’t make you. Watch and see…’

Just then, my eyes froze, I couldn’t blink or look away. Each member of the Company, was brought forward, and Wargs would attack him. My ears rang with their yells of pain. They were all terrible, but for me the worst was Kili’s. His gaze would never leave my frozen eyes. My frozen eyes leaked a few tears. Just then, the scene replayed over again, and I had to re-watch each of their gruesome deaths again. Even though I had watched them several times, each time seemed 100X more worse than the last time. It replayed over and over again. I began to shake my head, trying to shake this nightmare out of my head.

“Oh my dear necromantrix, all this could end, and all of this pointless death, would cease. If only you would cooperate…” He said, slyly. My tears dried, and I stood up.

“Never. Even if I did cooperate, it would only bring doom to all of Middle- Earth. You won’t get me, or what I possess, ever. This is just in my head; none of it is real…”

“Oh…but it all could be…”

I sat upright, sweating, and shaking. Now this time, it was both of my nightmares combined, all ending the same, the Necromancer, wanting my talents. What did he call me? A Necromantrix? That sounded like a female version of a Necromancer……My God. So maybe this is why Gandalf always avoided the topic of my parents. Were my parents Necromancers, or anything to do with them? But the closest people or race close to any Necromancers were the Maiar. I couldn’t be…There was just no way that my parents could be, one of them…

“Eleniel…?” I heard Kili say. “You alright, love?”

“I…I just…I can’t…” Was all I could say before I placed my head in my hands, and I let out a few quiet sobs. I felt Kili wrap his arm around me, and he rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

“Hey…Hey…listen to me…Eleniel…hey…you’re going to be okay. We’re all going to be okay…”

“I’m not…” I said, stupidly. Why was I mentioning this stuff?

“What are you talking about, Eleniel…?” He asked me.

“You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were…”


“That’s it. That’s the thing. No one understands on how I feel right now. It’s so frustrating, no one understands on how I feel. To not know who you are, and then find out when you don’t want to find out…” I said.

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s nothing…”

“No, Eleniel. This is something! Ever since I pulled out of the lake, you’ve seemed different, and blocking everyone out. Let me help you, Eleniel. Let me in. Let me in your head, in your thoughts. Something is going on with you Eleniel; I may understand where you are coming from…”

“But that’s the thing! People don’t understand what it’s like to not have any parents whatsoever…”

“No, Eleniel. People do understand. Fili and I went through that as well. My father would always tie up the laces on my mother’s dress and she was so beautiful and happy whenever Father was around. They had this special bond, which not even death could break. That’s why when our Father died, she never found someone else; she was still in love with him, but Lrain didn’t understand. He didn’t understand why our Mother didn’t want him back! Why would she want him back…A drunken murderer like him!” His voice rising, slightly. I felt something wet drip on my shoulder, and I turned to see Kili with tears in his eyes. My heart melted right there, and then.

“Kili…” I said, gently. I leaned over and I wrapped my arms around him, and I held him close. He pulled away, and I saw him try to wipe his tears. I took his hand, and I pulled him back to face me.

“Kili…you have nothing to be ashamed of…” I said, as my arms wound around his neck, and his went around my waist.

“I’m sorry…if only I did not bring that up…” I said, apologetically.

“Eleniel, no I’m sorry…I pushed you too far, and I just kind of blew up…Forgive me…”

“There is nothing for you to be forgiven for…” I explained, and he brought his lips to mine. We broke away, and I lay back down on the mat. Kili lay down beside me, and he wrapped his arms around me, again. I turned and I lay my head on chest, feeling safe and comfortable with him….