Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...


I froze. His eyes stayed on me, and my eyes stayed on it. I had to decide right then and there what I was going to do next. I remembered what I had read about Necromancers;

The powers of the Necromancer are varied and vast. Holding the secrets of an ancient lineage of dark sorcerers, the Necromancer has the ability to create light where there was darkness, to animate the bodies of the dead, and to move with unearthly speed.
While all Necromancers have a common pool of powers to draw from, each of the five forms holds the key to a select set of knowledge. From the deadly bite of the vampire to the chilling grasp of the lich, the combat powers of the Necromancer are as incredible as they are deadly.
Often overlooked but none the less important are the array of minor powers that the Necromancer possesses. These powers are often executed at no cost to the caster and tend to make life much easier, performing duties and providing information. Far from unprepared, the Necromancer's list of powers is quite well suited to make sure the Necromancer has the ability to both perform in battle and to live and fight another day.

I snatched up my staff, and the spider lunged at me. I hit its legs away with my staff. I concentrated my heart on my stone at the edge of the staff, and I opened my eyes, to see a purple blast, aim for the spider. I stared at my staff, amazed at what I just did. The blast was small, and not extremely powerful enough, so it did no damage to the spider. It lunged at me again. I grabbed my staff up, over my shoulders, and I swung at it. It stumbled back, and I picked up one of my round sai, and I threw it at its head. It twitched, and it fell to the ground. I walked over to it, and I pulled my sai out of its head.

Just then, I felt a sharp pain in my arm, and I looked to find a long; and ugly gash down my left arm. I ignored it. I can’t stay here…More and more of them will come. I have to leave…But where do I go?

With a small hint of panic in me, I looked around, but I did not know from which way I had come from. All around me, I could hear creepy sounds from every which way. For once in my life, I felt lost and alone. My arm burned, but I pushed the pain out of my mind. The torch had burned out, and I was surrounded by darkness. After what seemed like hours of walking, I collapsed. The wound that the spider, was giving me was draining my energy. Trying to use, as little strength that I could, I made a small fire. I felt the familiar yet, creepy feeling that I was being watched again. I looked around me, and I stared at dozens and dozens of eyes staring at me. My fire burned out, and my head hit the earth…

I felt myself upside down, and something sticky wrapped around me. I opened my eyes, and I found myself wrapped in spider webs. I bit through the silk to get room for my mouth, as soon as I was able to get my mouth through, I screamed, and I heard my scream echo throughout the forest. Nothing happened, and I lost hope that anyone could hear me. Until I heard the scuffling of feet.

“Eleniel!” I heard Thorin shout. My heart leapt. Someone had heard me!

“Thorin! Thorin! Up here!” I called. He looked up.

“I’m in this one…” I said, wiggling in my prison. I heard the whistling of something, and a knife narrowly missed my feet. The cocoon began to tighten around me.

“No! Don’t harm it! Everything that attacks it, the cocoon will tighten!” I heard a familiar voice shout. Kili! He was right!

“She can only get out if she is able to break out from the inside…” Bilbo said. Bilbo!

If I can break out from the inside…


“Kili…anybody…do you see the staff with the purple stone at the top?” I called down.

“Yes!” I heard Thorin call back up to me. I sighed of relief.

“Can one of you throw it up to me?”

“Are you sure, Eleniel?” Kili called up to me.

“Just trust me…” I heard the whistling of the staff, and I caught it in my mouth. I somehow managed to get the staff inside the cocoon with me, which was tightening even more now. It was growing smaller and smaller in here, and I was running out of breath.

“No!” I heard Kili yell, with pain in his voice. I brought the staff close to my body, and I concentrated my energy and heart right now. A blinding purple light erupted from the stone, and the cocoon exploded from around me. I opened up my wings, and I saved myself from smashing into the earth. I landed in front of Kili, Thorin, and the rest of the Company, and I heard the familiar scuttling sound of the spiders. We all went back to back with each other, and we fought off the incoming spiders.

One of them, jumped on top of me, and I struggled to get away. I felt something sharp against my neck, and I weakly placed my hand to it. Blood was pouring out of it, and that was the last thing that I saw before darkness engulfed me…