Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Learning of the Purpose

All the questions that were circling in my head, were answered in the meeting. They were going to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. Smaug the dragon, had attacked their city of Erebor, because of the amount of gold that they had. That’s what they were trying to achieve. I was actually a bit touched by this, they were so determined and loyal. I was so grateful that I had the opportunity to join them all on this quest. We only needed Bilbo to accept being the burglar. “Give him the contract…” Thorin said. Balin got up, and gave him the contract.

“It’s just the usual summary of pocket expenses, time required, funeral arrangements, so forth…” When Balin said funeral arrangements, this raised my eyebrows. Funeral Arrangements? Kili saw my despair, and he patted my hand, reassuringly. Bilbo was just as shocked as I had been, as he continued to scan over the contract. His eyes widened, as he noticed something else.

“Incineration?” He gulped.

“Incineration?” I whispered, to Kili, who gave me a half-hearted smile. I looked back up at Bilbo. He wasn’t looking so good.

“You alright laddie?” Balin asked him.

“Nope…” He said, plainly, before he collapsed on the ground. I stood up, abruptly.

“Oh my goodness, are you alright?” I exclaimed, rushing over to his side. I knelt down beside him, and I began shaking him, but he would not wake. “Can someone help me move him?” I asked, the company. Kili stood up, and came over to me, and together we both carried him into an armchair away from the dining hall. He finally awoke, but he still looked a bit sick. “Are you okay, Bilbo?” I asked him, with a hint of concern in my voice. He gave me a weak smile. I gave him a smile. “Remember if there’s anything that you need, I’m here…” I said, reassuringly. He nodded. I bent down and I kissed his forehead. I saw Bilbo blush madly, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kili go a bit red as well. I smiled, at the both of them, as I left the room so that he and my father could talk. As I walked out, I snatched up an apple from the kitchen, because I didn’t have anything to eat for the longest time. I went back into the dining hall, and I sat myself down in between Kili and Fili, but I noticed that Kili had pulled the chair slightly closer to him, but Fili didn’t seem to notice.

“Is he alright?” Fili asked me.

“I’m sure he’s going to be quite alright, I think he is just overcome with excitement, that’s all…” I smiled, and Fili nodded. I noticed that it was getting dark, and the dwarves had all placed themselves in a room, where we would all spend the night, we were going to be leaving in the morning. Thorin was sitting over by the fire, and he began to sing. It was a very beautiful and powerful song.

Far over, the Misty Mountains cold,
To dungeons deep and caverns old,

We must away, ere break of day,

To find our long forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height,

The winds were moaning in the night,

The fire was red, it flaming, spread,

The trees like torches blazed with light

My eyes began to feel heavy, and I struggled to keep them open, but I found myself falling asleep. Even though I fought against it, the fire wasn’t helping very much. I soon found myself falling asleep on Kili.

“I’ve got her…”

“No, I’ve got her!”

I heard to people arguing. I figured that they were Kili and Fili. I was just too tired to argue or complain, or to even say that I didn’t care who was holding me. Finally, I felt someone’s strong arms wrap themselves around me. I felt myself being carried like I was a fragile porcelain doll. Whoever it was, carried me into a room, I could hear the creaky hinges of the door that seriously needed to be fixed. I felt my head hit a soft pillow, and a warm blanket being wrapped around me. I felt so warm, and comfortable. I managed enough strength to open my eye, to see who had carried me into the room. I smiled when I saw that it was Kili who had brought me into the room. Kili was standing over me, he bent down and he caressed my cheek. I felt myself blush a deep red.

“Get some sleep, Eleniel…We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. You’re going to need your strength…” I cracked a smile. He gave me a smile, and a half-hearted wink, and he left.

I closed my eyes, and I fell into a deep and restful sleep…