Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Entering Laketown

2 days later, I winced, as two of the maids tried to lace me into a dress. I sighed in frustration.

"Can you loosen it anymore?" I asked, through clenched teeth.

"It's already loosened as much as it can go!" One of the maids snapped. I felt a sharp pain, and tears leaked from my eyes.

"If you didn't eat too much, maybe you would actually fit into a normal sized dress..." Another one, snickered. Just then, I heard both of the maids quietly shriek, and I turned my head, to see the laces that they were using, ignite.

"You wanna swing that one by me, again?" I hissed. The two maids scurried out of the room, faster than I thought. I slipped off the dress, and I walked to the closet, and I pulled out a 'decent-sized' dress, and I slipped it on. It fit perfectly, except for the fact, that I couldn't get the laces up. I stood with my back to the mirror, and I tried to tie my dress. It was no use, and I dropped the laces in frustration. A knock came at my door, and I was too frustrated to even go answer it. Someone opened it, and I saw Kili.

"Can you help me?" I said, and I realized how helpless I sounded. I was a freaking Nercomancer, and I couldn't tie up a stupid dress. I really was hopeless. He chuckled, and I turned, so that I had my back to him. His fingers grasped the laces, but then he dropped them.

"What's that?" He asked.

"What's what?" I asked, not knowing what he was talking about. He placed one of his hands on my back, and he turned me towards the mirror. There. On my back, was a long, red ugly mark, from when the maid, had tried to tighten me into the dress.

"Oh, it must've been from when one of the maids tried to tighten me into one of the dresses..." I answered. He lightly ran his finger over the mark, and I winced. It stung! He looked at me in concern.

"It's nothing. I'm alright..." I lied. He didn't say anything else, and he turned me around, to lace me into my dress. I had scooped my dark hair, and I draped it over my left shoulder. I sighed.

"What's wrong, Eleniel?" Kili asked.

"I don't understand. Seems silly, doesn’t it? A festival. Given everything that’s going on. To them. To us. Why?"

"The more the reason to have one I guess. I guess, that they just want everyone, not to only think about the bad things that are about to happen, but to also remember that there is something good, out of all of this..." He trailed off, and his hands dropped from the laces of my dress. I turned around, and he smiled.

"You look beautiful..."

I blushed.

"Thank you..." His hand moved to cup my face, and he kissed me. I smiled, and I felt him smile as well. A knock at my door caused us both to jump apart, but we both smiled, when Dwalin looked in.

"Was I interrupting something?" Dwalin asked, almost as if he expected an answer. I blushed, and I looked down to find the hem of my dress very interesting. I tucked a strand of my hair, behind my slightly pointed ear, in embarrassment Kili smiled, before he turned to Dwalin.

"We'll be down in a minute..." Kili smirked. Dwalin nodded, and he stood outside the door. Kili quickly cupped my face, and kissed me, again. Almost roughly. He pulled away, and he touched my temple.

"Come on, let's get this over with..." He chuckled, as he placed one of his hands behind my back, and we followed Dwalin down. Thorin looked from the conversation that he was having with Balin, and he smiled at Kili. It was pretty rare to see him smile. At all.

"Go. Enjoy yourselves. We'll be leaving in the morning." Thorin said, and Kili nodded, before we both walked outside. BIG MISTAKE. Well, for Kili at least.

"There he is!" I heard one of the girls squeal, and I heard several others squeal as well. Kili began to push his way through the crowd.

"Run..." He smirked, and we ran through the crowds, slipping through, and past many people. Kili pulled me towards Fili, and I soon found myself face-to-face with Fili.

"It would seem that you had a run-in with Kili and I's fan club " Fili asked, and I looked down at our ruffled clothes. We both nodded, and he laughed.

"They can't like me!" Kili exclaimed.

"I'm already taken!" He added, as he pulled me closer to his side.

"That won't stop them. Believe me, I have tried to say that, but it doesn't work." He said, and I heard Kili groan, and I heard music begin to play.

"Try dancing..." Ori suggested, as he walked over to us.

"They probably won't notice you there." He added.

"I will try anything, if it will get them off our tails..." Fili sighed, as a girl walked up to him. Both Kili and Fili tensed to run, but I pulled back on Kili's hand.

"Wait..." I said, quietly. Kili looked at me like I was crazy, but he loosened up. When the girl didn't freak or anything, Fili smiled at her, and he held out his hand towards her.

"Would you like to dance?" He asked. She nodded, and they started to dance. Kili took my hand, and he pulled me in front of him.

"I find it cute, actually..." I smirked.


"The fact that you and Fili have your own fan club..." I smiled, and Kili scowled.

"You wouldn't find it cute, if you had a bunch of people chasing after you, all the time..." He smirked. I laughed, and I looked down to our feet.

"Kili. I honestly cannot dance for my life..." I confessed.

"That makes two of us, then..." He smiled, and I giggled. We danced for what seemed like hours, and we both went out in search for the rest of the Company. We found Balin telling the children about our journey.

"So, then we were completely surrounded by Goblins!" Balin said, and all the children gasped, and I smiled. I could see Thorin walking over to us, and I gave Kili a slight nudge, and he turned to face his uncle. He leaned close to my ear.

"There's been a man, that has been watching you for most of the day..." He smirked. I glanced over my shoulder, and there, standing with another group of people, was the very man that Thorin was talking about. Kili followed my gaze, and when he saw the man, he scowled, and the man turned away, and he continued chatting with the group that he was with.

"Easy Kili..." I muttered under my breath, and I felt his arm around me tighten.

"Having a good time, Uncle?" Kili asked, as he tried his very best not to look back over his shoulder. Thorin just nodded, and for the first time, he seemed to notice...Kili and I. Together. He smiled.

"Why did you not tell me about this Kili?" He asked, with a smile. Kili just turned red, and Thorin gave me a good-hearted clap on the shoulder, before he turned and walked away. Kili and I turned around, and we saw the same group of girls from before. Kili and I glanced at each other, before we both tore off in separate directions. After slipping through the crowd, we met up again. After a few more hours, of avoiding Kili and Fili's fan club, I saw Thorin walk up to the both of us.

"We're all heading back to the hall to sleep..." He said to the both of us, and we nodded, before we followed him back to the hall. I walked to my room, and Kili leaned on the door frame I nervously un-did my hair, and I let it ripple down my back. I walked behind the dressing screen, pulled on the laces, and I let the dress fall to my ankles, and it collapsed into a pool of red and gold. I pulled a nightgown over, and I stepped out. My hands shaking. It seemed as if this was the last safe place we were going to be.

"What's wrong, Eleniel?" Kili asked, as he wrapped his hands over my shaking ones.

"I'm just nervous...about tomorrow..." I said, and I felt his arms wrap around my back, and he held me.

"We'll be fine...All of us..." He promised, as he kissed my forehead. I smiled, and we both sat down on the edge of my bed, and I felt my eyelids growing heavy. Kili lay down on my bed, and he gently pulled me beside him. I snuggled in beside him, and his arm was draped over my shoulders.

"Get some sleep, Eleniel..." Was the last thing I heard, before sleep consumed me.