Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Leaving Laketown and a glimpse of the future

Today is the day that we left Lake Town, and we traveled by boat down the river.


Two days later, we rowed right up the Long Lake, and we passed out into the River Running, and we could see the Lonely Mountain, as it towered above above us, tall and grim. I stretched my hand into the water, and the water danced into beautiful patterns. *cover* At first, I retreated my hand from the water, and it turned back to normal. Interested, I cupped my hand into the water, and I once again drew my hand out of the water, and there. Resting in the palm of my hand, was a small ball of water, and swimming around inside of it, was a fish. I grinned. My powers were getting very interesting.


At the end of the third day; some miles up the river, we drew into the western bank, and we disembarked. Here, we were joined by the horses, with the provisions, and necessaries, and the ponies for our own uses; that had been sent to meet us. However, only later, did they realise that they were one horse short for us, and the one that was missing a horse...was me. But, I didn't mind, and I offered to just walk alongside them, but Thorin and Kili argued about it, until finally I agreed, and I ended up riding on a horse with Kili. I sat down in front of him, and both of his arms were wrapped around me, and his hands rested on my stomach, with the reins in his grasp. Finally, the constant motion of the horse finally lulled me to sleep.


A few hours later, I sat up, and my nose crinkled up in disgust. The stench of blood reeked the air. I stood up, and my legs gave out. I looked down and my legs were torn up and bloodied! I looked over, and I saw my sword strewn to the side, and I leaned over, and I picked it up. I used it to 'half-drag' and 'half-walk' around. There were dead, and bloody bodies everywhere. Bodies that belong to Wargs, Orcs, Goblins, and a few elves. But, there were no dwarves?! Where was I? I glanced over to my left, and I saw the beaten body of...Thorin!

"Thorin!" I shouted, as I hobbled over to him.

"Thorin! Thorin! What happened?!" I exclaimed, as I fell to my knees beside him. He didn't respond, and his head was lobbed over to his right, as if he was staring at something. I followed his gaze, and I found what he was staring at. I saw a body, pierced with black arrows that belong to Orcs. I crawled over to the body, and I saw his blondish hair, bloodied and tangled.

"Fili..." I breathed, as I leaned over and touched his face. It was cold, and lifeless.

"Oh my God, Fili! What happened to you?" I exclaimed; before an awful thought came to me. Kili...never left Fili's side... I looked over to my left, and a few feet away from Fili, I saw Kili, with his dark hair bloodied, and tangled, like Fili's.

"Kili..." I squeaked, as I crawled over to him, and I lay his head in my lap.

"" I sobbed, as I brought my forehead against his own. Blood trickled down my cheek, and I touched it; only to realize that I was crying blood. But, when my tears hit Kili, they turned back to normal.

"El...en..iel...." I heard Kili groan, and I snapped my head up.

"Kili...." I whispered, and his brown eyes partially cracked open, and a weak smile crossed his lips. His bloody hand came up, and it cupped my dirty cheek.

"You look beautiful, Eleniel..." He said faintly, as his facial muscles began to slacken.

"'t leave me...I love you...don't leave me alone..." I begged, as more and more tears streamed down my face. At that moment, I felt the life leave him. I sat there, stunned, at what had just happened. When it finally hit me, that Kili was actually gone, I collected him into my arms, and I cradled him to my chest. Fili was gone. Thorin was gone. The rest of the Company...I had no idea where they were, or what had happened to them. Gandalf was gone...Kili was gone. My parents: Manwë and Varda had deserted me. My biggest fear had finally happened. I was alone.


I snapped my head up, and I looked around. All of the company lay sleeping, around me. I sat up, and I rested my head in my hands.

"It was only a nightmare...It was only a nightmare..." I muttered under my breath, but when I felt a shiver go up my spine. Something wasn't right. I looked down ay my hands, and I almost screamed. They were caked with blood! What the hell did I do?! Then I remembered my nightmare. Had...I...seen...the future? Then, I remembered what I had read about Necromancers, being able to see the future...But, I could already see the future before I even found out that I was a Necromancer; but then again, I had never really loved anyone...before Kili, that is...


Oh my God. Kili died in my arms...correction...Kili DIES in my arms. I gripped my dark hair in my fingers, tightly. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks; and they splashed onto the front of my tunic. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned around and I came face-to-face with...Kili.

"Eleniel...are you alright?" Kili asked, as he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. I just looked at him, and my eyes pricked for more tears. I didn't want him to see me cry again, so I turned my gave sharply away from him.

"I'm alright..." I lied, as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, and still tears managed to escape my eyes.

"How long is it going to take you to tell me everything, Eleniel? You're not alright...What's bothering you, and please don't tell me nothing." he said, gently but firmly.

Without thinking, I threw my arms around his neck, and I started to sob into his shoulder.

"I...I...saw what happens in the future..and...something...something...terrible...happens.." I said, softly into his shoulder.

"What are you talking about, Eleniel?" He asked.

"" I started, but then I started again, and I changed my wording.

"You...die in my arms, Kili..." I said, quietly.


"You my arms, Kili..." I repeated, softly; before my arms tightened around him.

"I won't let this one come true, Kili. I will do as much as I can to prevent this from happening..." I promised.

"But, what if it does happen; but the other way around? Think about that, Eleniel!?" he said.

"I am! Kili! Listen to me. You have something that you have to stay around for, and you have something that I could only dream for."

"What is that, Eleniel? You have immort..."

"But I never wanted that! I never wanted any of that! I never wanted immortality! I never wanted a pair of black wings on my back! I never wanted to be a Necromancer! Don't you see!? I didn't have a choice. This is what I am, and this is what I am going to be for the rest of my miserable immortal life! All I ever wanted is what you have, Kili."


"A family, Kili. You have that. I don't."

"But..I thought that..."

"Yes, I did have parents, Kili. I DID. When chance came, they took it, and they deserted me. They left me alone! Kili...What I am trying to say is that, you have a family, and
they need you..."

"But that's where you're wrong, Eleniel. You do have a family..." He gestured towards the sleeping Company.

"We're that family..." I gave him a feeble smile, before I looked at the ground.

"You have done something very dangerous, Kili..."

"What have I done that is dangerous, Eleniel?" he sighed.

"You fell in love with a Necromancer, Kili. An Enchantress...a sorceress...a witch...In short, I'm dangerous, Kili."

"You're not dangerous, Eleniel..."

"You don't know what I'm capable of! I....I don't even know what I'm capable of..." I drifted off, and I turned my back to him. I felt his arms wrap around me, and he held me against his chest.

"You're not dangerous to me, Eleniel..." he said, soothingly, and I didn't have the strength to argue with him. I felt him lie down, and he took me with him. He planted a kiss in my hair.

"Get some sleep, love..." His repetitive breathing finally did the trick, and before I knew it, I was asleep.