Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...


The next morning, I was awoken at dawn, by my father. “Eleniel…time to get up…” He said, as he shook me gently. I was wide awake in mere minutes. He laughed, to see how eager I was. After discovering about what this mission was really about, I was actually so excited to go. “Alright then, change. Everyone else is in the hall. When you are done, go and get yourself acquainted once again. I on the other hand, have some last minute arrangements….” I nodded, and Gandalf left the room. I went to my pack, and I pulled out my extra pair of clothes that I had packed. At the bottom of it all, there was my silvery black cloak. I quickly changed, but when I pulled out my cloak, I saw something fall out. It was in a small leather bag. I picked it up and I opened it. In it was, a necklace, with a blue heart on it. I smiled at the sight of it. There was another necklace in there as well. It had a dragon on it.

I stared at the necklace for a while. Just then, I heard a knock at the bedroom door. “Come in…” I said, absentmindedly. I was staring in the mirror, trying to attach the ends of the chain together.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kili enter my room. I felt a blush begin to crawl up my neck. “Oh…sorry, Eleniel…sorry. I didn’t know that you were doing something, I should come back later…”

He said, sheepishly. “No…no…its fine. I was just trying to put something on. No, by all means you can come in…” He let out a sigh of relief.

“Sorry, I thought I was intruding…” I smiled,

“No, no it’s quite alright, I was just getting out the essentials that I needed. That’s all…” I said. He gave me a smile.

“You having some trouble, there?” He asked, teasingly. I made a face.

“Yes…” I said, turning back to face the mirror that was propped up against the wall. I heard Kili walk up behind me, and I handed him the necklace. Using one quick sweep of my hand, I scooped up my hair, and brought it to the top my head. I heard him take a breath, as he brought the heart around my arms, and around my neck. He attached the ends together, I looked in the mirror, admiring the necklace.

“Any more?” He asked.

“Oh, yes. There is one more…” I picked up the dragon necklace, and I turned to give it to him. That was when I noticed how close we were. I felt a blush crawl up my cheeks. I also noticed that Kili was also going a bit pink as well. I smiled, as I handed him the necklace. I turned back around to face the mirror, and I scooped up my hair, once again.

I felt his hands brush against my neck, as he once again, wrapped the chain around my neck, and he clasped the two ends together. I let go of my hair, and it cascaded down my back. The two necklaces looked beautiful together. I heard Kili take a deep breath. “You look lovely…” I heard him say. “Thank you……” I said, sheepishly. He cleared his throat.

“Um…we should get going…” He said.

“Yeah…let me just grab my pack, and lets go…”

I snatched up my pack, and my cloak, and I headed out the door, and into the packed hallway. As soon as I got out, I heard Balin calling my name. I walked over to him, and he handed me a large contract. I gave him a questioning look. I saw that there were two signatures at the bottom, which read: Thorin Oakenshield, and Balin, son of Funduin. “We just need you to sign here…” Thorin said, as he handed me a wet quill. “Just to confirm that you are part of the company…”

“Oh…of course…” I replied. I picked up the quill and I signed my name at the bottom, below Balin’s signature: Eleniel, daughter of Gandalf.

“Wonderful. Now, we are ready to head off…” Thorin declared. I looked around, and I noticed that someone was missing.

“Where’s Bilbo?” I asked. Balin gave me a look of despair.

“I am afraid that we have lost our burglar. He will not be accompanying us……” Balin was cut off from what he was saying, when my father reached over me, and took the contract out of my hands.

“That is not entirely true, Master Balin. I think that we may have yet a chance of convincing our Master Baggins after all…” My father said, and he sounded quite certain of it too. I was wondering on how my father was going to persuade Bilbo to come along. I saw Kili standing alone, so I snuck away from my father, and Thorin, and I stood beside him.

“I forgot to ask you this morning, but…Did you sleep well, last night?” I smiled, of course that Kili would ask me this, because he was the one on the first place, who carried me to the bed.

“Very well, thank you…”I smiled. Kili returned it, as I saw a small blush creeping up his neck. He ruffled his hair, and looked away. But as he did, he must’ve noticed that I had my sword at my waist.

“You can fight with a blade?” He asked me.

“Just because I am a girl, does not mean that it impossible for me to be able to defend myself in battle!” I said, pretending to sound offended. Kili blushed a beet red, for he thought that he did insult me.

“My apologies, Eleniel. I guess that it’s just that I have never met women who can protect themselves…That was until I met you, Eleniel…” His brown eyes lit up. I smiled, and I felt a blush try to crawl up my neck, but before we could say anything more, Thorin called for us to make our way outside.

“From here, our quest begins…” He said. I smiled.

This is where my adventure begins