Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

A Bet....

When we got outside, I saw Freya still waiting loyally by the gate. She saw me, and she let out a friendly neigh. I smiled, and with one quick leap, I sat on her saddle. And then we were off. Every now and then, I kept on looking back, expecting to see Bilbo behind us. “He’s not coming, child. Don’t have high hopes…” I turned to see Bombur.

“He’ll come…” I said, boldly.

"Oh ho, and you’re sure about that?” Bombur asked me.

“100% sure…” I smirked.

“Why don’t we put that to a bet, then?” He said, challengingly.

I smirked. “Fine, but I will have you know, that I have never, ever lost a bet.” I said, boldly.

“Not even one?” Kili asked me.

“Nope, not even one.” I replied.

“That might all change lassie…” Before I knew it, soon enough everyone had made a bet on whether or not Bilbo would be coming or not. I rode on next to Kili and Fili.

“What did you two bet?” I asked, curiously.

“He’ll come…” They said. I laughed. A quick few moments after, I heard a voice behind us.

“Wait!” Without even turning around, I smiled. I knew it. I knew that he was going to come along. Without using any magic. Bilbo ran over to us. “I signed it…” He said, as he handed the contract over to Balin, who smiled and nodded at Bilbo.

“Give him a pony…” I heard Thorin command, in his booming voice.

“What? Wait no!” Bilbo protested, but regardless Fili and Kili helped him up onto a pony, and Bilbo did not look happy.

“Come on, Bilbo! It’s just a pony…” I said, teasingly. He gave me a smile, and then I remembered something important. “Hey Bombur, I believe that you owe me something…” I said, smiling. Over his shoulder, he threw me a sack of gold, which nearly knocked off Kili and Fili’s heads, but with one quick sweep I caught it before it hit either of them. Fili thanked me, but Kili gave me a smile, and a quick wink, which made me redden.

“What’s that?” Bilbo asked.

“Just a bet that you wouldn’t come…” Father explained.

“What did you bet?” Bilbo asked my father. As if responding, my father caught a sack of gold, and winked at Bilbo, who just smiled, before sneezing loudly. I jumped, and Fili and Kili began to laugh.

“Not funny…” I said, trying to sound serious, which did not work out in my favor. Instead, I joined in with them. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bilbo search his pockets.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! We have to go back!” I gave Bilbo a confused look.

“Why?” Thorin asked.

“I forgot my handkerchief!” He said. I rolled my eyes at him. I reached into my pack, and I ripped off a piece of cloth, and I handed it to Bilbo.

“I don’t think that you will be seeing handkerchiefs, in a long time…” I said, smiling at Bilbo, who just nodded at me. As we were riding, I noticed a dead tree, barely standing on the side of the road. “Fili, Kili…” They looked up at me. I pointed to the dead tree. “Watch…” I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the dead tree, regrew. I looked down to see both Kili and Fili’s expressions, when they saw what had just happened. I laughed.

“Did you do that?” Kili asked me. I nodded.

“Wow…” Fili said, in amazement.

“That was something, Eleniel…” Kili said to me.

“Thank you…” I smiled, which caused Kili to redden.
We rode for some time, until we came by the mountains, and we stopped and made camp.

That night, we made camp by the side of the mountain. After we had eaten, I lay back in the grass, near the fire, trying to keep warm, I felt something heavy, but warm drop on me. I opened my eyes to see that Kili had dropped his cloak on me. I saw him turn around, and I gave him a smile, and I mouthed to him, “Thank you…” He gave me a smile, which I returned and I drifted off to sleep. I fell into a dreamless and restless sleep. A little while later, I awoke, and looking up, I saw that all the dwarves were staring at Thorin.

“The Pale Orc, what happened to him?” I heard Bilbo ask, from where he sat from the other side of the fire.

“He slunk back into the hole from whence he came… He died of his wounds long ago…” Thorin responded. I had no idea on what I had missed, but whatever it was, it was extremely important to Thorin. My eyes fluttered, and I drifted back off to sleep.

I was awoken the next morning, by a raindrop hitting me in the middle of the forehead. I spring awake, only to see that everyone else was still asleep. Well, everyone except for Kili. He was sitting under a tree, sharpening his sword. I smiled, and then I remembered his cloak. It was soaked. With a quiet snap of my fingers, it instantly dried. It was the least that I could do, after considering the fact, that he let me use it as a blanket, last night. I crept quietly over to him, and I threw his cloak to him. It landed in his lap, and he jumped. I smiled. He looked around to see where it came from, and his eyes strayed over to where I was sleeping the night before. When he noticed that I was missing, he knew that I was the one had thrown his cloak at him.

“Very funny, Eleniel…” He said, careful not to wake the others. I smiled, as I crept out from behind the tree. He gave me a smile, which I returned, then after that, I let out a yawn. Kili stifled a laugh. I gave him a look, which made him laugh quietly. I leant against the tree.

“What are you doing up so early, anyways?” I asked him.

“I could not sleep…” He said to me. I smirked.

“What about you? Why are you up so early?” He asked me, his brown eyes lightning up.

“I also could not sleep, and the rain woke me up…” I said which made him smile.

“What?” I asked him.

“I just thought that, you of all people would be able to do something about the rain…”

I was confused. “I can do something about the rain…” I said; he then raised his eyebrows at me. I smiled, I knew what he meant.

“How good are you with a blade?” He asked me. I smirked.

“Okay, I guess…” I said, for I did not how good I was compared to a dwarf.

“Why don’t we test that?” Kili asked me, with a hint of amusement in his voice. I smiled, as I drew my sword from my belt. He attacked first, which I effortlessly blocked. He attacked again, and I blocked again. This went on for a little while.

"I admit you are better than I thought..." I said,smiling.

“Then why are you smiling?” Kili asked me.

“Because I know something that you don't know…” I smirked.

“And what is that?”

“I am not left handed…” Quicker than sight, I switched my blade to right hand. The practice went on for a little while, until I was able to knock Kili’s sword out of his hand.

He held his hands up in defence, with a faint smile on his lips. I grinned. “Not bad…” I said, to Kili.

“Not bad yourself…” He replied. I went to go pick up his sword, but I didn’t know that Kili also went to as well, and our hands brushed by each other’s. I went red, as I drew my hand away from his. A faint smile was still on Kili’s lips. I stood up, and I went to go gather my things. A few moments after, everyone else in the company awoke. After a quick breakfast, we set off again. We were miserable…soaked, well I knew I was. One way or the other, some of the other dwarves found a way to be in a good mood.

“Mister Gandalf! Can’t you do something about this rain?” Dori called out.

“It is simply raining, Dori, and it shall continue to rain until the rain is done; otherwise you should find another Wizard…”

“Are there any? Other Wizards?” Bilbo asked.

“There are 5 of us…The most superior of our order is Saruman the White. And there are also the 2 Blues. Do you know I’ve quite forgotten their names!?” My father said. I laughed.

“And who is the fifth?” Asked Bilbo. My father thought for a quick moment, before responding.

“Well, that would be Radagast the Brown. He’s a gentle soul, although he does prefer the company of animals, to people…” My father explained.

Bilbo thought about this for a moment before asking, “Is he a great Wizard, or he is……more like you?” I laughed, as I gave Bilbo a playful swat on his arm.

“I think that he is a very great and clever wizard…” My father said, defensively. I rolled my eyes, laughing, as I pulled back, so that I was now riding next to Kili.

“So what was that all about last night? All that talk about some ‘Pale Orc’?” I asked him. Kili told me the story: As it turned out, Thorin had led an army to take back the Dwarf Kingdom of Moria, and he defeated the mightiest of enemies, Azog, the Pale Orc, the Defiler. I was amazed when Kili finished the story. Thorin as truly a King.

After a while, I was getting fed up with the rain. I closed my eyes, and began to think. Kili gave me a strange look. “What are you doing?”

Right on cue, I heard the Dwarves ahead of us, give a cheer. “It has stopped raining!” I heard Dori exclaim. I smiled; I knew that it had worked.

“But look!” Fili said, pointing to the left of him. Beyond the Company it was still raining. Gandalf turned to look at me. I smiled, as he understood what I had done.

“How is this possible?” Bilbo asked.

“Why don’t you ask my daughter, back there?” My father said. I gave him a look.

“You’re doing this?” Bilbo asked me. I nodded.

“But how?”

“I can’t say…” I said, simply. They all looked at me, with question marks in their eyes, but I was firm. They all turned back around.

“How can you do that?” Kili asked.

“That was incredible…” I smiled.

“I can do things a normal person, cannot do…”
♠ ♠ ♠
Basically how the practise between Eleniel and Kili went....