Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Radagast the Brown

We walked, well I hopped further and after a while, I noticed a cave. Nope, I didn’t see it, I could smell it. I crumpled up my nose in utter disgust.

“That’s definitely a Troll cave!” I said. Kili gave me a look.

“Are you sure?” “I can smell it from here. I am positive that it is a Troll cave. There was a slight step, and Kili grabbed a hold of my arm, and he helped me down the step. Boy, I hated being a cripple. I looked all around, and I saw gold scattered all around the dirt. Old swords were strewn on the ground as well. I noticed that the Dwarves had started to dig. They filled a chest with gold, and they put it in the hole that they dug up. I saw Thorin pick up a sword, and he examined it closely.

“This is not made by Trolls nor Dwarves. Neither by Men… The Elves made it…” He had a look of disgust on his face, which burned me. Little did he know that he was speaking ill of my kin.

“There are no better swords than that! I have one just like it, and they are perfectly fine…” I said, with a hint of defence in my voice. Thorin gave me a strange look. I began to look through what was strewn across the ground. I saw a few bows; some broken, some fine. I saw a few gold rings and a few other odd items. I stepped on something, and I looked down to examine what I had stepped on. It was an old book. I bent over and picked it up. The Title was in elvish, I could easily translate it, but before I could translate what it said, Kili called my name.

“Eleniel! Are you coming?”

“Yes! Yes!” I called up; I quickly stuffed the book into my bag. I reached the small step, and I saw Kili’s outstretched hand. I grabbed it, and he helped me up the step. We began to walk, until we heard the sound of someone walking through the forest. I snatched up my bow, and laced an arrow on it, ready to be fired. Just then, a few rabbits, a sled, and a man with a birds nest in his hat came out of the bushes, and he stopped in front of us. I smiled, as I lowered my bow.

“Ah, Radagast…” I heard my father call out to him.

“Ah, Gandalf…” His gaze went to me.

“I don’t believe that we have met before…I am Radagast the Brown, and you are my dear…?”

“Oh…I am Eleniel, daughter of Gandalf…” I replied, with a slight bow.

“Ah…the famous Eleniel…” I smiled. “The one and only…” I said, with a hint of amusement in my voice.

“Is it true what you can do?” He asked me in wonder.

“What? You mean what I can do with the elements? Oh yeah, all that talk is true…”

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but will you show me?” I laughed.

“Of course!” I snapped my fingers, and a flame appeared above my hand.

“It is true then, there is still one who can…” I was confused by what he had said, but I did not have the time to ask him by what he meant, because he had left to go talk to my father. I did not catch their conversation, because I propped myself against a nearby tree, and I examined my leg. It was just a bad sprain, thankfully there was nothing broken. The only thing that was broken were a few of my ribs. In the distance, I heard a howl. One that will always send shivers down my back. Kili wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

“Were those wolves?” Bilbo asked, in fear.

“No, not wolves. Wargs…” I said, wincing at the sudden pain that shot up my leg.
Just then, I saw a Warg behind Bilbo, and everyone else saw it as well. Before any of us knew what had happened, the Warg jumped onto a dwarf. I snatched up my bow, and before anyone saw what had happened, three arrows were sticking out of the Warg’s now dead body. Everyone turned to face me, my bow tightly encased in my hand.

“That was a scout, which means that a pack isn’t far behind!” They all turned to me.

“Get her out; there is no way that she can heal herself quickly!” Thorin said to the Company. A white light engulfed my leg, and I looked pretty satisfied, as did my father.

“What was that?” Balin asked.

“I just healed my sprain, I can run, with a little bit of pain…I am fine though…” I said, to the surprise to the others.

“Go! I’ll distract them!” Radagast said.

“Those are Gondolian Wargs…” I reminded him.

“But, these are Rhosgondel Rabbits…” I gave him a strange look.

“Now go!” He ordered.

We didn’t doubt him for a second; we all dashed out of the forest.