Status: You don’t know what it’s like to not know who your parents are, and then find out, and find out why people always avoided the topic of them, you find out what you are, and realize that you wish that you never knew who or what you were ~Eleniel All rights go to J.R.R Tolkien

Falling in Love With a Necromancer...

Rivendell *Part 1*

Eleniel’s Point of View

Gandalf led us into Rivendell, over the bridge, which I remember from a long time ago. We walked, well everyone else walked, Kili carried me up to the square, and an Elf that I faintly recognized, walked up to us. I looked at Thorin and he had a look of disgust on his face. I hated that the Dwarves distrusted the Elves completely because of something that happened years and years ago. “My Lord Elrond is not here…” The Elf said. Just then, we heard a horn blow, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw some Elves on horses ride our way. I smiled, for the leader was Elrond.

“I can see him now…” Kili smirked. I grinned. The Elf looked at me, and he smiled at me.
“Nice a' see lle again, Eleniel. Welcome n'alaquel a' Rivendell…” He said to me. I smiled.

“Thank you. It is sai quel a' be n'alaquel…”I replied. The Dwarves looked at me like I was nuts. Even Kili gave me a strange look. Which I chose to ignore. I noticed that Elrond was riding pretty fast, towards us.

“Protect them!” Thorin shouted. Bilbo and Kili were pushed into the circle of dwarves. I was upset about this. Elrond and his men were not going to hurt us.

“Mithrandir!” Elrond said, as he dismounted off his horse, and he walked towards Gandalf, and he hugged him. Kili and Bilbo were pushed back away from Gandalf. “How is Eleniel?” Elrond asked.

“Well…” My father began, but I cut him off.

“I am doing well, Lord Elrond, nothing really new and exciting…” I said, with a hint of amusement. All the Dwarves turned to face me. Kili stood me up, and he kept one sturdy arm around me. Elrond walked through the crowd of Dwarves, and he smiled at me.

“Calathiel, it has been a sai an coiasira since your tella visit…” He said to me.

“Yes lle ier right it has been a re'na since amin have laid my eyes no' Rivendell amin am afraid amin have missed sina yamen' ilya too well...” I replied, with a smile on my face.

“Trust me; lle will receive a urnu creoso tuulo' ilya en' lye sinome…” He said, reassuringly.

“That is quel a' know. That i' courtesy en' i' quessir has il changed er bit…” I smiled, which Elrond returned. Elrond turned away from me, and he turned to Thorin, who was glaring at Elrond and I.

“Welcome, Thorin, son of Thrain, son of Thror, I knew your father…”

“Do you…?” Thorin said, a bit surprised at this news. “He never told me about you…” His voice was laced with a bit of venom. Elrond ignored that, and he turned and whispered something to his servants.

“What are you saying? Are you cursing us?!” Oin yelled, accusingly. I rolled my eyes, and I sighed.

“Why must you think that everything that they say, that you do not understand is an insult…?” I said, defensively. All the dwarves turned to look at me, with a look of confusion in their eyes. “It’s true though…” I muttered.

“I asked them to lead you to lunch, you must be hungry…” Elrond replied, patiently. I was actually a bit surprised on how patient Elrond was being. The Dwarves started to discuss what they were going to do. Some of them were thinking that the Elves were going to poison them. I sighed, I was getting a little fed up on how they kept thinking things like that.

“Oh, for goodness sakes! That are not going to poison you!” I blurted out. Everyone stopped talking to look at me. “It’s true…” I mumbled.

“Well, in that case…Bring us to it…” Oin said. Before Elrond led the Dwarves to the meal, he noticed my wound. He whispered something to a pretty elven maiden, and she came to his side.

“Eleniel, will be healed, and returned to you, by then…” Elrond said reassuringly. The maiden walked over to me, and she gently took my hand, and she led me away from the group. She brought me to a healing room, and she sat me down.

“So we’re just going to dress your wound, and then you can bathe if you wish, and you can choose a dress for dinner…” She said. I nodded, and she noticed my necklaces. “Those are lovely…” She said to me, I smiled.

“Thank you…” I whispered.

“I’m Amarië by the way, but most people call me Vanya…” She said to me.

“Amarië… that’s a lovely name…” I smiled.

“Thank you…” She smiled. She handed me a goblet.

“Drink this, Eleniel…” She instructed, gently. I took the goblet from her, and I downed it quickly, with one gulp. I made a face, and Amarië laughed. I smiled, thats when I felt it. The bones in my ribs were slowly repairing themselves. She grabbed a roll of gauze, and she wrapped it around my wound, and she stood me up. I wobbled at first, but then, I got used to standing, and I was able to walk. Amarië, took my hand, and she led me to a bathing room. There was a bath, awaiting me, and a few dresses laid out on the bench near by a mirror.

“When you are done, call me and I will escort you to where they are eating…” She turned and walked away. I changed and I sat down in the bath. I washed out the dirt, dust, oil, and blood out of my hair. I got out of the bath, and I changed:

I stepped out of the bathing room, and I called Amarië’s name. She came ‘round the corner, and she smiled at me. “You look lovely…” She smiled, as she led me to where the Dwarves were dining. A hush fell over the Dwarves, as I entered. Damn it! I thought. Why do I have to be the certain of attention all of a sudden… Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Kili’s gaze was fixated on me…

Kili’s Point of View
I sat at the table, waiting anxiously for Eleniel to come at eat with us. I was hoping that her wound was not overly serious. When I saw the same elven maiden who took Eleniel, enter where we were eating, I thought that Eleniel would be close by, but when I saw her. Standing there, my heart just grew at the sight of her. She looked beautiful. She sat down beside me, and she looked nervous. “You look beautiful…” I whispered to her. She turned to look at me, her nervousness gone.

“Thank you, Kili…” She whispered back. I felt a blush crawl up my neck, and I also noticed that Eleniel’s face was going a bit red as well…

Am I falling for Eleniel?
Little did I know that Eleniel, was thinking a thought along the same lines, as mine.
Am I falling for Kili?