Status: Completed.

The Forbidden Fruit

Pleasing news

I sat by his side, feeding him some mock turtle soup, a delicacy for the peasants. He looked well compared to before. He was still coughing though. I remained strong for him though, even with the knowledge that he was going to soon be reunited with mother and everyone else.
"Sister," he coughed as I wrapped him in a blanket, "where is Gwendolyn? I do not see her here. I would love to see her before..."
He stopped speaking and shook his head, "I apologize. I did not mean to-"
I just hugged him.
"Do you hear that sister?" he asked, quickly changing the subject. I had not heard anything until he pointed it out to me. I could hear a carriage approaching. I walked towards the window to find a rather expensive looking carriage outside. It looked like that of the queen. A woman walked out, dressed in the finest dress I had ever seen. Though she was looked rather old, I could tell that she had once been a beautiful woman when younger. Her hair was grey, short and in lovely curls that complimented her face.
She wore a hat with a nice veil in front. I wondered what business she had with Darius. The horseman opened the other carriage door and out came Portia with a man. They linked arms. I assumed that he was probably her husband. He was dressed like a gentleman, his tailored suit completed with a large hat. In his free hand was a briefcase. They all walked with their heads held high. I could expect nothing less from them.
I watched as Demelza walked out to great the old woman. She curtsied at the woman and said something, but the woman continued walking, not even giving Demelza a second glance. The door was slammed shut and I turned from the window to find Darius hyperventiliating with his back against the door.
"What is the matter?" Albert asked, his hand covering his mouth.
Darius lifted his hand as he tried to control his pants.
"Avery," he said, breathing heavily, "Avery my brother-in-law will be checking your condition. I thought that he was going to come alone with Portia, but it seems they fetched Mother on the way here. Elise. No matter what, do not draw any attention to yourself. Promise me that."
I had never seen Darius look so scared. I nodded my head and wondered what kind of relationship he had with his mother. Demelza had mentioned that he had drove her out of the house. If that was the case, then why did he seem so frightened.
"You and your mother?" I inquired. He gave me a dangerous glance so I dropped the topic immediately.
"Also, Elise, mother should never find out that you are Albert's older sister," he said, "that is if Portia has not informed him already. I took the liberty of buying you a new uniform. I have left it on your bed. You shall temporarily be a nurse until Mother leaves. That way you can spend time with Albert."
I wondered why he was taking such measures. I also wondered why he was so uneasy. It was unlike him. There was a knock at the door.
"Damn you Count," he muttered under his breath, "Elise, hide under Albert's bed. I will tell you when to come out."
I did as I was told. Being tiny, it was quite spacious for me. The door was opened as Avery and Portia entered. I peeked from underneath and caught a glimpse of the Darius' mother.
"Will you not come in Mother?" Darius asked as he bowed.
She did not answer him. She was staring right through him and straight at Albert.
"Hm," she said before walking away.
Portia laughed as Darius closed the door.
"Count D'Aubigne sure did a number on you Darius," Portia snorted as she pulled out a chair and sat down, "I can not wait to see how everything unfolds. Since the fun has already begun, I might just accidently tell mother that your mistress is in fact-"
"Silence!" Darius interjected icily, now back to himself. If Portia had spoken any further, it would have affected my relationship with my siblings.
"I have finished checking him," Avery, Portia's husband said as he closed his briefcase, "the symptoms point to tuberculosis, but that is not the case. I can induce that he may have worked in a factory without any protective gear. As a result, chemicals entered his body. His body is trying to get rid of these chemicals, thus showing symptoms of TB. I can prescribe a drug to him that will have flush the chemicals out of his system in a month or two. He will also need to follow a certain diet that I will set out for him."
"Thank you sir," Albert said.
"Oh Avery my love, I knew that only you could do this," Portia said, "come let me show you the room I grew up in. This is your first time here is it not."
"I will return to check on you after supper Albert," Avery said as he left with Portia.
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So glad I have finished my exam today. I have officially finished my first year of university. On holiday till September. YAAASSS!!!! So you will be getting a lot of updates. Thank you for the recommendations as well. THEY MEAN A LOT!! Hint hint ;) and also the people who continue reading :) bless your souls.