Status: Contains some strong language.

She Has the Best Life.

Well What Happens Now?

As she packs her bags Sidney reminisces about her life in Nevada. The good and the bad goes by, the bullies and Billy. She didn't even say goodbye to him! She couldn't bare the pain. The feeling of never seeing him again or ever feeling the soft touch of his skin against hers. She wishes he could come but the group has already done so much and don't forget about his family, they would never let him go away with some random girl.

Sidney is leaving in two days. Just enough time to finish at school tomorrow and get the rest of her stuff packed. Every time Sidney finds something that has a memory to it, she sits there for about ten minutes thinking about what memory it brings back. Some of them are of her family, she just finds them scattered around the house. She goes up to the attic and looks through most of the stuff. Most of it is baby junk so she leaves it out side for anyone to take as their own. However she finds a big trunk that she decides to go through. She finds old letters and postcards. Birthday cards written to everyone including herself. But the ones addressed to Sidney weren't even opened were just screwed up and some ripped apart. Some of the letters were to an adoption agency about Sidney, some were to other family members from her parents about how much of a mistake Sidney was and about how much they want to abandon her.

A tear slowly runs down her cheek, but as she wipes one away another forms and slowly makes its way down her face. Sidney thinks how much of a mistake she was to the whole world not just her family. She found a diary all about her. One entry reads....

Dear diary,
What am I thinking? Giving her up? She is a life form. I know I didn't want her or expect her but she is my daughter.
What am I saying, she is a disgrace, a mistake to all of mankind. She won't get anywhere in life. She sits in the corner at school and doesn't speak to anyone. She won't have a love life or a friend to stay at when I don't want her. I don't want a disgrace, I don't want the mistake that the fucked up man gave me. I have no time to take her up for adoption. I can't believe I will do this but I have to, I can't live with her in my life it's not just that I don't like her but I can't have her growing up with such a bad life. This sounds like crap and like I'm a fucked up dick that don't want to raise a kid. I have to, it's settled I'm moving to L.A and will die there. I know you will never read this but I'm sorry Sidney, I truly am sorry.

This breaks her heart. If she had a real family, they would be there to pick up the pieces and help mend it. Well if she had a real family her heart wouldn't even be broken! She keeps the diary and all the new information of her birth mother, she thought that if she kept it, she would find her mother, she is determined!

That's it Sidney has gone through everything all she has left is school tomorrow then leaving early morning Friday.
Just to face school tomorrow, Billy, the Bullies....
♠ ♠ ♠
Some sort of twist, not the best, pretty rushed, please subscribe and give me ideas, keep getting stuck
Thankyou xoxox