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Off With Her Head

Off With Her Head

I wake up next to the rocking horsefly and the dragonfly fighting next to my ear. I bat them away, trying not to hurt them. I tap Jefferson on the shoulder, but no response. He's way too tired. After all the unbirthdays we've celebrated, its no wonder he's so exhausted. I stand up and stretch my arms and my legs. I decided to go for a walk around the familiar paths of Wonderland and gather berries to decorate more cakes for more unbirthdays.

I start picking sizzle berries, fizzy berries, fire berries, frozen berries, green berries, and so many other berries of different colors, textures, and sizes. As soon as I had enough in my basket I start to walk the path back to the Jefferson's house. But, I hear a cry for help in the distance. I walk to the sound and set my basket on the ground. It was the white rabbit, he was caught in a metal trap.

"How did you get like this?"

"I was walking through the woods and I found some carrots and well... the rest is pretty obvious," he said, appearing to be ashamed of himself.

I look at the trap thoroughly and tried to find a way to get the rabbit out. I fiddle with the trap to see if theres anything to open the cage. I feel something tugging on the cage through. Like it was caught on something. I see that the top of the cage had a rope attached to it and tied to a tree branch. Every time I tugged back on it, I would hear jingling.

"Seize her!" The rabbit told me to run and so that what I did. The red queen used the white rabbit to lure me into the real trap. Her card guards chasing after me as if their heads depended upon it.

I run along the edge of the river, away from Jefferson's house. I can't let them get to him. I can't let anything happen to him, I would rather die. At that moment, I felt like I was running like the wind. Love can make you do anything, especially true love.

I turn around for a split second, they were out of sight. As soon as I thought I was safe. I start running to see Jefferson's house.

"Jefferson," I said as I came through the door. There was only silence. I walk into the dining area and the queen was standing next to Jefferson. He was tied up and gagged.

"Ah, Alice. You're finally here. Good girl. You and this man have been very bad. Stealing my tarts and causing havoc in my kingdom, but I'm willing to let the Hatter off the hook if you just come with me."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I will rip the Hatter's heart out and crush it until its powder." Jefferson was shaking his head, he doesn't want to to go with the red queen.

"I'll go with you. Just leave Jefferson alone."

"You're willing to sacrifice yourself for him? How revolting. Let the Hatter go and tie Alice up," the queen said and the guard untied Jefferson.

"Alice, what do you think you're doing," Jefferson said.

"I have to, Jefferson. I love you," I said before the guard put a red cloth over my mouth so I wouldn't talk. I see a tear running down his face. He knew what would happen to me next, off with my head.

The guard carried me to the queen's carriage that also had what looked like a holding cell attached to it. I suppose that cage is for me. The guard threw me in the cage and locked the door. I take one last look at Jefferson. One of the guards is holding onto him so he wouldn't try to save me.

The ride ends near the castle gates where a wooden block was waiting for me and a basket at the end waiting for my head. The executioner was sharpening his ax and stared at me. The guard yanked me out of the cage on wheels and threw me on the block. I didn't hesitate. If I did, Jefferson would pay the price.

The executioner swung his ax high, and swung it back down....


"Whats wrong?" I look around and I see myself back in Jefferson's room. I sit up and my hand reached for my neck and my head.

"It looked like you were having another memory. This one seems particularly bad."

"I had my head chopped off." Jefferson pulled the bed covers over us and he just held my close to him. I hear his heart beat clear as a bell. I look up at him and I plant a kiss on his lips. I thought he would be a little more surprised, but he kissed me back and tangled his hand in my hair like it was the most natural thing to do. I cup his face gently in my hands and his free arm wrapped around my waist and I felt his hand on my back, pushing us closer to each other. We pulled apart and we just looked at each other. I held him and laid my head on his chest. I held him so tightly and didn't want to let go.
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I hope you liked this chapter :)