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Off With Her Head

Was it Just a Dream?

"C'mon, Jefferson! They're right behind us!" The red queen's guards were chasing us after we were caught stealing her cranberry tarts for our tea party. I just laugh while Jefferson is running by my side and holding onto the hat on his head. It seems like he has a new hat for everyday.

"Under here!" Jefferson and I slipped under a hole we had dug to avoid touching the walls of the maze. We reach the other side and we ran as fast as we could.

I woke up on the couch, confused about what I dreamt just now. Jefferson was there and everything was beautiful. Clear blue skies, smiling bright sun, grass that seemed as green as jelly candy. Jefferson wore that familiar hat only it was slightly different. Every color in my dream seemed intensified.

I check the time and its around eleven o'clock in the morning. I get my grey wool sweater from my bag and put it on. I go to the kitchen to find Jefferson drinking tea and reading a book.


"Good morning, dear. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good. I had a really weird dream. I want to talk to you about it." He tilts his head to the chair on the other side of the table. I sit down.

"You were in it and we were running from these guards. There armor was black with red marks on them. Like one of them had a heart, another had a spade...."

"...You 'dreamt' of us running away from the queen's guards," he interrupted.

"I suppose so. We stole something from the red queen...."

"...I didn't say she was the red queen."

"Will you stop interrupting me? It's rude," I said. He laid back in his chair with his tea and remained silent.

"We stole some tarts from her for a tea party, we crawled under the wall of her maze and we kept running. Thats it." He didn't say a word, just smiled.

"You remembered something. Not all of it, but something."

"It was just a dream."

"If it was just a dream, then why go to me?"

"I don't know...."

"...Did the dream seem real? Did it feel like you've stolen the queen's raspberry tarts?"

"They were cranberry actually," I meekly said.

"How do you know?" I didn't know. Its like I already knew. I just keep silent, trying to search for a logical answer.

"Exactly. You're Alice. Which is why I refuse to call you by your cursed name. What kind of name is Annaline?"

"A pretty name, the name I was given when I was born."

"Well, it sounds made up to me." I just laugh. How ironic, Jefferson? Jefferson gets out of his chair and looks in the fridge.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I just realized I haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I'm starving.

"What are you in the mood for?"

"I feel like eggs, bacon, and toast. Does that sound good?"

"Yes. Thank you," I said without hesitation.

"Its not everyday I get to make breakfast for two, you know." He takes four eggs out of the fridge and a package of bacon and sets them on the counter.

"Do you want me to help?"

"If you want to." I get up and start unwrapping the bacon from its package. Jefferson starts cracking eggs onto the hot pan.

"Hand me four strips of bacon, please." I do as I'm told and he puts them in the pan with the eggs. The smell was amazing.

"Someone looks hungry," he laughed.

"I am. I haven't eaten since yesterday morning."

"Oh my, I probably should have made more eggs and bacon. Can you make the toast?" I take out four slices of bread and put them in the toaster. Jefferson has already put the food on plates and put them on the table. I take the toast and put them on our plates. I started digging in, but I try to eat slowly and more mannerly.

"Can I ask you something?" I just nod my head.

"Have you had dreams like the one you had last night before?" I chew and swallow some food, then answered;

"Nope. Last night was the first. I don't know if they'll be the last."

"Of course it won't be the last. Can ask you something else?"

"Go ahead."

"Do you remember any childhood memories? From this world at least. Do you remember going to school, growing up?"

"From this world? You mean the real world."

"There are many worlds, realms, dimensions if you will. Some with magic, some without. Do you have any memories from this realm?"

I think back to when I found Cheshire, my mom yelling at me about art school, me packing my bag, and me coming to Storybrooke. That was it. I try to think further back, but nothing.

"Anything?" I stay silent. I really don't want him to go on about how he thinks I'm Alice from Wonderland and how he's the Mad Hatter. That really is starting to get on my nerves. I finish breakfast and excuse myself to anywhere but the kitchen. I wish I could go outside, I wish I could see Cheshire and see him play with his ball of yarn, and I wish I could go home. I go upstairs to try and find my cat.

"Cheshire? Sweetie? Where are you?" I open every door, hoping Cheshire will run out of any of them.


"He's not upstairs." I turn to see Jefferson right behind me.

"Then, where is he? I want my cat!"

"You always missed your cat," he said looking in the distance, like he's remembering something.

"The cat you had in the world you came from was named Dinah. By the way, Cheshire is a she, not a he."

"Oh, okay then. Well where is she?"

"She's sleeping in my room. Do you want me to go get her?"

"Yes, please. I haven't seen my cat in days."

"Alright, just wait here and I'll go fetch her." Jefferson walks out of the room and shuts the door behind him. I just keep wondering, Should i wait for him to come back or plot my escape. But I really miss my kitten. I'll plot my escape when I get Dinah back.