Status: It's processing...

Off With Her Head

Not so Bad

I've been figuring out how I can escape this place. I need to get out of here. I've tried the windows, they've been nailed shut. Then, I figured a big house like this would have more than one door. I could sneak out of this room and look for it, but Jefferson might be back any minute and he might have my cat. I couldn't just snatch her away and then look for way out, thats too reckless. I need a well thought out plan, but that would take time, days, maybe weeks. Who knows what will happen to me in a week. I could go mad or die.

Calm down, Anna. You're just assuming the worst. Maybe you'll be alright. Maybe you'll be free. but what if this guy is more insane than I thought? What if he kills me?

Trying to assure myself that I'll be okay was proven useless. I started to hyperventilate and my hands began to tremble.

"Help me..." I said quietly. I tried to scream, but it felt like every breath was being sucked out of me. My heart was racing.

I need my medication. Where is it? I shouldn't have left home without getting another prescription. Stupid stupid stupid! I think I left them in my bag.

In my desperation, I call out to Jefferson.

"Jefferson... please help me... I can't breathe...." I didn't hear footsteps. I try to scream louder.

"Jefferson! Help me!" I hear him running to the room. The door swung open and Jefferson ran to my side.

"What is it? Whats wrong?"

"I'm having a panic attack...."

"What should I do? Do you need to lie down?"

"I need my medication... check my bag." The trembling in my hands intensified and they began to tingle. Jefferson runs downstairs and I hear him rummage through my duffle bag. I hear him getting frustrated. What if I didn't bring my medication? Oh man, what am I going to do?

"I can't find anything," he shouted from downstairs.

"Then just...." My mind was blank.

"...Just get some water, please," I cried.

I heard a small meow right next to me. I feel my cat rub its head against my trembling hand.

"Chess?" I heard her meow again. She's okay.

"Alice?" Jefferson came in with a glass of water. I take it and took small sips. I started to take deep breaths and more small sips.

"Are you alright?" I only nod my head. I started to calm down a little bit, but my heart is still pounding, hurting my chest. The trembling in my hands start to fade away, but not completely. I take more small sips of water and took more deep breaths.

After about ten more minutes, I calmed down, but I felt drained of my energy. Thats what anxiety attacks do to me. It make me feel tired, sick, and weak. Jefferson put me in bed and told me to try to sleep.

"But I can't sleep. Just because I'm tired physically, doesn't mean I'm sleepy."

"You sound like my daughter. She wouldn't go to sleep unless I read her a story and gave her a kiss goodnight."

"Can we just sit and talk? I still feel a little rattled."

"Alright. What do you want to talk about?"

"Talk about what happened in Wonderland, please." He just stared at the floor and swallowed words I'm sure he wanted to say, but suppressed them. Instead he said;

"Why would you want me to talk about it if you don't even believe me," he said as more of a statement than a question. He then proceeded to stare at me, waiting for me to retort.

"I'm just curious...."

"I don't see the point, so I won't bother. Just sleep for now and I'll check on you later." He closes the door and I climb up to the bed. My body will not permit me to sleep. I keep jolting awake from my anxiety. Chess snuggled up to me and I felt more comfortable listening to her consistent purring. It was so soothing that I fell into a deep sleep.
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Sorry its been a while. I've had really bad writer's block. i'm working on another chapter as well as a brand new chapter for "Ruled." I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will enjoy chapters to come :)