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Off With Her Head

Going into Town

After tea and after arguing on whether or not Jefferson should tell me what happens to Alice, he decided we should go into town or I should rather. Since he doesn't want to run into Emma Swan again, he won't take any chances unless its safe again. I found it surprising that he trusts me not to run away.

"Can I bathe first?"

"Yes, if you go up the stairs, you make a right and its the last door on the left."

"Thanks," I said as I grabbed my duffle bag and walked up the stairs. I turn right and went through the last door on the left side of the hall. I turn on the lights and look in the bathroom mirror. I looked horrible. My hair was greasy, my eyeliner is smeared, and I looked so sad.

I turn on the water to the perfect temperature, get undressed, and stepped in the shower. I lather the soap into the wash cloth and clean all over. I wash and condition my hair and I just stood there. I thought about my dream. How much my heart seemed to flutter when I thought of Jefferson smiling, how much I felt myself blush whenever he got near me, the way I'm giggling because he pulled my chair out and back in when I sat down like a true gentleman.

I start to think of him and Alice or me... whoever. I imagine him and I drinking tea with the March Hare celebrating someone's unbirthday like in the Disney film. When we were done with our tea, we would all move a seat or two down the table. Jefferson would drink tea that made him breathe fire.

I get out of the shower with a smile on my face and got black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, under wear and bra, a blue flannel, and wool socks out of my bag. I take my eyeliner and drew a thin line on my top lid and put on some mascara. I fixed my wet hair and let it dry on its own. I put my dirty clothes in my bag and walk out the door where Jefferson was waiting for me.

"Since you're going into town, I'm giving you a phone to call only me when you need to."

"Thank you," I said quietly. I feel nervous around him now. I'm starting to grow feelings for him.

"Are you alright?" I might as well tell him. He knows I'm hiding something.

"When I was in the shower. I thought about us in Wonderland. I guess I imagined it. We were drinking tea celebrating an unbirthday." Jefferson just smiled brightly at me.

"You're remembering when you're awake."

"That was just me imagining it. It doesn't mean it's a memory...." I was interrupted by Jefferson planting a kiss on my lips. I push him away gently to grasp the situation.

"I'm going to go into town." I start walking down the stairs and to the door.

"Promise me you'll come back. Promise me." I open the door slightly.

"I promise." I smiled at him and closed the door behind me. I walk away from the house and walked straight into town.

I look around and I see a lot of people. I man with an umbrella walking his dog.

"Good afternoon," he said as I walked past him, waving. I smiled brightly and I walked into a place called Granny's diner. I go up to the counter and a woman with red streaked hair came up to me.

"Would you like a menu?"

"Yes, thank you." I smiled as she handed me a menu and walked away to talk to a man at a table behind me. I look at the desserts and I'm really in the mood for a slice of chocolate creme pie. I'll take two slices for Jefferson and me. They're both three dollars each. I reach into me jacket pocket and pulled out a ten.

"Excuse me, Miss?" The woman turned around in annoyance and walked back to behind the counter.

"Can I have two chocolate creme pies to go?"

"Sure you can. That'll be six even." I hand her the ten and she goes to the register and comes back with my change, which there seems to be none.

"Excuse me. I hate to be a pain, but where's my change?"

"Think of it as the tip." I feel somebody place their hand on my shoulder.

"Give the young lady back her change, dearie." The woman went back to the register and handed me four dollars and walked away.

"Thank you, but its only four dollars. You really didn't need to Mister...."

"Gold. Mr. Gold," he said extending his hand. I shake his hand.

"And whats your name? I don't believe I've seen you in Storybrooke before."

"Her name is Annaline," said a familiar voice. I turn my head to the door and my worst nightmare has been brought into light.


"You, young lady, are coming home with me."

"I don't think I am." She just stares at me.

"Excuse me, Mr. Gold. I need to speak to my daughter alone."

"Of course. Nice to meet you, Miss Annaline. Nice to meet you as well," Mr. Gold said shaking my mother's hand. He walks out the door and the red headed woman walked away in an awkward silence.

"I can't believe you ran away. Do you know how much you've embarrassed me?" I notice Jefferson walking in and sitting at a table. Panic began to wash over me. What the hell is he doing here?

"So your only worry was not that I could've been dead, but that I've embarrassed you. Wow! Grade A parenting, mom."

"I will not have you speak to me like that, Annaline. I am your mother."

"Could've fooled me. You never acted like one. You used to dump me on a nanny when you couldn't deal with me until I was old enough to be alone at home." She then grabbed my arm and pulled me outside.

"How dare you, you ungrateful brat. I gave you everything and you repay me by running away from home and disobeying me? We are going home and we are applying for law schools! Get in the car now!" I'm hesitant, but I open the car door and get in.

I see Jefferson's face in the diner window. He looks so hurt. It breaks my heart. I feel so hurt too that I begin to cry.

"I know you're upset with me now. But, I'm only doing what is best for you. I want you to have the world at you fingertips. Being an artist will get you absolutely no where."

"I understand, mother." Law school isn't the reason why I'm crying. Its like Jefferson and I are linked and I could feel his pain. My heart ached. I look back and Jefferson is still looking at me. He saw that I was crying and he looked like he waned to comfort me. I really wanted him to. As strange as all of this might sound, I honestly believe that I'm linked with my captor, Stockholm Syndrome if you will.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing. I'm staring off into space."

"Well, we're going home now. Put your seat belt on. god forbid if we got in an accident that you go right through the windshield." I do am I'm told and I put my seatbelt on. Mom starts driving away. I see Jefferson's house and my heart aches again. I've never felt so low.

All the thoughts of the dreams started pouring back in. I see him and I stealing tarts. I see him and I drinking tea and having fun. I now see him and I dancing on top of water, flowers lit up like Christmas lights, and we were dancing. He was spinning me around and when he and I were face to face, we leaned in for a kiss and....

"Mom, look out!" There was a deer in the road and my mom jerked the steering wheel and the car spun out of control and we smashed into a tree. Mom's head smacked off of the steering wheel. It all happened so fast. I seem to be okay. I push the car door open and fell out.

"Someone help! Please! Somebody help us!" I open my mom's car door and pushed her back in her seat.

"Mom? Wake up, please! Wake up!" I tap my mom on the face. No reaction. I check the pulse in her neck. There was still a pulse. I search in my pocket for the phone Jefferson gave me. I look for a contact and I saw a number in the contacts list. I call the number.

"Annaline? Are you okay?"

"Thank God you answered. Mom and I were in an accident. She's unconscious and I'm really scared. Wait a minute, I see a car coming this way. maybe they can help. I'll call you back when everything is alright." I hung up the phone and started waving my arms. The yellow VW stopped and the blonde woman stepped out and ran to my aid.

"What happened here?"

"My mom tried to avoid hitting a deer and the car spun and we hit a tree. My mom smacked her heard off of the steering wheel. She still has a pulse, we have to get to a hospital, now!"

"Alright, alright. Help me get her in my car. I'll drive you guys to the hospital." We run over to my mother and she grabs her feet, I grab under her arms.

"By the way, who are you?"

"I'm Annaline. You?"

"I'm Emma." So she's the savior Jefferson was talking about.

"Nice to meet you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys liked this new chapter. I'm bursting with new ideas. So I'll have more chapters very soon :)