

"Come on man, you got to go get some ladies. Prove that stereotypes are lies man." says a brunette.
"Hey! I doubt every girl out there believes that!" replies Mori.
The group just laughs and the brunette drags Mori to the dance floor.
"Start chatting man," he turns to a blonde chick with big boobs beside him, "Hey sexy, how you doin'?"
"Brandon! Don't leave me alone...damn it."
Mori sighs and gives into Brandon's requests. He smiles politely at some women, and men, because damn, some of them were pretty men. He had accepted the fact he was gay. Though the only person he's ever told was Hunny. He missed Hunny.
While he was lost in thought, he bumped into a blonde man with his hair in a low ponytail.
"S-sorry!" Mori exclaims.
"It's my fault! Excuse me..." the blonde slows as he looks up at Mori. The tall man's spiked hair and well-dressed look caught him off guard.
"I-I insist. Damn...I made you spill your drink even," Mori says, running a hand through his hair, obviously flustered. He becomes confused when the blonde laughs.
"It's fine! I can get a new one. Unless you can buy me one?"
Mori smiles, "I guess that's fair."
"Come on."
He's fucking gorgeous, god damn, Mori thought. The blonde looked familiar, but he couldn't place it. He sees some other men flirting with the blonde, and smirks. Some of these guys are really pissing off their new-found girlfriends.
"Champagne dream please," the blonde says to the bartender.
Mori hands the tender the money, and smiles at the blonde.
"Thank you, Spike."
"Your hair."
"Here's my number, call me sometime, yeah?"
And with that, the blonde scurried off with his drink after handing Mori a card. The card read "BunBun" on it, with the number. Mori smiled, and decided tonight wasn't so bad. He hesitated to go back to the guys right now though. He questions their acceptance of the gay community, so he goes around and flirts a little bit to get a couple of girl's numbers he's never going to call. He goes back to the guys, only half way pretending to be proud.
"Got some numbers. I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go now, okay?"
Everyone's too busy to really care, a couple nod at Mori, so he just leaves. He heads home, thoughts full of the mysterious "BunBun". He tries not to get his hopes up too much as he goes to bed that night, full intent on calling him the next day.He falls asleep to memories of a different blonde that left his life.