Status: ;3 Active & my favorite idea. <3

The Return.


I feel like I was just arrested and molested. The examiner took all the objects off me that I could hurt someone with. They do this for protection but in all honesty it just broadens my mind on how I could use almost anything as a weapon.

The examiner told me to walk in the hall like I was following the letter J, but some how I went in the letter L. I didn't think it was going to be as severe of a mistake but it was.

This area is where the big loonies are kept. They bang on the windows with their monstrous paws, moaning their witch cries loudly towards me. Most people would be phased by this drastically. I'm not, I've done my time in a different crazy place, Jail.

I stop and rub my temples hard, realizing how far off course I had gone. At the end of the hallway is this girl. She's staring at me with piercing eyes through her door window. From this distance they almost glow white. My legs pull me in her direction identical to a siren. As I get closer to her, blonde tattered hair releases itself into my vision.

I'm standing in front of her window, staring lost into her eyes. "You are looking for someone?" She asks in a hush tone against the window. I bob my head back and forth effortlessly. Her lips create a hard straight line while she stares at me intently.

"Dakota Trey, you know where she's at?" I ask, it's like she is ripping the words out of my throat like I'm under a spell.

"She's down that way," Her eyes direct me as she speaks. My head turns at the course she just set out for me. "Her door has a small blue star on it,"

"Thanks," I reply, giving her a small curved grin and face my new direction. I hear light tapping against the window and I turn my head. The girl is staring at me still. Her anemic finger pressed against the window. I'm dragged back to the window with invisible string. "Something wrong?"

"No, just keep in mind she's not in the best of moods today..." She whispers to me. Then roams over to her bed like a robot and sits down. My legs tightens. Her presence stabs at my eyes. I hurry away down the hallway. Girls all over are flashing me their breasts or licking the windows of their doors. I'm jogging now, but immediately stop when I see a star.

It gives me an off feeling. Before I can go into any thought about it, I'm already wondering about how I'm supposed to get in. Why didn't that examiner lady come with me? I don't have the keys...I really hope all these doors aren't unlocked. Maybe the doors are automatic.'s new-aged type shit.

I stand and wait. I notice a camera up on the wall. I wave my hand aimlessly back and forth. The door makes some odd noises and it swings inwards.

There she is sitting in a chair. Her hair is jet black just like the last I saw her. She isn't wearing her favorite scarlet lipstick She only wore it when she was in a good mood. Her eye shadow is black and grey. Her sage green eyes are apathetic. Her skin isn't as blanch and looks much softer. She lifts up a finger gestures for me to come in.

My knees lock. All the oxygen is sucked out of me. My blood instantly rushes out of my head. I tumble face first onto the cold floor.
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