Status: This is the first draft of my story. There will be times will I change already published chapters. But that's rare.

Do You Know What A Monster Is?

Hello There,

Congratulations, I don’t know how you are reading this. I wish one day I can actually meet you and ask, “How in the world did you ever get your hands on this book?” But, I’m afraid that if you are reading this that means I’m either dead, or hiding from the Vampiric Congress and I forgot to take this book with me. So if you haven’t figured it out yet, I’m Smooth Criminal Unknown or S.C for short. Yes, the Smooth Criminal, the fifth and so far the newest X-DNA vampire. I go by many other names as well but, S.C is my official one.

Anyway if you’re reading this, that makes you my enemy. If you are reading and start to squirm; then just know this, by reading, you have become my enemy. If you read this and simply can’t understand why I do what I do, then you’re my enemy. If you gag or hurl because of horrid pictures are glued to your inferior brain, then you’re my enemy. If you hate me, you have every right to, but you will always be my enemy. Judge me all you want because, in the end we all nasty sinners that need to be punished. I’ll admit my punishments aren't completely just. Who said I needed to be fair? I choose to be the monster. Human, vampire, or demon, I love being a monster. After all, someone needs to be the bad guy.

Now if you enjoy every bit of this, if this inspires or thrills you, then you are just like me. You deserve to go to hell, you’re a sick monster. Negative things are the only description that fits your personality; you shall get nothing else from anybody, even me. Thank you for reading my autobiography though.
Before I move onto my oh so interesting story, I have only one question for you,
Do you know what a monster is?