I'm So Gay

Response O'Doom

It shouldn't be so bad, Lucas repeated to himself to the point of feeling like he was being brain-washed -by himself. Nobody checks his or her e-mails anymore, right?

No, wrong.


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: connerhackedmyotheremail@hotmail.com

Does this mean you do daydream of sucking cock? D==8 0-:


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: sugarandspice@hotmail.com

I found it highly offensive that you mocked homosexuality so easily. You're kind of a dick. You like dick, don't you? You're a vagina.


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: alicia.m@comcast.net

What about Lucy? Is this a joke?

P.S. I've always shipped you and Conner
P.P.S. Disregard above statement if this was, indeed, a joke.


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: ryansamyan@gmail.com

Who even uses e-mail anymore!? Lol text it next time!!


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: boltamy94@yahoo.com

Did you do the thing where you write down your feels to an addressed group and then accidentally click send like the dipshit you are because I think that's exactly what happened. We should talk. xx


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: allegragator@gmail.com

I'm confused?

To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: everyoneloveslucy@hotmail.com

LOL you are so funny. See you tomorrow!(:


To: lucasnelson95@gmail.com

From: elsoupodegato@gmail.com

There are easier and less public ways to ask if I am open to a three-way didn't know Lucy had it in her LOL.


Is the swine flu still a thing, because Lucas definitely just caught it. It wouldn't be right for him to go to school tomorrow, or the next day -- he could be contagious! Maybe they should have him quarantined in Antarctica where this is no such thing as e-mail.

Worst comes to worst (ie: Lucy realizing that this was not lol so funny), Lucas could blame the e-mail on his little sister who's pretty literate for a three year old.

Or you know, Antarctica.