Status: Couple of chapters at most, whenever I get around to them. :)

Warped State of Mind (Or, Alex Makes Everyone Sick and Himself Sicker)

Chapter One

It's all because Alex is an overachiever, really.

He was that kid in high school who would write 10,000 words for a 2,000 word english report, and who would quite happily find time to do extra credit assignments for 'fun' whilst still managing to be a drunken asshole with a guitar every weekend.

So it's no suprise that Alex's overachieverness (Which is totally a word) means that he's capable of spreading just about every strain of cold and flu imaginable across both band and crew.

Which would be fine except for the fact that everyone in All Time Low (himself included Jack thinks), and their crew, are whiny little bitches when they're sick.

And of course it's Warped Tour. With it's relentless heat and crazy schedule, it's a great time be feverish and throwing up everywhere. It's not like bathrooms and showers are hard to find at all.

As soon as he's better, Jack is going to cut off Alex's dick.

He rolls over in his bunk then, reaching for yet another tissue to blow his nose, and he's sure he asked (Okay, demanded) that Matt get the super-soft Aloe ones and he fucking hasn't. Matt's dick had better watch out too.

It had all started with Alex sneezing innocently during morning bus call in San Antonio. Which had turned into coughing in Kansas and puking in Phoenix.

Now everyone's sick. And whiny. But they're not important because Jack is sick and the only person that matters when Jack is sick is Jack.

Jack knows he's kind of self-centred but dammit, he's been in his bunk for a week, barely making it to the stage each day for their set and he's fucking tired.

The worst part is that everyone elses coughing is keeping him awake, and there just isn't enough cough syrup to have them all drugged up to the eyeballs at the same time. Not to mention how unproductive it'd be.

He can hear Alex in bunk across from his. Cough cough cough. Cough. Roll over (Who knew sheets rustling could be so fucking loud?) Cough cough.

“For fucks sake Alex, will you drink something and shut the fuck up.”

Alex's hand sticks out from underneath his bunk curtain, flipping him off.

“Fuck you.” He rasps.

And oh yeah, add sexually frustrated to how Jack feels. He and Alex haven't touched each other all week, they're just too fucking hot and not in the good way.

Not to mention that Alex is the worlds moodiest bitch when he's sick. They're all moody, but Alex is the bitch queen.

What's weird about it is that he manages to be such a whiny bitch without ever making a sound. He's just got this ridiculous double-sided whiteboard he wears around his neck and like twenty different coloured markers which he uses to convey just how much of a moody bitch he is.

People think - Okay, the fans think that they're all cute and snuggly when they're sick and it's not fucking true. The one (and only) time Jack had tried to snuggle with Evan last tour he'd ended up covered in puke. Evan's a nice guy, but no, never again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This'll probably have like, 4 chapters. Updated whenever I have the motivation.

S'just a cliche sick fic that ends in Jalex snuggles :D