

The adrenaline rush he felt while giving chase was both exhilarating and tiresome for him. Exhilarating because he wanted his prey to run and be fearful of him. Tiresome because he wanted to finish it as soon as possible.

He had tracked down his prey for that night without Kaito knowing. If his senpai knew he was out without permission again, he would never hear the end of it.

But then, he was one who never followed the rules anyway. He liked doing things his own way, although he knew that they were reckless most of the time.

That recklessness swelled especially when he's thirsty.

His prey had ran into an abandoned warehouse, leaving a trail of footsteps on the dusty floor. His lips twitched to form a small smirk.

This was going to be easy.

He pulled out his gun from the holster, which was strapped to his lean body and examined it.

"No use hiding, vampire," he said out loud in the darkness. He positioned his gun and aimed at a nearby stack of crates, but didn't pull the trigger.

"P-please, d-don't kill me, hunter-san," the vampire stammered, before slowly crawling out of his hiding place. He stood up, putting his hands in mid-air; a universal gesture for surrender.

The hunter scrutinized the vampire standing before him. A small chuckle escaped his thin lips. No wonder it was an easy catch.

The vampire was a newborn.

He proceeded to keep his gun underneath his long trench coat, his light violet eyes never leaving the newborn.

Thinking that the hunter was letting him go, the newborn relaxed before dropping his arms and letting out a loud sigh of relief.

"Thank you, hunter-san. You're very ki-"

But before he could finish, the silver-haired hunter ran into him with superhuman speed and latched his mouth onto the newborn's neck. It happened so fast that the vampire didn't have the chance to react, or fathom it in his head.

He managed to catch a glimpse of the lanky hunter. What the newborn saw horrified him, even for a bloodsucking fiend such as himself.

The hunter was buried at the nape of the vampire's neck, lapping up his blood.

The newborn knew that he should do something about the hunter; throw him off, struggle, put up a fight. But he couldn't. He could feel his existence slipping away and within seconds, he was nothing more but a cracked, empty shell. His body shattered into a million pieces in the hunter's arms.

The hunter stood up slowly, brushing residue off his coat. His once violet eyes remained a bloodthirsty red still. He closed them, while he used the back of his right hand to wipe away the trail of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. His sharp fangs could be clearly seen in the moonlight.

The hunter let out a soft sigh before opening his eyes and trudged away.
♠ ♠ ♠
This drabble is inspired by this conversation between Zero and Yuuki. Do take a peek to understand better. :))

And for those who are curious as to what's the story called, it's Kurayaminonakade. It means, 'In the Darkness'.

This is my very first time writing in such genre so I hope you readers will give your feedback. Thank you and enjoy.