Status: In progress.

Welcome, to the World of Pokemon.


I couldn't handle all the screaming and fighting, I had no where I could escape to. I was stuck in this forsaken hellhole of a house, no job, bad grades and no one there for me. I tried to forget everything that was happening by playing a pokemon game that I'd stolen from a neighbour, I mean I felt bad for taking it, but I'm sure they'd understand if they knew why.

Maybe they wouldn't understand, I should probably have just taken it back but I couldn't bring myself to. I felt so bad, it was the childs birthday present, and I'd taken it from them.
"I'll take it back tonight.. I'll leave it in the mailbox with an apology." I promised, quietly.

I'd caught a few pokemon and had a nice team going, though I hadn't bothered with EV's and IV's; I felt it took the fun from the game. My favourite pokemon was on this team and I'd even gone to the trouble of spending hours trying to hatch a shiny Eevee, just for the shiny Glaceon I loved so much. I nicknamed the glacial Pokemon "Fuyu", I felt it was fitting due to Fuyu meaning Winter.

I placed the DS on my night table and stretched out on my small bed, my eyes growing heavy from the stress of the day. I glanced towards the clock that read 3:27am, the red numbers basking the room in an eerie glow. Before I fell asleep I needed to write the apology for the DS and game, and return it. Flicking the lamp on the desk across from my bed on, I started writing the apology.

To whom it may concern,
I have an apology to make to your son, and to you. A few months ago, I stole your sons DS.
I felt bad after doing it, but felt too guilty to return it. So I did all I felt I could, I kept it in perfect condition and promised to return it one day.

Today is that day, I've decided everything has gone on for too long, and I need to right what I've done, stealing the DS is the only thing I've ever done wrong, and I do hope you and your son can forgive me, though I don't expect it. I wouldn't blame you if you cursed my name and hated me forever.

Just, tell your son to keep the Glaceon. It's a very important pokemon, and I'd like for him to have it.


I folded the note neatly, before placing it in a small box along with the DS, charger and game and climbing out of the bedroom window. I quickly made my way down the gravel driveway before quickly putting the box in their letterbox.

I layed back down on the bed, after stealing a small bottle of Jack Daniels from the fridge. I eyed the large bottle of sleeping pills on the night table, butterflies whizzing around in my stomach. I grasped the bottle and popped the lid off, taking a swig of Jack Daniels I emptied the contents of the bottle into my mouth, chewing the tablets a few times, it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

20 minutes later the sleeping pills had started to kick in, deciding now was the time to finish the alcohol, I let the warm liquid slide down my throat before laying back and letting it do it's work, lulling me into a deep sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Would love some feedback on this, wondering if I should actually try to complete it or not.

If I do end up continuing with the story, I'm in need of a person to travel with Caerlyn (along with people who challenge her to battles), so if you'd like your character in here, just send me a message with details.