Must Get Out

Must Get Out

As we get closer, the distance between us escalates. Two souls, two minds, two beings drawn together by an invisible force with powers beyond our comprehension. Perfection at its best and love at its strongest. Not an ingredient is out of place and the formula is perfect.

So why, despite the equal doses of input, does the output result in corruption?

Laughter is weakened by overpowering tears that fall from the soul. Misguidance results in being led to a distant location to be left alone and neglected. One step is taken forward while two go back, causing nothing but fatigue and regression.

It takes two to make something work. The formula is perfect. So what is wrong?

Both sides of the equation are equal: both give and take to make it work. One gives and the other takes. This works both ways.

Yet the output is inconsistent.

So what is the problem?

It’s this city. This forbidden and wicked city.

This city’s made us crazy and we must get out.
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Blek...not my best. Written out of boredom, really.