Status: My grammar is really bad guys. I'm so sorry!

The Things We Wanted Most

"Are you ready?" Mike asked me. I turned my head to my right, out of the window. I thought about it as I watched the scenery pass by along the stretch of freeway. I sat in the passenger seat of his black hard top Jeep. Two suitcases and 3 boxes filled with my personal belongings and things I could not bare to leave behind, sat in the trunk of the car. The more I thought about, the more my regrets were left behind, flowing behind us, as invisible sentences floating on top of the wind.

"I've been ready for a long time." I whisper, looking back at the man who helped me escape the life I was leaving behind. Nothing was left for me there. Not anymore. He smiled down at me, wrapping his fingers through mine, before looking back at the road ahead of us. The sunset turning the sky a dark orange, and the roads becoming barely visible.