Status: Active

Somewhere in Neverland

Peter Pan is a Stalker

"Gracie, are you sure you're okay to walk home?"

I roll my eyes at Regan, smiling reassuringly. "Look, I'll be fine, okay?"

"It's..midnight. On Halloween."

Her words were careful, measured. I laughed, raising an eyebrow at her. "And? Regan, you really need to get over this superstitious shit!"

"Grace, I'm being serious."

"So am I. Look, I'll call you once I get home, okay?"

"If you don't call me in half an hour--."

"Then I was obviously kidnapped or abducted by aliens."

She glared at me, folding her arms across her chest. I laughed, holding my arms up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay. I'll call you."

I chuckle to myself, stepping outside into the chill, autumn air. I pull my leather jacket tighter around myself, pursing my lips; if I had known it'd be this chilly, I damn sure wouldn't have worn the devil outfit.

Then again, I probably shouldn't have worn the devil outfit, anyway. Steve hit on me three times tonight, and that was before he got a few drinks in him. Yeesh.

I had to drink two Mike's for him to begin to look attractive. Not that I was supposed to be drinking anyway, but what teenager hasn't had a little sip or a few?

Which is another reason why I wasn't going to drive home or let anyone drive me home.

A chill ran through my body as the wind picked up, and I got the feeling that I was being watched. I quickly opened my messages and sent Regan a picture of a green Martian.

She wouldn't get a kick out of it, but I would. I thought about sending another text about a pedo van, but I figured I probably shouldn't push it.

A couple blocks later, I still couldn't shake the feeling. I spun around once my heartbeat started to pick up; nothing. Nothing at all.

I was becoming paranoid because of what Regan said. I almost had to laugh at myself. It was Halloween night, and I was afraid of a bloody kidnapper that didn't exist. The most I'd probably have to deal with is a kid throwing candy at me or an adult trying to re-live their glory days by jumping out of a bush.

Sounds of footsteps on the pavement behind me broke me out of my thoughts, and I let out a shakeup breath. What were the odds it just wasn't someone walking their dog?

I held my breath and listened intently; no jingle of a collar, just the repetitive footsteps hitting the sidewalk. Okay, don't start panicking yet.

I slow my pace, stealing a quick glance behind me. A man in a Peter Pan costume. I couldn't see his face, but I knew I wasn't in any real danger. My thoughts were just working overtime. I was psyching myself out.

I turned so that I faced the man, and laughed once he turned a corner, going onto an unfamiliar street. I burst into laughs, unable to control them now.

How stupid was I being? I literally thought the guy was following me! God, Regan would get a kick out of this tomorrow.

I bit my lip and shook my head, seeing the light still on at my house. No matter how old we got, my parents still have out candy and let the light on.

"Say goodnight, little Wendy."

"What the--?"

I felt a blow to my head, and fell on the ground, gasping for air once something hit my chest. Dots entered my vision as I tried to look around for something--anything--that might help.

A sac was placed over my head and I was thrown into something. A car, maybe? I couldn't scream because shock and paralysis made it impossible. My thoughts didn't make any sense and the more I moved, the more tired I felt.

Black finally consumed me and I was out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Bleh. Felt like this sucked. xD
Oh, well. Comments?
Do you want it from both Alex's point of view and Gracie's? Or just Gracie's?