The Letter 'F'


It was somekind o[f] camp, I learned, leaving the dorm building through narrow white corridors. Somekind of educational [f]acility that I'd be living in for the extended summer (Late June, July, Early August). However, this was completely untroublesome.
F-word: It was [f]ine.

A Kool-Aid man-esque voice called, over the PA system, "all students to the ampitheatre for the orientation assembly."

It just had to be a camp...
Even in my dreams, I can't stay pale.

"Epiphany?" said some vaguely [f]amiliar voice as I [f]ollowed the masses. I turned to meet a reasonably attractive, though exceedingly short, girl wearing a badly-sewn maid's costume and cat ears.
Like a low budget cosplayer.

"Emmy!" I yelled, smiling. We hadn't seen each other in well over a year. "How are you? [F]abulous?"

"Oh, slightly magni[f]icent."

"What are you doing here?"

"The same thing as everyone else," she said, trying not to burst. "Okay, not really... You know that big mural off North [F]orrester?

"In that weird underpass thing with the hobo?"

"Ugh, that hobo! That horrible homeless man!" She jumped around, [f]urious and eye twitching.

"He is pretty horrible." I agreed, nodding.

"Anyways, the painting." She regained her composure. "I did it."

"Did you really?! That thing is [f]ucking amazing!"

"I know." She said, very pleased with hersel[f]. "It's a masterpiece. Un[f]ortunately, it's also 'de[f]acement of public property.'"


"Yes, and i[f] not [f]or that rancid, good-[f]or-nothing PATHETIC hobo, I wouldn't be stuck here at all."

"He turned you in, eh?"

"Yes." She drew out the 's' and crossed her arms. "But it's not as i[f] the government cares. Really, I did them a service. My parents [f]elt otherwise."

"Ah, my apologies, [f]reind."


We were silent [f]or several awkward moments.

"So what about you, lady? Why are you with us today?"

"Acutally," I said, though it wasn't the complete truth. "I'm looking for your brother."
♠ ♠ ♠
That's it for tonight children. See you soon.