Status: Hey Guys this is my first FanFic so im sorry if its bad. also bear with me its going to take me a while to fully get into the story and ill try and update as often as possible. Let me know what you think and any suggestions of any paths you want the characters to go down and ill put it into the plot

Starting Over

Madyson’s POV

He is trying to regain control of the car and she lets out horrific screams for help. No one can hear them; no one can help them it was a particularly icy night on an uneven dimly lit countryside road. No houses for miles and not a car in sight. One slip of the steering wheel is all it took to have the land rover spin out of control and smash into the tall, thick, old pines tree’s that outlined the road as a guide. CRASH!! The smoke so thick, the vision so vivid, the feelings so real, and the name the man and the woman called over and over so clear. Madyson….MadySON… MADYSON!!!!
I awoke to the sound of my sister’s voice suddenly sitting up, my heart racing and my head pounding. Trying to gain a grip on where I was and what had just happened I rubbed my eyes looking around to see boxes upon boxes lined up against the baby blue wall of which I had not yet become accustomed to. Letting out a sigh of relief a slammed my head back down on my pillow rubbing my temples. Getting used to the fact that I was in not only a new house but a new town where I knew no one wasn’t exactly the most comforting thought I had ever had, especially after having the nightmare of my parent’s car cash once again.

MADYSON!! I hear once again as my bedroom door swings open aggressively. Startled I sit up this time making my head spin. GET UP OR YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL I have been yelling your name for the past five minutes if you want me to take you then get a move on! I turned to face her and she must have seen my worried expression because she rushed to my side. “Are you ok, what’s happened?” I just looked at her my mouth dry and eyes bloodshot. “oh no not again Mady, it’s the dream isn’t it?” she asked. “The nightmare I think you mean” I replied as I tried to fully recover in order to drag myself out of bed to get ready for school. “Is there anything I can do? do you need a glass of water or five more minutes to calm down?” she asked as she became instantly smothery.
“It’s ok I’m fine, I’ll be fine”. I said heartlessly as I threw back my blanket and pushed her aside to make my way to my bathroom. Sammy got up quickly and followed after me, “are you sure you’re ok and that there is nothing I can do?” I knew she was only trying to help by constantly checking to see if I would be ok, but in trying to do so she often became overbearing and annoying. The best I could do was act calm which would ensure her that I was fine. Turning on the tap I splashed cold water on my face and told Sammy “I’m ok, really. Don’t worry” I said half-heartedly. “Now let me get ready I’ll be down stairs in five”.

When Sammy left the room all I could do was think about how much I didn’t want to have to start school today. We arrived here yesterday from Kamloops and I haven’t even had time to unpack my stuff yet. I just would have liked some time to settle in before the burden of homework came and the distraction of people came about. I had spent all week trying to prepare myself for the social interaction that I was going to have to do at school even if it wasn’t something that I was particularly keen on. At my old school I was nothing but a punching bag, someone for everyone to tease and bully. Then when my parents died that only put the spot light on me more. I was hoping that things would be different this time around and if they didn’t start out that way I was determined to make it that way.

Making my way down the stairs I tried to keep it together I had to be convincing or Sammy would put the responsible parent act on which we both know no matter how hard she tried she would never really get it 100 per cent right, but she did try hard. In the car on the way to school I couldn’t help but fidget with the cords on my school bag the nerves were almost unbearable the car trip felt like it went forever when really it took barely five minutes. “Have a good day, don’t get into any fights and behave. Oh and if you need anything, and I mean anything at all then call me and I’ll come and get you straight away, ok?” My sister seemed to be more nervous than I was but it had been a difficult time for her too and she had become abnormally protective of me since the accident which is to be expected I guess. “Sammy! Calm down I’m sure everything will go smoothly. But if something does happen then yes I’ll call” I smiled and closed the door.

There were kids everywhere it was daunting the steps and the doors were huge and I just wanted to turn and run. I asked a girl who had her nose in a book where I would find the administrative office and made my way there. I pushed open the doors and there were people everywhere. Some were making out some were whispering and staring at me some were just too self-indulgent to realise the new kid walking awkwardly through the halls. Apart from one girl, she was Blonde and quite stunning actually. She was around my height and had an extremely friendly approach about her. “Hey, my name is Charlotte. Charlotte bower but you can call me Char. You’re the new girl right?” she asked. “Yes” I said with a smile “I’m Madyson. Madyson Carter.” “I know” she replied “people talk” she said while giving a little wink. My immediate thought was oh god that doesn’t sound good. Do they know my story? Did someone from my old school say something to someone? I was quickly interrupted when Charlotte had asked if I knew what classes I had. “No I don’t actually. I’m trying to find the administrative office so that I can sort all of that out but I can’t seem to find it”. “I can take you.” she said and took my hand but was suddenly stopped by a handsome young boy with brown eyes and brown hair. “Hey Baby! How are you?” “Hey Matty” she replied as she gave him a somewhat lengthy kiss that made me considerably awkward. “I want you to meet my new friend” dragging him over towards me she said “Matt this is Mady. She just moved her, today is her first day”. “Hey, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Matt Webb. Charlottes amazing boyfriend” he introduced himself with a bow. “Yes it’s nice meeting you too” I said with a smile as I saw the sign for the administrative office hanging on the wall. I turned to Charlotte distracted and told her I would find my own way. After all it couldn’t be that hard I mean I just had to follow the signs. Approaching the door to the office I was suddenly tripped causing me to lose my balance falling almost face first into the door until I quickly felt a hang swing in and grab my arm to stop me from making a fool of myself.

“Woahhh, Careful there. Don’t want to hurt yourself now” a deep and somewhat appealing voice let out. Straightening myself out a little embarrassed I looked up at the body that the voice belonged to. It belonged to a considerably tall and lanky boy with the most incredibly gorgeous crystal blue eyes that I had ever seen. His hair short and black with streaks of blue throughout wearing a black leather jacket over a red hoodie and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans with converse to top it off. As he looked down at me his lips parted as if he was about to say something when an angry voice screamed out “RAMSAY, GET IN HERE!” The boy jolted and shook his head as if to remind himself of where he was and opened the door signalling for me to walk in first. Heading towards the desk I gave the boy an appreciative smile to say thank you and asked the office lady for my class schedule. The bell had gone yet I was still walking the halls trying to find the classroom I was supposed to be sitting in as we speak when I had come across Charlotte again. After discovering that we had most of the same classes together we headed to the room making small talk. I was making progress. Not only had I literally ran into the most gorgeous boy I had ever laid eyes on, but I had also already made two new friends in Charlotte and Matt.
  1. The New girl
    So this one is Josh's POV on how he first met Madyson.