Status: Just beginning

My Sweet Corrupted

everything uncomfortable

Her lips pursed, a small smile pulling up the corners. Her boyfriend's arm wrapped around her shoulder. It was the first day back from Winter break, and was tradition on every First Day, since freshman year when they'd started dating - Tristan left his jock friends to sit with Eden and her friends. Only now it didn't seem like such a good idea, at least not judging by the uncomfortable look slowly rearranging his usual confidence.

Her best friend, Skye, had a knack for bringing up topics that would make any sensible girl blush at how publicly they were displayed. She also had the charisma to push the subject until every girl at the table was clamouring to share their own personal and intimate experiences. As embarrassing as it could be, Eden had learnt a lot from these sessions and long since moved on from the awkwardness. She only felt bad for Tristan.

"But it just feels so itchy if you don't get it all waxed off," said Laura, a pretty bleach blond, not at all playing her usual coy role. "Even if you shave, you get all those little bumps, which isn't sexy at all."

"Oh my god, hair removal cream, you people!" exclaimed Skye. "We don't live in the dark ages where our only options are blades and candle wax."

"Do you think they used candle wax in the middle ages?" giggled somebody else. Eden frowned at the thought as the other girls around the table tittered. The whole thing sounded incredibly painful.

Stacey, known for her soft brunette hair, long legs and outspoken tendencies threw in, "I'm not putting that burning cream from hell that close to my vagina." More giggling. "Besides, it grows back too fast. I'm not going to go out of my way to be completely hairless for every guy I fuck given most of them don't even have the courtesy to shave their dicks."

There was one presence at the table which was notably mortified. Skye smelt it, like a dog tracking buried bones, and immediately jumped on the chance. "Do guys even care about whether girls shave or not? Tristan, enlighten us."

Eden's boyfriend shifted uncomfortably beside her. ", I wouldn't know. I'm waiting for marriage, y'know." His arm wrapped around Eden's shoulder and she looked up at him with an appreciative smile. There were a couple of 'awww's from around the table, but for the most part the other girls looked on with raised eyebrows and pursed lips, as though none of them believed their self control would hold up that long. Eden was determined to prove them wrong. She was so glad to have found him; they were practically made for each other.

Skye pulled a face. "Well, okay, you lovebirds don't need to rub it in our faces."

Eden grinned, leaning her head against Tristan's shoulder, pulling his attention away from the discussion which was now resuming to its original topic. "You want to meet after school today?" she murmured, batting her eyelashes a couple of times for good measure.

His hand squeezed her arm, his eyebrows darting down apologetically. "Can't today, babe, they’re starting basketball practice straight away. You can come watch, if you want.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot.” As much as she loved him, Eden hated watching sports. There was something so primitive about men running around, tossing balls at each other. She preferred to think of him as intelligent and sensitive, which he was, at least in her opinion, as opposed to just another drooling jock. “I think I’ll pass.”

"Yeah, well, I'll wear you down eventually, no way you're missing all my games again this year. I'm supposed to look up in the crowd and see you and be inspired to get the winning shot or some shit."

"You're so romantic." Leaning up, she gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. "You do just fine without me. And I'm more than happy to join your celebration dinners afterwards."

Tilting his head to catch her nose against his, his lips lingering against hers. "And after that...?"

"Ummm..." She blinked, unable to quite comprehend the meaning behind his words or consider an appropriate reply.

“Get a room!” one of the girls, Kimberly, said loudly. The others laughed and Eden attempted a small smile, blushing furiously as she pulled away.
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First chapter is up! Hope you enjoy, shall start getting into the juicy stuff soon (: Comment if you enjoy xx