Status: Just beginning

My Sweet Corrupted

falling stars

At school the next day, the first thing Eden noticed were the whispers. Slitering through the hall, flitting in and out of the gaps between her peers as they hissed loudly. The moment something happened, it was sure that the entire school would know about it at lunch but it had always been done with an almost boredom, as if the spreading of gossip was merely a chore to be completed instead of a secret of be revealed in. But today there was a low buzz of excitement. Something was different.

"Eden!" Skye said brightly upon finding her in the crowd. Her blonde hair tumbled down her shoulders in what had once been neat curls, but were now ruffled from the force of her enthusiasm. "Did you hear?"

It was almost amusing, how the topic of conversation around the school seemed focused on one subject and yet Eden had no idea what it was. She didn't even know if she cared, but it seemed to be important to Skye, at the very least. "Maybe if you don't tell me, we could see how long it takes for me find out on my own," she suggested.

Skye paused, not expecting that kind of response, before grinning and shaking her head. "You're joking. Okay, so there's new meat." Her eyes widened, looking at Eden in pure excitement, but Eden only managed to raise an eyebrow in confusion. All of this fuss was over a new student? Their private school didn't leave much of a gap for new people to walk in, but it happened on occasion and there had never been this kind of reaction before.


"Sooooo, you don't know who it is. Do you remember Nate Calloway from elementary school? It's him! And he is so fine, Edie, you have to see him for yourself."

Eden could remember him vaguely. He'd always been in the year above her, but when the craze in "dating" had began in fifth grade, it wasn't unusual for her friends to look for upperclassmen. But she couldn't actually recall him taking part, only sitting on the sidelines, rejecting any girl who had the misfortune to have a crush on him. She'd never thought much of it except that he would still come on the group dates even though he had refused one for himself. She could vaguely remember thinking it strange, but it wasn't something she'd lingered on in years.

"Oh yeah, I remember him. Wasn't he the loner kid?"

Skye laughed. "You're such a snob. But yeah, he was. That's kind of sexy though, don't you think?"

"You'll make Ian jealous," she smiled, linking her friend's arm through her own as they made their way down the hall.

"Jealousy is good for boys. It teaches them to appreciate what they have."

They walked towards their lockers, which sat only three away from each other in the hallways. The whisperings made more sense now as they walked past.

"Totally hot, how different is he?"

"I don't get it, who is..."

"I think he used to have a crush on me, he always..."

"Oh!" The two girls had been so engrossed trying to overhear everything around them that neither realised when they walked right into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" Eden exclaimed, immediately dropping down to pick up the books of whoever she'd run into. Skye stood paused beside her and Eden looked up to make out why her friend wasn't helping.

"Hello Skye..." He looked down. "Eden."

"Hi Nate," Skye said, hiding any inkling of awe that she might have previously revealed. "So you remember us?"

He frowned. "Of course. You remembered me. Although I tend to prefer Nathan now. Just for the record." As though just remembering, he crouched down to help Eden pick up the rest of his books. Her view of his pants hadn't given her much of an image, but as he reached her height, she could see what Skye had been talking about. He looked very adult and very smooth. His chin was stained with dark stubble which complimented the golden skin. His eyelashes were so long they seemed to brush his high cheekbones with every sweep. And even beneath the crisp white shirt that was part of the boys' uniform, she could sense muscles. There was a strength even in his fingers as he collected the last of the books together. He smelt like soap.

"It was...nice seeing you," said Eden as she handed over the rest of his books, trying to even slightly diminish her wide eyes.

He grinned at the pinkness on her cheeks, reaching forward to brush a strand of hair behind her ear. "Thanks," he said before standing up. Eden mirrored him, watching as he gave a last glance at Skye before walking past them into the crowd. Every face seemed to look up in delight as he passed by, instantly followed by whispers about how he was both different and exactly the same.

"You're right, Skye. He was fine," Eden said, trying to sound playful, but no amount of silliness could disguise the breathiness behind her words.

"Oh, Edie." Skye sighed, grabbing her wrist to drag her to the lockers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter three. Lalala. Finally something is happening. Enjoy (: