Status: Just beginning

My Sweet Corrupted

i'll never tell

Nathan kissed her and it felt amazing. At least for the first couple of seconds. Still grabbing hold of her hand, his other hand wrapped around her waist, pinning her body against his. She felt all the breath sucked out of her the moment his lips met hers. It didn't make any sense. None of it did. Why he was kissing her. Why it felt so good. It had never felt like that before.

As his tongue pushed against her lips, it was as though waking from a dream. Her eyes flew open, turning her head away from his as fast as she could manage, trying to take a step back but unable to from the tightness of his arm.

"What the hell was that?" she yelled, glancing around to make sure that none of the houses had anybody peeking from the window.

He didn't even seem concerned by her reaction, just amused. "Well, I think it was a kiss. Who knows?"

"I don't even...I don't even know you."

He sighed. "We've done this before. I'm Nathan. And you're Eden. There, we're introduced yet again."

"I have a boyfriend."

If Nathan was even felt the slightest bit of remorse, it didn't show. If anything, he seemed to find her fury entertaining, his hazel eyes bright in the afternoon sun. "I may have heard that mentioned."

"Then why did you kiss me?" It made no sense. They hadn't even known each other before, and now she'd only run into him that morning. It wasn't as though there was any history he was playing out or any other kind of reason, besides insanity.

"Well, you looked very beautiful today," he grinned, obviously hoping the compliment was enough to make her smile, but she simply pursed her lips in reply. "Don't say you didn't enjoy it. At first anyway."

"You know, everyone's talking about you like you're some sensitive guy who's just withdrawn because he has all these deep thoughts, but you're just like them, aren't you? Even if you pretend that you're better to get people to talk about you make girls attracted to you..."

As though her words had reached out and hit a special switch, the amusement drained away, leaving his features cold and hard. "Maybe you're the one who's pretending."

They both stood on the pavement, Eden glaring up at him and Nathan replying with his own stony gaze. Only a moment ago he had been easygoing and playful - it only went to prove that she was right and it really had all been an act. Boys only wanted one thing, and as much as she'd always hoped Tristan would be the exception, it was becoming apparent that wasn't the case. Now she was faced with this...pig who was altogether incapable of keeping his hands to himself and as much as she was at loathe to admit it, the heat beneath her cheeks was fuelled by more than just anger.

With one last huff, she turned on her heel, walking away from him and towards her house as fast as she could, silently praying that he wouldn’t try to catch up.
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Thanks for the comments and feedback guys, keep it coming (: