Status: In my free time

A New Beginning

Chapter 9

Alan's POV

"Hi Aus!" I said, bouncing next to him. He was at his locker talking to Aaron. "Hey babe" he said lightly kissing me. "Hey, I'll catch you guys later, ok?" Aaron said.
"Yeah see ya later"
"BYE AARON!!" Austin laughed a bit and turned to face me fully. "So" he started, pecking my nose "I was thinking I could take you on that date today?" I smiled and grabbed his hands "Yeah" he took his hands from mine and pulled me into a hug, with my head lying on his chest. I could stay like this forever. "You give the best hugs Aus" his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. I leaned up and gave him a quick kiss "And you look really cute when you blush" this caused him to blush even deeper. Just then a group of jocks walked by "Fucking worthless faggots" one sneered and threw us into the lockers. I hissed in pain as the corner of Austin's locker dug in between my shoulder blades. I felt tears prick my eyes as they walked away, laughing. "Alan, baby, are you alright?" I nodded and pushed past him, quickly walking to the nearest bathroom. Luckily no one is in here. I opened the door to the largest stall and placed myself far away from the door. I felt tears begin to flow down my cheeks. God dammit why am I so fucking sensitive all the time. I can't even take one measly little insult. I picked up a broken piece of glass from the corner and twirled it around my in my fingers. I touched it to my wrist and pressed down, slowly dragging it across my wrist. I sighed in relief and closed my eyes.I carved three more lines into my arm and tossed the glass back into the corner. I could practically feel the stress roll off of me. I watched as the blood bubbled to the surface and roll down my arm. "Alan baby? Please let me in" Austin’s voice cut through the silence. I tried to silently shuffle towards the back of the stall, waiting for him to leave. "Come on, I can hear you. Shutting me out isn't going to help anyone" I inwardly groaned and reached up to unlock the stall. He walked in, giving me a sympathetic smile. He sat beside me and pulled me into him. I leaned into his side and he traced patterns on my upper thigh. We sat in silence for a while until Austin gasped "Alan, you're bleeding" I looked at him shocked and felt slightly ashamed
"Wh-what? No I'm not" I said nervously. "Yeah you are. It's smeared all over your arm" he grabbed my forearm and pulled it from my side. I hung my head and a tear dropped down his face. "W-why?" he choked out. "I'm sorry" I whispered "All the insults and the beatings were getting to me. The sad thing is they're all true. I'm fat, ugly, a faggot, emo, a freak, worthless.. I deserve all of this " tears started to flow down my face. Austin placed two fingers under my chin and turned my head to face him "I don't want to EVER hear you say that again. Do you understand? You are perfect in every way imaginable. You're sure as hell not fat, if anything you're too skinny, you're sweet, hot, adorable, kind, funny, an amazing guitarist, and I don't know how the hell you ever picked me, honestly, I don't think words could express your beauty(A/N: aha see what I did there) I don't want you to ever doubt yourself again" I sniffled and smiled at him "You really are just the best boyfriend anyone could ever imagine" I mumbled and leaned up to give him a slow sweet kiss.
"How about we skip the rest of the day and go out together" he offered
"Let's do it" I smiled.
"Great! Let's just clean you up first" he gave me a quick kiss and lead me to the sink. He led me to the sink and grabbed a wad of paper, soakin it with water. "This may sting a bit" he murmured. I nodded, he pressed the towel lightly against my arm, wiping away any stray blood. I gasped at the coldness and he apologized. "It's ok Aus, it's just cold is all" he smiled and kissed my cheek. He finished up and took my hand in his, interlocking our fingers. "Let's get out of here" We walked out of the school and got in Austin's car. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see" he drove through the town and eventually got into Boston. We pulled into a parking lot and he led me to the front gates of the Franklin Park Zoo. "YOU BROUGHT ME TO A FUCKING ZOO!?!?"
"I'm sorry. If you want to go we can" he said,scratching his neck. Aw I think he thinks I'm mad at him. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I FUCKING LOVE THE ZOO! LET'S GO!" A smile grew on his face and I ran inside like a child on steroids. Austin laughed and ran after me. The zebras were the closest thing so I went up to that fence. "I'll be right back, ok? I just have to get something in the car" he said kissing my nose. I took out my phone and started to take pictures of the zebras. About 5 minutes later Austin came up and hugged me from behind, with his head on my shoulder. I turned my camera towards us and took a picture. I showed him the picture "Aw we're so cute" I giggled at him and kissed him. "Come on we have a zoo to see!" somehow we managed to stay there until the zoo was closing, we had lunch at one of the cafés and we bought each other something at the gift shop. ”Attention, the zoo will be closing in five minutes, please proceed to the nearest exit. Thank you” A worker came over the intercom. i sighed and pouted.
“Awwwwwww well I guess we have to go. Come on Aus” I grabbed his hand and started to walk towards the entrance but he pulled me in the opposite direction. “Baby where are you going? The exit is this way” He smiled and continued to pull me along.
“I know a shortcut. don’t you worry your pretty little face” I smiled and allowed him to pull me along. It started to get a bit dark and he led me to a big building with a sign on it that I couldn’t quite read. “Austin are you going to like kill me or something?” he turned to me and laughed
“Do you really think I would go and kill my adorable boyfriend?”
“I don’t know... some sick and twisted fetish nobody knows about?” he just shook his head and we walked into the building. There was a bunch of children in there with their parents and duffle bags. “I thought that we could sleepover at the zoo tonight! We’ll get to feed the giraffes and wash the elephants and stuff!” oh my fucking god, he’s letting us sleep at the fucking zoo!
“Austin!!! You are the best boyfriend on the face of the earth oh my god!” I pulled him into me wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms wound around my waist and we connected our lips together in a sweet kiss. Our lips moved perfectly in sync with each other. We continued to kiss each other until some woman came and tapped us on the shoulder. “Excuse me?” Please don’t do that. There are children around” I pulled away but kept my arm around Austin a slightly glared at her “I’m sorry miss, won’t happen again” She half smiled at us
“Thank you, now if you would follow me we’re going to visit the giraffe exhibit” we followed her out and the kids all had long branches with leaves on them. She led us over to some giraffes and handed us a branch. Ok if you just reach the branch up to their height, over the fence they should be able to reach it. I stuck my arm up and the giraffe started nibbling on the leaves. “Aus! This is so fucking cool!!” I gushed to him “Here, you try!” I handed him the branch and he chuckled and grabbed it from me, kissing my cheek. We ended up listening to some zookeepers talk about some animals, bringing some out, playing some little zoo inspired games, and telling some stories. I yawned and turned to Austin “Aus I’m getting tired” I said, latching onto his arm. “Okay baby. Where do you want to sleep?”
“Can we sleep by the lions!?”
“Yeah, of course” I beamed at him and we dragged our sleeping bags over to the exhibit. We lie them down on the ground and shuffled into them. I scooted up close to Austin and put my head on his chest, looking at the lions lazing around. “Ya know, they may look fierce and scary in the daytime but at night when they’re being lazy they really are just so gosh darnned adorable” I leaned up and kissed him softly “Thank you for one of the best days. Good night babe.” He kissed my temple and pulled me closer into him
“No problem baby boy. Good night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I keep taking too long.... sorry. I really need someone to like hound me to write or im never going to finish. Well I hope you like this chapter, I really did...... oh and im going to be putting up a new jalex story soon so yay. ill post the link next time :)please comment and let me know what you think! Im open to suggestions too
Don't be a ghost reader!!!!! nighty night guys