Status: In my free time

A New Beginning

Chapter 5

"Austinnnnn shut off your phone" Alan whined, turning in towards the back of the couch. Someone just texted me and my phone woke us both up. "m'sorry" I mumbled. I lazily reached for my phone and squinted at the light from the screen.

~Hey man where've you been? Up for a party tonight? -Phil~

I lifted my head and poked Alan's cheek. "Hey" I whispered "You want to go to a party tonight? You can meet the guys"Alan's eyes cracked open a little bit "Sure, whatever, can I sleep now?" he mumbled. I ruffled his hair and pulled the blanket up to his chin. He rolled over and hid his face in the cushions, trying to block out the sun.
It's almost 12 though, and now I don't know how easy it will be to fall back asleep for me.

~Hey, sorry I've been taking care of my friend. He got beat up by some jocks. Do you mind if he tags along?-Austin~

~Nope. The party's at Jaime's. -Phil~

I dropped my phone back on the table and lied back on the couch for a couple of minutes. Eventually I actually ended up falling back to sleep.


I ran up the stairs and pulled on a Pink Floyd shirt and some skinny-jeans. Alan was waiting for me down stairs and we were just about to leave for the party. I think he's a bit nervous that my friends won't like him. He keeps pacing around the house and mumbling under his breath. When I went down stairs he was doing just that. I grabbed onto his shoulders and shook him slightly "Hey, you'll be fine, they'll love you. Ok?" he nodded and gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back at him and my eyes flicked down to his lips
and back up to his eyes. I watched him warily as I leaned down to his height. I paused to look for any sign of resistance. When I saw none in his eyes I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his. With out hesitation he pressed back against me. I saw his eyes flutter shut and mine followed suit. As stupid as this sounds I could feel sparks in our kiss. He wrapped his arms and my neck and mine around his waist. His lips were extremely soft and caressed mine perfectly. There's was nothing more, just our lips pressed together in a simple, loving kiss. I only pulled back when I realized I needed oxygen, leaving my forehead against his. I opened my eyes to see Alan's lingered closed and an absolutely adorable pout on his lips. I chucked and pecked them lightly. "Come on we better go" I smiled to him. He nodded and I grabbed my keys off the table and we left for Jaime's. When we got there the whole house seemed to be shaking and it was only 8. The windows were lit up with strobe lights and people's silhouettes. We walked up to the door and were greeted by Andy and a crowded room. "Hey Austin!! Long time no see!" Andy smiled and pulled us into the house. "Who's this?" Alan stood behind be and ducked his head. "Alan Ashby, he's the new kid in school. Alan this is Andy" I moved to the side so that they could be face to face. Alan smiled and waved "Hi" Andy passed us both a plastic cup with some sort if alcohol in it and wandered off. We wove through the group of people until we could find a fairly clear area. In the time span of about an hour or so I had managed to get Alan to meet all of the guys; Phil, Tino, Aaron, Vic, Tony, Mike, Jaime, Kellin, Jesse, Jinxx, Gerard, Frank, Mikey, and Ray. After a while most of us had a couple cups of beer and almost everyone was drunk. Alan was in the middle of everybody dancing with some guy. He's clearly drunk off his ass. I dropped my chin into my hands, propped up on my knees and watched Alan dance. Vic walked around and sat next to me. I turned my head towards him but kept my gaze on Alan. "So when are you asking him out?"
"Hm?" I snapped my glaze over to Vic "You know exactly who I'm talking about" Feeling flustered I ran a shaky hand through my shaggy hair. "I don't know..."
"You better ask him soon. If you don't you could lose him pretty quickly" I nodded and looked back to Alan. Why does he always have to be right? Kellin came over to us and sat himself down on Vic's lap. Vic kissed his cheek and they started mumbling nonsense to one another. Sometimes they were so cute it sickened me. I got up and went to the kitchen to get my second beer of the night. I started to wander around the house, watching people get high, drunk, dance, kiss, really anything. Ugh why did I agree to this. I suppose it was my idea to go but... I slid down the wall and brought my knees up to my chest. Not too long after Phil sat down next to me. "Hey man"
"Where's little red?" He asked, taking a swig of his beer. "Now that I think about it, I don't know. Last time I saw him he was grinding against some guy" I felt my eyebrows furrow and a frown form on my face. Phil put a comforting hand on my back and gave me a sorry smile. I told him about Alan when we were in the hospital. I knew from that moment on that I liked him, even just the slightest bit. This may seem a bit cliche and too soon but it was like love at first sight. Okay, maybe not love... But you get what I mean. We talked for a while which eased my mind but then he left me when his girlfriend walked by. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him up. He waved to me but quickly averted his attention to her. I checked the time, 9:30, we've only been here for an hour and a half and I'm bored. Everybody around me is drunk and having a good time and I'm here, alone, on the kitchen floor. Drinking just isn't my thing. I should probably go find Alan and make sure he's ok. Ya know with his injuries and all. Now that I think about it, it was pretty fucking stupid to bring a guy with broken ribs and a broken arm to a party. I got up and searched the bottom floor, to no avail. I walked through the crowded room and went up stairs, hoping he wasn't in a guest room. I opened each door, with no sign of Alan, until I got to the last in the hallway. I opened the door to find exactly what I was dreading. Two people going at it in the middle of the room. One was a redhead who I quickly recognized to be my sweet, little, Alan. He was just shamelessly fucking some dude he barely even knows. I could feel tears prick the corner of my eyes. No, no, no don't cry in front of them. You're stronger than that. "A-Alan?" I nearly whispered. He froze in his place when he heard me and quickly pulled back. He covered himself with the blanket and stared at me for a moment. As awkward as this is, and as much as I want to leave, I cant seem to move my feet. "Austin I-" I shook my head and looked down. I'm actually surprised he's sober enough to feel considerate of someone. "N-No its f-fine. I'll b-be down- ok" I gestured downstairs and quickly turned an shut the door. I ran downstairs, saying bye to any of the guys I passed and jumped into my car. I finally allowed a single tear to fall. Which was like the breaking of a damn and soon I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face. It was just a kiss right? A simple, loving, tender kiss. I brought my hands to my face an rubbed my eyes, wiping my tears clean. I heard someone clear their throat from the other side of the car. I looked up to see Alan shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He must have sneaked in while I wasn't paying attention. "Ok" I nodded in response and put the key in the ignition. The ride home was filled with an awkward silence. When I pulled in Alan immediately got out, unlocked the front door, and ran upstairs. At this point I didn't really care what he was going to do. I walked onto my back porch and went into the yard. It felt nice to have the cool breeze at my neck. I laid back on the grass, spreading out my limbs as far as they would go. My eyes stared straight up at the universe turning around me. The stars twinkles happily, mocking my pain. I saw a shooting star go by and I was about to make a wish but I stopped myself. They say that when you wish on a star by the time your wish gets there the star is dead. You're a million years late. Your wish would never come true. So... What's the point?
♠ ♠ ♠
To any of you who care sorry I took so long to update!! I've been 1/4 lazy, 1/4 busy, 1/4 mourning the loss of MCR, and 1/4 pissed off that Austin was put in jail because someone else stated a fight with him. I decided to re-write this chapter cause I didn't like the original. so here you go! Anywho I hope you guys like it :P Comments are much appreciated! Also I'm open to suggestions! :)