Status: In my free time

A New Beginning

Chapter 6

Alan's POV 

 It's been a couple of weeks since that little incident at Jaime's place. The guys have been nice enough to let me sit with them at lunch and stuff. Austin has opted to sit by himself in the courtyard by the edge of the woods. I kind of feel bad about everything that's been going on. Austin was gracious enough to let me stay at his house after I was injured  even though he barley knew me. He even took the courage to kiss me and I loved every minute of it. I can't believe how much of a fucking idiot I was. Besides a few broken bones, I had pretty much everything going how I wanted it to. I had the guy of my dreams standing right in front of me and I let him slip away because I was just being selfish. He's isolated himself from the world, to be honest he's starting to look depressed after all of the deprivation of social contact. Whenever someone who wasn't a teacher tried to talk to him he would just focus on what he's doing, eyes glazed over. I should probably go talk to him. I got up with some questioning looks from the guys and cautiously strolled over to him. "Hey Austin" I said, sitting down next to him. He looked over to means mumbled a hello in a small voice but almost immediately went to whatever he was writing in his note book. I'm actually surprised with how much attention I got after how these weeks have been for him, but nevertheless I didn't get much. "Are you okay? You've been.... Distant lately" I said softly, choosing my words carefully. He shrugged and sighed. "I- I just haven't been feeling well for a while" he lied. I know it wasn't because he was sick but I let it  slide. I don't want to upset him anymore. "Oh. Well um the guys and I were planning on going out this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come?" he looked at me warily. "Where?" 
"Camping. Were going up into New Hampshire" 
"Sure" He shrugged. 
"Awesome!" I beamed "Well pick you up at 4" I ruffled his hair and walked back to finish eating.

~le time lapse because why not?~ 

We were all piled up into a couple of cars at my house only having Austin to pick up, Brendon, Ryan, Jayy, and Dahvie even joined us. When we pulled up to his house Austin sped out of his front door, duffle bag in hand, I got into the car. "Long time no see" Aaron smiled. Austin returned the gesture and leaned in to hug him. "Alright let's go!" we all cheered. After a good hour and a half we finally got to the campground. There were log cabins, trailers, and empty plots all along the dirt road. Tino got out at the parking lot and checked us in. We have two campgrounds that were merged together on a small hill. You can see the foggy lake through the thin line of trees, shinning in the midday sun. After examining the grounds we all started to unpack the car. There is going to end up being around 21 of us, a bunch of instruments, clothes, a shit load of food, and some other random ass things. The guys are setting up the tents and Aaron and I were getting the food out for dinner and making a fire. I caught Austin taking off his sweatshirt in the corner of my eye. My god. He's just so damn beautiful. Aaron playfully nudged me when he noticed my staring and signaled me to go hang out with him. "Are you sure?" I asked. 
"I can see how much you like him. So yeah, go ahead" I gave him a quick hug and jogged over to the tents. One still resided broken apart on the ground because Vic and Mike are arguing about how to even put it together. I noticed a discarded tent pole lying on the ground and picked it up, poking it at Austin. He swatted me away until he got sick of me annoying him. "YOU'LL NEVER ESCAPE ME ALIVE, ENGARD!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Austin shrieked in surprise but started laughing. He gave in a grabbed his temporary sword and matched my stance. "Ready and FIGHT!" Brendon shouted, acting as a referee. We began our fight, slashing our 'swords' through the air, blocking each others attempts to hit each other. Soon enough everyone had picked their weapon and joined in. I felt a stick jab me in the chest and Gerard cried out in triumph. Dramatically I dropped to the ground in mock pain. Austin slid over to me and lifted my head into his lap. "Aus?" I whispered, trying to suppress a laugh. "My dear Alan, you can't die on us. You're too young to die!" I let my tongue hand out and did a horrible impersonation of someone dying. "I SHALL AVENGE YOU!" he screamed running after Gerard. I lifted my head a bit to take a peak at the battle. Austin was killed moments later in his attempt for revenge. I laughed a little and lied my head back down to wait out our mini 'war'. After a couple of minutes of hearing our makeshift weapons smack together Jayy and Dahvie seemed to be the last ones left. "I'm sorry my sweet Dahvie-kinz" I heard a body slink to the floor. "You guys suck at this" said Jayy. "Hey, where's F-" he was cut off by Frank "SURPRISE BITCH" and just like that Frank won. "Okay guys, war's over. I've declared myself King, you may now worship me at my feet" We all sat up laughing in unison. There were random cries of awe and worship as Frankie created himself a cape. The campsite was a wreck. We all groaned, realizing we have to spend all this time setting up again.
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Yaaaaay it's up!!! Sorry about the long wait. I've been drawing an being lazy. I'm sorry about the shortness but I actually really love this chapter. I had it written for my last story (which was discarded) and it never got posted for that story and I decided I loved it too much to scrap it do TADA!!!! Thank you to the very few of you that comment. :) It makes me really happy to know you guys are enjoying it. :D
I'm open to suggestions. Comment and let me know what you think! <3