Status: In my free time

A New Beginning

Chapter 7

I can't believe the guys left me in charge of making the fire. That's probably the worst idea they've had in quite a while, but Jaime thought it would match my hair so... A few (and by a few I mean about ten) burns and bandaids later I managed to get the fire going without starting a forrest fire. Each time I yelped in pain when a flick I fire shot out at me Austin would just look at me and shake his head with a small smile on his face. I'm happy that we're kind of back to normal, there is still some awkward tension between us though. "GUYS I DID IT!!" I cheered and did a little happy dance. They laughed at me and a couple of them gave me a high five. "I'm huuuuuuuuungryyyyyyyy" Kellin whined. "Calm your tits I have the hot dogs right here"  Phil said, playfully punching his shoulder. We circled our chairs around the fire pit and shoved our hot dogs on sticks and hovered them above the fire. 
A couple of hours later we were all getting ready to pile into our tents. It was actually really cold outside tonight, and there was a lot of creepy sounding wind. I heard light pitter-patter sounds on the roof of the tent and slight rumbling  in the distance. Great, rain. Well at least our stuff is covered... I put my headphones I'm my ears and pressed shuffle. I pulled the sleeping bag up to my chin and rolled over, trying to get some sleep. 

I woke up not too much later, shivering, to a flash of light outside followed shortly by loud bang. How the hell am I the only one awake? I pulled the covers over my head to try and create a cocoon of warmth. My teeth were chattering so much that I guess Austin heard it and woke up because I heard a small "Alan?" echo through the tent. I unzipped the sleeping bag and poked my head out of the top "Ye-yeah?" I shivered.
"Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded and tried to push it off but another strike of lightning and thunder came and I visibly jumped and quietly whimpered. He put his hand on my arm and gasped "Alan you're freezing!" he completely unzipped both sleeping bags and ushered me out of my spot. He then proceeded to zip them together to create a queen size bag, folding over one side for me. "Come here" he smiled, opening his arms. I slightly smiled to myself and awkwardly crawled into the joined bag, lying close to the edge. "Is this ok?" I nodded and tried to ignore how cold I was, despite Austin's body heat. "Well you're not going to get any warmer all the way over there" I sighed and scooted a bit closer to him. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist. Ah he's soo warm. I quickly flipped over and latched onto him. I curled into him, squishing squidgy in between us. I quickly fell asleep, forgetting completely about the storm. 
I woke up the next morning yet again from a flash, except this time it was from a camera. I opened my eyes a bit and saw Phil taking pictures of us, with Kellin gushing beside him.  Austin groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes. I made a sound very similar to a dying cat as I fell off if his chest, into his lap. He yawned and tried to get up. "Noooooo" I whined, grabbing onto his arms. He smiled and then moved my fringe out I my eyes. "Come on Ginger Princess, get up" I pouted and swatted at his stomach. "Did the rain stop?" I asked, slowly sitting up. 
"Yeah just a bit muddy out there" Tino said, I nodded and opened the tent door. About half way to the screen tent I slipped in the mud and fell on my ass. A chorus of laughter erupted around me and I soon joined in, lying on my back. Well that was a shit idea. Aaron came over to me and offered me a hand "Thanks man" I smiled. Over at the fire Jesse was cooking breakfast. I shuffled over to him and he passed me a plate. "Thank you Mrs. Lawson" I teased. 
"Asshole" he said, lightly punching my shoulder. I stuck my tongue out at him a sat down in between Austin and Tino. "Het Alan want to go mess around on the lake?" 
"Sure thing! Let me get changed real quick" he nodded and I jogged over to my bag. I pulled on my Asking Alexandria shirt and a pair of skinnies. "Ok, I'm good" He smiled at me and we walked down to the little cabin at the foot of the lake. We ended up renting two kayaks for an hour, because why not? We paddeled around for a while and then ended up sitting idoly in the middle of the lake. We began talking about random things until I noticed Austin leaning towards me. He gripped onto the edge of my boat and smiled at me. "Hi" he nearly whispered. 
"Hi" I whispered back. Oh god what is he doing? The fond expression on his face quickly turned suspicious. He put his hands under my boat and flipped me over into the water. I came up for air to see Austin laughing his ass off. "IT'S FUCKING COLD YOU DOUCHE CANOE!" I screeched. He continued to laugh until I swam over and  pulled on his arm until he tipped. He squeaked when he hit the water and grabbed my shoulders, pushing my head under. I swam behind him and maneuvered myself until he was forced into giving me a piggy back ride. "ONWARD LOYAL PEASANT" He chuckled and dragged me around in the water. A while later we got out and changed clothes. Austin came over to me, took a towel, and ruffled my hair. He threw the towel aside and extended a hand to me, smiling "Come walk with me"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I lied but better late than never right? Either way yayayayayayay it's finally up. sorry I took so long,,,:/

Aaannywhoo please tell me what you think!! I open to suggestions :) Don't be a ghost reader!!<3