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Give Me Love

Chapter 2


"What do you want?"
Someone asked me that today. I said nothing but when I really sat down and thought about it, it hit that I want a lot of things; most of which I can't have. For starters, I would like to stop feeling so old. I realize in the long run seventeen isn't that old. In fact, many people would kill be this age but to me its old. It feels so different than sixteen. I don't why. I don't know if that the only one who has ever felt like this. I doubt but that doesn't matter really.
Its kind of like I'm on the border of something and I'm in slow mow being pushed one way while I'm trying to go the other way. I'm not an adult yet but I'm also not a kid anymore. Its a weird place to be and I don't think I like it. It's like all of a sudden I see things differently. I just want things to be simple again.
There is a lot of thing that aren't simple about my life. A lot of change has been happening around me and I'm trying to adjust but when I finally feel like I've accepted it… BAM change again. It's life. I know. But its more rapid than it should be.

With love,