At Noon We Draw To...

Hi. My name is Tianna.

Hi! My name is Tianna Richter and I'm 15-years-old. Last name sound familiar? Good. My brother is the 20-year-old Travis Richter and he's a guitarist in a band called From First to Last. I'm pretty sure you've heard of them. They have a cd that just came out called Dear Diary, My Teen Angst Has A Body Count. It's pretty rad.

My brother has an amazing scream so he does a lot of that on the album. The 20-year-old lead guitarist Matt Good has a pretty good voice and he switches parts with the lead singer a lot. They like to split the vocals.

Derek Bloom is the 21-year-old drummer. He's kind of quiet but he's like another big brother. He's always looking out for the guys. There's also 18-year-old Jon Weisberg. He's so quiet that no one ever notice's him. He's got talent though. He's a sick bassist and he's a pretty okay growler.

I've saved the best for last! He's amazing in every way! He's short about 5'4", I think, and I'm 5'1" so that's sweet. He's got longish hair and snakebites that I want to bite on. Oh yeah, he sings in the band, screams, and he's 15-years-old just like me! =] Only problem is that I haven't told anyone how I feel. Especially Sonny.

But enough of that. I'm going to give you a little brief story of my past.

As kids, Travis and I were extremely close. I mean we still are but back then it felt like each other was all we had. See, our dad had a drinking problem. Not just a drinking problem, he was an alcoholic. My mom was the best but she was always fighting with dad so she couldn't always be with us.

One night, dad came home completely wasted. I was 10. Travis was 15. Dad came up to my room and tried to do unspeakable things to me. So I fucking screamed and fought and kicked at him. He got pissed and started to hit me. My mom came in and pulled him off me. He turned on her and she ran out. He went after her, grabbing his pistol of his dresser. He shot my mom that night and after realizing what he did, he put that pistol in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

From that night on, Travis and I were on out own...
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Ok. It does get better from here.
I just thought I'd give you the story behind Tianna and Travis Richter.
Well comment lovelies!
It would be much appreciated.