No Sense of Direction

No Sense of Direction 061:

Chapter Sixty One
‘…Of course it’s raining, why it is that every dramatic event it has to rain?...’ I thought as pulled into Sidney’s driveway and walked towards Sidney’s house.

Before I would have just walked right in, but now, I figured I should ring the doorbell.

“Kat? What are you-“ Sidney asked as he opened the door and I cut him off by stepping forward, grabbing his face and pressing my lips against his.

I felt his hands on my waist and I pulled my body against his. I didn’t care if I was soaked because it was raining, I didn’t care that I was probably going to get sick; I just wanted to be right here and let Sidney know that I chose him.

I pulled back and looked at him, “It’s always been you.”

“Are you sure?” he asked and I smiled and nodded my head, “Good because-“

“Sidney?” I heard and then looked back to see that there was a skinny blonde woman walking into the hallway and looking to see me there, “Hi!”

“Uh, Amanda, you know Kat, right?” Sidney asked and I looked at him and then back at the girl to see that she was dressed in a little dress and she was barefoot with a wine glass in her hand.

“Kat? Oh the trainer! Yes, hi! What are you doing here?” she asked as she walked over and stood next to Sidney, leaning against the door.

“I ya- uh- I um, needed to check up on Sidney’s jaw, he should be cleared to go within another week or two,” I said and Amanda smiled and patted Sidney’s arm.

“That’s great!”

“Yeah, um, I should be going,” I said and then looked at Sidney feeling like a complete idiot.

“Kat! Wait!”

“No, you’re clearly busy,” I said as I turned away heading back over towards my truck, trying to hide the fact that I wanted to cry, ‘…He got over me quick…’

I managed to make it to the cemetery without crying, but then once I hit my parents’ graves, I broke into tears. It was pouring and I was muddy, but I didn’t care, I was too upset with myself for letting this all happened. I sat in-between my parents’ tombstones and leaned against my dad’s.

“I don’t know what to do,” I cried, “Everything’s so screwed up and it’s my fault.”

Once I thought that I was there long enough, I figured that I should probably head home, or at least check my phone to see how many missed calls I had. Three from Sidney, two from Dana and three from Tyler, I had been gone for four hours, not knowing how long of that was spent at the cemetery.

I decided that I was going to head home. I slowed down when I hit a yellow light and stopped at the thick white line when the light turned red. It was just before nine, I was tired, soaked, muddy, depressed, I just wanted to get home.

The line for the oncoming traffic seemed to take forever to turn yellow, it was allowing all of these cars to go through and I was getting frustrated. No one was behind me and I just wanted to go to bed, I inched forward and turned my tires a little, anticipating my turn as soon as that light turned green.

I usually had the radio on to some country channel when I drove; the truck was silent this time. I sighed and thought that if I put the radio on, it might take my mind off of what had just happened. If I didn’t have you from Thompson Square was playing and I scoffed at the irony, wanting to change the channel but then stopped when I saw a bright line in my rear view mirror, a part of the reason why I hated driving at night.

I wasn’t expecting to feel my truck be struck from the rear. I cursed and then felt my truck being pushed forward, being pushed out into oncoming traffic. My eyes widened as I heard the horn and saw the tracker trailer coming right at me. I braced for impact and felt my truck being hit on the passenger side.

I don’t know how many times I flipped; all I remember was hitting my head against the window, and then feeling my hands on the ground. I looked forward to see that my truck was on its side. All of the windows were smashed and I groaned as I tried to push myself up but found that I couldn’t. I moved the wrong way and then gasped and leaned against the ground, the seatbelt was stuck and my eyesight was fuzzy. I was breathing heavily and then felt my body weak, I could hear voices, but I felt myself drifting away and soon saw nothing but darkness.

“Oh come on you ass, move!” I yelled as I hit the button on the remote control.

“Oh you gotta be quicker than that!” Jordan laughed and I growled and started to lean over thinking that if I did that while trying to play my soldier in Call of Duty, then he would move the way I wanted him to. Jordan laughed and shook his head, “You know that doesn’t really work.”

“Shut up, it makes me feel better!” I laughed and then managed to figure out how to throw a hand grenade at someone.

“Dumbass! You just hit me!”

“Oops,” I said and Jordan threw the controller and sighed, “Game over, did I win?”

“No, you let the freaking twelve year old Chinese girls win!” he growled while pointing towards his Xbox.

“How do you know they were-“

“Shut up!” Jordan yelled and I laughed and shook my head, “God you suck at this game.”

“I never really played videogames growing up,” I said and Jordan shook his head.

“Play nice boys!” Heather, Jordan’s fiancé said and I laughed and shoved Jordan’s shoulder.

“When are you going to finally marry her?”

“This June,” he said and I nodded my head.

“Remember to send Kat an invite, she’ll kill you,” I said and Jordan laughed and nodded his head.

My phone went off and I looked at it to see that it was a number that wasn’t in my contacts, but the location said that it was Pittsburgh, Pa. I immediately thought of Kat and answered the phone, “Hello?”

“Yes, may I speak with a Zachary Spelling?”

“Speaking,” I said and then felt Jordan shove my shoulder, so I shoved him back.

“Yes, my name’s Annie from UPMC Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh, you are named as the emergency contact for a Katrina Spelling-“

“My sister, is Kat all right? What happened?” I panicked and stood up staring at the ground and feeling the mood in the room turn serious.

“Ms. Spelling was in a car accident, according to the police report; a drunk driver ran right into the bed of her truck and pushed her out into oncoming traffic where a tracker trailer hit her. Her truck rolled and stopped on its side. Ms. Spelling suffers a minor concussion, some broken ribs and a few cuts, bruises and burn marks.”

“But is she all right?!”

“She’ll be all right once she wakes up-“

“Wakes up? Why isn’t she awake?”

“When EMTs reached her, she was barely breathing, they needed to perform CPR, but her heart beat stopped so they needed to shock her with the paddles. She’s sedated now because when she came to she panicked.”

“I’m in North Carolina now, but I’m on my way now!” I said as I looked at Jordan who nodded his head.

“All right, is there anything I should do, anyone to-“

“Do your damn job and make sure my sister stays alive!” I yelled into the phone and then threw my phone against the wall and ran my fingers through my hair, “Jordan, I gotta- I gotta go!”

“What happened?!”

“Kat got into a car accident, it’s bad, it’s really- I can’t lose her too! My parents- Her-“

“Calm down man, come on, I’ll go with you,” he said and I nodded my head.

Jordan took me back to my house after he packed some clothes. When I got home, I called my Uncle Dan and told him to head to the hospital to see if she’s all right, I told him that Jordan and I were going to take a flight out and hopefully be there by late tonight. I called my Coach and told him about Kat and said that Jordan and I were going to be heading up, he was pissed that we were going to be missing the game against the Panthers, but the guys should win it without us.

“I ordered the tickets,” Jordan said and I nodded my head, “Our flights in three hours.”

“All right, I gotta call Chris,” I said and Jordan nodded his head and I started to pack some clothes. Chris didn’t answer so I left him a message for him to call Dana, and I called Dana.

“Hey Zach!” Dana said happily and I sighed, she didn’t know, “What’s wrong?”

“What happened with Kat?”

“Oh, you heard about that huh? Just drama between Lucic and Crosby.”

“What?” I asked, “What happened?”

“You-You don’t know?” she asked confused, “I don’t understand, why are you calling then?”


“Hold on,” she said and I heard her yelling at someone to stop fighting, “These two are killing me!”


“Crosby and Lucic! They’re here fighting again, have been for a while, Tyler and I are trying to break them up. Kat went to Sid’s house to fix their relationship, something happened and she left his place, no one’s seen her since…”

“…She’s been in an accident…” I blurted, not sure if she heard me.

“…And I’m really worried- Wait what?!”