Status: Beginning

Starry Skies

An Unexpected Visitor

Dawn peeked over the forest embellished mountains. Ayla lay on a blanket of dew, gazing at the last fading stars. Her long, gray hair fell around her. The early sunlight lit up her dull, gold eyes. She stretched a pale limb toward the evening star. It was the perfect morning, well, almost.
"Hey, are you alright?" Oh no. No,no,no. A boy had snuck up on her. How did he find her hideout? She stood, prepared to run.
"Hey, who-", He froze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Ayla's hair veiled her torso, her eyes shone like fire. A guarded look replaced her earlier calm. The boy stepped forward, and she fled.
Ayla raced down the mountain, her heart going as fast as her feet. Passing the old angel oak tree, she leapt through a curtain of blooming wisteria. She slowed down. There ahead, following a cobblestone path, was her cottage. It was magical with crimson,roses and lavender,wisteria trailing up its side. A tiny stone chimney poked through the shingled roof. She took a deep breath and stepped inside.
"There you are Ayla. I was starting to worry fell down the mountain rather than ran." Her grandmother giggled to herself. She was an elderly woman with stark white hair. She had a frail, short body, but by her attitude she could've been 20 years old. Her jade,green eyes were soft as well as her expression.
Ayla hesitated, "Grandmother...someone saw me.", she began to ramble, "but it's okay because he didn't follow me, and if it helps, I'll stay indoors and avoid the mountain for awhile..." She trailed off.
Her grandmother just sat there at the kitchen table, smiling. Slowly, she stood up.
"Ayla, you said it was a boy who saw you?" Ayla nodded.
Her grandmother's smile grew ."So, why did you run?"
Ayla couldn't believe what she was hearing. After 12 years of her grandmother telling her to stay hidden and to never let anyone see her, she now contradicted herself. Why would her grandmother suddenly decide none of that mattered?
"Ayla,dear, did you think I'd keep you holed up here forever? You're not that little 3 year old girl I found up here in the mountains anymore. You're 15. Practically an adult, and I believe you're responsible enough to have at least a few friends. If you want, I'll even sign you up for public school. Of course, we will have to be more careful. No one must ever know how I found you, understand? That is the only rule." Her grandmother gave her one last smile and turned to make breakfast.
"Understood, Grandmother. I'm going to have to think about going the school issue though." Ayla walked down the hall and entered her room. Dark,blue walls and shining,sequin stars stared back at her. She collapsed onto her bed. The gray quilt sunk beneath her. Why couldn't she go to school? It would be fun, wouldn't it? She rolled over onto her stomach and glared up at the mountain. It was all that boys' fault. He saw her, and now her grandmother was giving her complete freedom of choice. Wait a second. This meant she could go see the town for the first time, and hang out with friends. She could explore more than the mountains.
Suddenly, this school idea didn't sound too bad after all.
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Please give me feedback on this??