Status: Updates whenever. Sorry if it takes a while, I'm working on literally 12 other fics.

Let's Play: SBURB

Jack: Install the SBURB Beta

You begin installing the CLIENT disc first, figuring you can move on to the SERVER version after that’s done. A weird screen pops up with a bunch of text and codes. What the fuck are those even for, anyway? They disappear in a few seconds anyway. They probably weren’t important. You captchalogue the game’s packaging just in case, but oh wait! Your SYLLADEX is full! You cannot captchalogue the item! You decide to take out that old sock you had captchalogued for no reason at all. You make good use of your WHACK-A-MOLE FETCH MODUS and retrieve it in no time. No sooner is it out of your modus than you realize that the cool loading screen of the game has disappeared! You’ve successfully installed the client copy of the game! Nice job, Jack. Would you like a cookie?

Good, because you’re not getting one. I’m your narrator, not your baker.

You, like everyone else playing with you, begin to download the server copy. People have been making claims that this game completely alters reality, but you think that’s a load of bullshit. It’s only a game. As the game finishes the loading process, you realize that you can see your friend, Ryan, on the screen! You will be meeting Ryan a bit later on. For now, you remain Jack. Or… do you?

You decide to be someone entirely different from before.

Your name is GUSTAVO SOROLA, but most people just call you GUS. You are one of the founding members of ROOSTER TEETH as well as being a TALL MEXICAN. You are very good with COMPUTERS and voice DICK SIMMONS in Red vs. Blue, as well as being on the ROOSTER TEETH PODCAST nearly every week. You work with a bunch of STUPID ASSHOLES who happened to be your friends. You have been convinced by one of said friends to play a video game that everyone says is horrible. You have no idea how this happened, but it did. Your copy of the game is not yet loaded because you’ve decided to play from home and needed to wait for Geoff to text you to begin. You begin to get pretty bored with being Gus, and decide to be someone you couldn’t be before. Who is this magical person?