Status: My first story on here. Give me some Feedback please! (:

Don't Let Me Fall

Let it begin...

Your hand slowly begins to slip out of mine. My grip is not as strong! I could let go if I want to. Why would I risk my life for you? I don't know you? However, You're not just the reader of this story. Heck, you're much more than that. You're the main character!

I may choose to let you fall. Unless, you give me a reason not to. You stare blankly at me. Whatever you do, don't look down. That's when they'll get you, you know the evil people. The one's that remind you what perfect should be and look like. Perhaps, being perfect is impossible. Trust me, I've tried. The closer you get the more you realize no matter what, people feed for judgement!

There is another turn to this problem. I could help you up but do you deserve it is the question! Now, you're just stuck in the middle. You look puzzled. Let me refresh your memory. Since you're stuck might as well pretend as if you really are this character.



The car roared as if it were a wild animal being released out of its cage. You haven't had much sleep. You haven't ate anything since yesterday morning. You reach in your pocket and you pull out a quarter. That's all you got! A damn quarter. Your throat craves for water. What would you do? Who would you go to?

Now, close your eyes once, twice and a third time. You're somewhere else. An island... It looked like paradise. All your favourite fruits. A beautiful ocean surrounding it. The relaxing sound of the waves. All your family and friends living with you.

Dreaming goes a long way. Maybe, it's a sign. It seems as if you might not be thankful for what you have but something seems to be missing. There's always something missing. Both dreams have two different meanings. However, a poor man can be as rich as a wealthy man.

Imagination is good for the mind. It is your own world. Your own decision. It is your path. Now, think of a happy moment in life. It could be really anything. Just a moment that always makes you smile. Even though, that moment stays in the past it still plays in your head as if it were a movie.


I know, I've been really demanding. Just one more question!

If I were you in this situation. I was the one falling. You don't know me? You had a choice. You could live on that island but you would have to let me go. The other choice is to save me but we would be poor together. Would you do the right thing? Would you save me?