
(Not) So Lucky.

The rain soaked pavement flew beneath the soles of my black converse. Dark clouds painted the sky a dismal grey. I rounded the corner and saw that the buses had already been and gone. If there was one thing I hated more then being late, it was being so late that I had to run the whole way to school in the rain. I felt slightly relieved as I bolted through the front parking lot gate.
Suddenly, I felt my foot get snagged on the side of the other foot slipped out from underneath me on a patch of mud. I landed on my hands and knees in a puddle mistakable for a pond. Shit! Just like me to not see that coming. Slowly I rose to my feet, and sprinted from my locker to my first class.

And empty classroom window gave me and insight to my utterly, horrible reflection. My jeans, so caked with mud and water that no one would have thought they were black. A disappointed sign escaped me as I ran my fingers though my wet, tangled pony tail. I continued down the quiet hallway, while trying to invent a clever explanation to my tardiness. Soon I would have to face the never ending lecture from Mrs McHolland. I opened the door. To my surprise the class was in complete chaos. For once having to dodge the paper balls flying around the room was a fun thing to do. I made no effort to hurry to my seat, nor did I attempt to focus on the amused face that longed for answers.

"Don't ask Georgia." I said embarrassed.

"Well then it's clear that the question doesn't need an answer. Your the clumsiest person I've ever met." She laughed.

I took my usual seat in front of my close friend, next to the a wall to wall length window. It seemed no matter what class I had, I would always sit by the window with the best view. I slouched in my chair.

"That's not all, is it?" She asked.

"I doubt you'll understand."

Georgia got up and leaned herself against the window beside my desk. "Try me."

Once again her confidence was over powering. I stared out the window and examined the clouds for any signs of the radiant sun.

"This isn't the first time this has happened. I . . . I keep having these strange dreams. Well, dream, cause its always the same for some reason."

My attention quickly switched to a some flock of birds as they suddenly took wing in a startled manner.

"I don't dream every night. But when I do . . . It's horrible."

I turned around, hoping Georgia would have a look of understanding in her hazel eyes. Instead she was leaning across my table, her face surprisingly close to mine. She placed a small hand on my forehead and pursed her head in thought.

"What the hell?" I flinched.

"You feeling feverish today B?" She grabbed onto my chin and turned my face to the side so that she could examine my face.

"Piss off, my moms a doctor. I think she would have noticed." I swatted her hands.

"Come on Beth, your never like this. Are you still upset with your results?"

"The exams have nothing to do with it. You know what, just forget it." I smacked my hand on the table top, startling some people.

"What, so your late for the first time in your life and suddenly your going crazy?" Georgia straightened up to her full height, a mere five foot six. "Honestly, I need to take you to a night club or somethin' because you really need to get out more." She chuckled.

She shook her dark curls as she leant against the wall.
"Go on then. What's so bad about his dream of yours?"

"Uh . . ." Crap. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

After all, Georgia wasn't exactly the kind to except all things weird and unique easily. Unlike me, who had just that buzzing around in my almost every night. Suddenly the door creeped open, revealing a small elderly women. She had a white bob and a tiny pair of glasses that sat on the end of her pointy crow nose. Her very presence in the room sent everyone running to their seats.

"Morning all." She said cheerily.

She settled her things down and begain scribbling notes on the board. For someone so slow in the morning, Mrs McHolland didn't waste anytime.

"Now, who can tell me just why the ancient Egyptians chose to mummify their kings?" She turned around to find that close to no one was paying attention.

She yelled over the top of the sound of laughter, and conversation.
"Attention!" Oh, I almost forgot that she was in the army.

That class lasted way too long. History was usually a breeze for me - probably because McHolland kept giving me the answers- but today what was only two hours felt like two days. P.E definately sucked like hell. But I've never been good at any thing sporty, because I was without a doubt the clumsiest person in L.A. The last time I played tennis, I nocked my classmate, Joey Finn out cold for an hour and shattered some of his teeth. Even now he blames me for the loss of his front teeth. -true story- The smallest of accidents became dangerous once I was involved.

I followed Georgia to our table in the cafeteria, a tray of food in hand. Well it was more her and her friends table, because I simply tagged along. Riley, my least favourite member, often referred to me as the "fifth wheel", or "stray dog" and sometimes even "the one who carries the bags". Someday that girl was going to get a good ass kicking. And I was either going to be the one doing the kicking or recording the whole and posting it on YouTube.

I sat by Georgia and kept my head bowed in caution. Naomi was once again saying that she was over Jason Hallow, but we all knew she wasn't. Jessica was going on about the latest cat fight she'd been in over a t-shirt. It was the always the same routine; boys, shopping, parties, sex, boys, I could go on forever.

I felt a hand rest on my knee. Georgia mouthed the words "are you okay?"

"Later Georgia later." I whispered back.

"Hey look!" Exclaimed an excited Jessica from across the table. "Brody actually decided to show up today."

My fork dropped out of my hand, spilling salad all over my jeans. I could hardly move but turned to my only real friend sitting at the table. Shock consumed both Georgia and I. Only she knew about what had really happened between me and the bad boy, Brody Summers. Oh, everyone new we were once best friends. But they thought there had simply been a falling out between us. No. No, it was much deeper then that. Much darker. Much, much darker.

The typical juvinial delinquent that he was, Summers rarely showed up to classes, showed little to no respect for anyone but himself, and walked around like he owned the place - not to mention all the girls in it. So I hunched over in my chair and looked at Georgia out of the corner of my eye. On impulse, She gazed over in what I assumed was his direction. Please don't come over, I prayed, oh dear god don't! She gave me the 'all clear' thumbs up, though I didn't dare to move an inch wether he was coming or not.

I was kindly escorted by Georgia to my locker the second the bell sounded.

"So I've got math. You?"
"Chemistry." I replied.
She raised a perfectly sculptured eyebrow. "Urm, you do know what that means, right?"
I didn't need 20 questions to realise what she meant.
"Son of bitch!" I kicked the locker below me.

Brody was in my chemistry class, along with two of his flying monkey hench men. Every class with him consisted of constant annoyance, hinding and paranoia. Not mention the attention seeking and him pretending like nothing ever happened seven months ago.
"Wanna wag with me?" Ah Georgii, what would I do without you.

But reality was to much like my controlling mother. I stared at the roof in hope of finding dome kind of answer.

"I can't run forever you know." I forced myself to smile at her. "I'll be fine. Anything goes wrong and I'll refer back to your famous defence plan."

She flicked her hair over her small shoulders and winked at me. "It never fails. Not for me anyway." And she was off down the hall of crouded bobies in a flash.

I gathered my text books and made my way to the science labs in no haste at all. When I arrived, I made my way to my usual bench - by the window of course- and noticed that my lab partner, Jennifer was no where in sight. I was doomed if she didn't arrive. Crap! Speak of the devil. Brody strolled through the door with two of his many mates nipping at his heals. Instantly he detected me, and winked at a few giggling girls as he closed the distanced between us.

"Well well well. If it isn't my favourite wallflower." He ran long fingers through his slick, oil black hair. A scowl formed on my face.

"I see your all alone today." He stopped and placed that same hand on the bench. "Mind if I joined you?"

Before I could protest he was seated beside me and I was inching myself away. His followers sat behind me, watching me every move. I could bring myself to even look at him.

"Your not still mad about what happened are you?"
"You expect me to forgive you. After . . . that night?"

He leaned closer and laid his arm along the back of my seat. "Can you, Beth?"
"Back. Off!" I yelled, as I landed a solide punch to his stomach.

"Hey." He exclaimed, grabbing me firmly by the wrist.

His dark brown eyes were as piercing as daggers and made me panik quite suddenly. I tried to pull my hand away but he just sat there and laughed. A classmate asked one of Brody's friends what was going on.

"He's just giving her the shits that's all."
"Yeah, nothing mager." Said the over.

I was considering slapping the creep into next Friday, when the chemistry teacher walked in. Everyone took their seats when he came to our bench. He glanced questionably at our hands.
"Care to explain Summers?"

He was quick to think of an excuse. That was his lifelong hobbie.
"Beth fell off her chair. I was just helping her back up again, sir."

"Is that true?" He asked me, with his hands on his hips.

I could sence familiar brown eyes burn into the side of my of head as I stared blankly at the bench top. "Yes sir. Thanks, but I'm okay now." I said yanking my hand from Brody's grasp and placing it in my lap.

My chemistry teacher, by the name of Mr Jaccorant - or as I call him, Jack rabbit- turned and swiftly moved to the front of the room to begin giving instructions.

"That was fun." Brody chuckled satisfied.

I glared at him, not at all surprised by his bizarre sence of humour.

"Here are the rules: no touching, no inappropriate comments, no funny business. And if you do that again I'll stab you with my pen."

He chewed on the end of his own pen and placed his hand on his chest, faking an insulted look. "Such harsh words from such a fragile creature." He bit down hard on the pen.

"I hope you get ink poisoning."