My Life

The tough parts

I grew up with my poor mother and my half-brother. I never had a constant fatherly figure. That is until I was 13 years old. My mother, brother, and I had moved to a place called Wilmington when I was 10 or 11 years old. I was far from my family, friends, everyone I cared about, everyone I hated. My mother worked 2 jobs, my brother was rarely home and a lot of the time he would beat me up. My friends never tried to hang out with me. I asked out one of my best friends and it got awkward. I lost 4 friendships by losing hers. I grew depressed. There were two times I went to this bridge by my house, stood on the ledge, and considered jumping. I never cut myself and to be honest I'm surprised I didn't. I hated myself, I was atleast slightly bi-polar, because I would change on the drop of a dime between wanting to do something and wallowing in self-pity. Most of the time I was stuck on self-pity. I had no confidence, I was almost always hungry. There were multiple times I went 3-4 days without eating. During school days, there were countless times when the only things I had to eat was the small school lunch. When I was 12 or 13 I took to stealing bikes so I could get to the public library sooner so I could lose myself in games and distract myself from my depression sooner. I was depressed. I'm seventeen and I still suffer relapses into depression. I still suffer from some of the bad habits I developed because of the circumstances I was in. Stealing, lying, video game addiction, not eating. It still effects me. Stealing and lying: I rarely steal but I still do and I feel horrible about it now, I lie pretty often but now I try to catch myself. Video games: Can't shake the addiction. Not eating: I can eat more than almost every kid in my high school, I get hungry after like 15 mins of a big meal, sometimes it takes me only an hour to be starving again. Somehow I don't gain much weight from the huge calorie intake.


A/N: I would love any and all sorts of feedback. Also let me know if you believe the rating should be higher.