Status: Writing on Quotev - Updating when I can

The Only Exception

Chapter One

"I can imagine."

"Imagine what?"

"How you look right now."

"I know, I'm sorry for not ending any pictures or my last name or anything."

"It's fine, I remember how you look. You have short purple hair, light green eyes, and you're incredibly thin."

"No, I have long purple hair, my eyes change color, and I'm not thin anymore. I gained a lot of weight and I just lost it all, so I'm kind of curvier now."

"Oh." He sighed, "I miss you."

"I miss you, too! Oh my gosh!"


"No one has ever told me that before." He chuckled and I licked my lips. "I wanna see you, James. I really could use a hug right now."

"What happened?"

"My mum died."

"Oh, Kitty, I'm sorry."

"No, that was a while ago. When I was twelve. She was rich a-and left me all her money, but . . . . people just keep saying that I'm living off of her money like some spoiled brat. I have three jobs, James! I don't want people to think that."

"Oh, yeah, I know you work really hard and stuff. Well, we're in . . . old on. DANNY!!!!" I jumped and bit my lip as he apologized. I heard a second voice ask where they were before hearing James' again. "We're in Yorkshire. We're staying at my mate's parents house for the next few weeks."

"I-I live in Yorkshire. You can come stay with me, if you'd like. I can text you my address."

"They're so rude to women, Kitty. They've never met an actual woman, just girls, so they wouldn't know how to act around you."

"You think I'm a woman?"

"Well, yeah, you actually respect yourself." I smiled,

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"More people need to talk to you, then." I giggled and bit my lip.

"This skirt is annoying me."

"You're wearing a skirt?" I nodded,

"Yeah, why?"

"Don't know." He sighed, "I didn't see you as that kind of girl." I giggled again,

"I wear all kinds of clothes! Not many shoes, though, mainly boots and flats a-and sandals."

"You don't wear trainers?" I bit my lip as I started to panic.

"I-I just don't. I have some, though." He chuckled,

"Wow. I have to go. Text me your address, I'll see you later."

"O-Okay. Bye James."

"Bye, Kitty."