Status: Writing on Quotev - Updating when I can

The Only Exception

Chapter Four

"You're acting like it was nothing to you." I said, brushing Cookie's damp fur. James had to leave early to go back to wherever it is that he lives. But I moved to San Diego, California, USA! I. Moved. To. America. Let that sink in. I got a house and it's now fully furnished, but James is being impossible.

"It was just sex, Kitty! It's not a big deal."

"It was my virginity, James! That is a big deal! I'm starting to think that's the only reason you talked to me in the first place."

"That's not why I talked to you before and you know it." I bit my lip and put the phone on speaker, laying back as Cookie crawled from her spot on the bed onto my stomach.

"I just don't think you care about me anymore." I sighed and puckered my lips. Cookie ran up my chest and licked my chin. "Do you?"

"Of course I care about you."

"You don't call or text me as often since we did it, you don't compliment me, you don't make me feel important-"

"We're not together, Kat! We're just friends, nothing more and nothing less!"

"Well you're the only reason I haven't killed myself, James! You don't how many times I was seconds away from it and then you'd call me . . . and everything was alright and happy again."

"I-I'm sorry, Kat. Do you want me to fly out and stay a few more nights with you?"

"No, I-I moved."


"Hollywood. It's in California."

"I live there! I live in Hollywood, too."



"That's amazing! Oh my God! We can see each other every day!"

"What street do you live on?"

"East Nord Street. You?"

"East Nord Street!" I giggled as he laughed, "I think we sent Danny over just now to send you Mrs. Gilbert's soup. She gives that to everyone that moves in, but she can't walk very far, so she asked Danny to take it over." I up and ran down stairs as the doorbell rang. I opened it and blushed.

Danny's even more attractive outside of Tumblr.

"Hey, I'm Danny. Mrs. Gilbert across the street wanted me to bring you this." I accepted the bowl and thanked him quietly.

"Can you hold on for a sec?" He nodded and I turned around, beginning the walk to my kitchen. "I just got it."

"Great, ask if he knows me." I smiled and put the bowl down before walking back over to Danny.

"Do you know someone named James?"

"Yeah, I do, I live with him. Why?" I smiled and bit my lip,

"Can you ask him to come here please?

"Sure. Nice meeting you."

"You too."


"You said you loved me."


"When we had sex you said you love me."


"Did you mean it?" He sighed and hesitated to answer me. "J-James?"


"Then why did you say it if you don't love me?"

"I do love you, Kitty, just not . . . I'm not in love with you." I felt hurt for some reason. Like my chest is in actual pain at his words.

"Okay. . . . I just . . . I thought we were together."

"Why'd you think that?"

"Because we slept together." James sighed and bit his lip. He almost said something, but his phone vibrated. He answered the phone-call.

"Hello? . . . Hey Jacky! How's it going? . . . . . . Good! I'm great, thanks, you and the guys are still coming over to set up, right? . . . Perfect! . . . . . Yeah, I know Ronnie's not coming, I'll send him a cupcake home. When should we expect you? . . . Great! Cameron, Sam, Ryan, and Ron can go get booze and I ca go with Danny, Derek, and Ben to go get snacks and cupcakes. . . . . Yeah, I need you to stay and entertain her someway. Like, watch her and stuff. . . . Yeah! Great, thanks, see you soon." He hung up and smiled.

"Is that your boyfriend, then?"

"Ha, ha, very funny." I smiled and giggled, "You're lucky I don't have time to punish you."

"M-Maybe you do." He smirked and pulled me closer and into a kiss. I whimpered as he smacked my bum, squeezing hard. I closed my eyes and whimpered again as he turned me over and pulled me into his lap. I opened my mouth and started sucking as he put his penis in. I moaned and pushed him in my throat as he slapped my bum. There was a knock at my door and he cursed. He pulled me up and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and placed him back in his trousers "Later?"

"No, we can't fuck."

"Just stay the night. Please, James? This house scares me."

"Alright, later." I nodded and kissed his nose. He got up and picked me up. I crawled around to his back and he chuckled while walking out of my room and down to the front door. He opened it and I fell off on the floor as he greeted the men that walked in. James picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Guys, this is Kat." I waved a bit and jumped off James. I ran to my kitchen in a rush and picked up my cat. "What're you doing?"

"I forgot to feed her today!" I opened the fridge and shoved her forward. She pawed at the can of cat food and I grabbed it. I put it in a small bowl and put it in the microwave.


"Hold on, I'm feeding my baby!" I grabbed the bowl from the microwave and a plastic spoon before walking out to the living room. I sat beside James and started feeding Cookie. James introduce me to the men and I waved.

"Why're you feeding her with a spoon?" The one named Ben asked.

"She falls into the bowl and it gets all over her face." My phone started lighting up with Tweets of people telling me happy birthday. I got up and took Cookie to the kitchen. I placed her on the floor and she started eating from the bowl not falling in.



"Hi." I looked at Jacky and smiled,

"Hi. Thanks for helping with the party."

"Oh, um, no problem." I smiled even more and bit my lip. "You look really pretty."

"Thanks, so do you." He blushed and I shook my head, "I meant hot. Not hot, but, like, cute, um . . . . I-I'm gonna stop t-talking now." He smiled,

"Thanks anyway." I nodded, "Do you, uh, want a drink or something?"

"Uh, sure." He got up and held his hand out to me. I took it and blushed.


Anyway, Jacky held my hand tighter as he pulled me through the crowds of drunk, dancing people. At some point, a guy I didn't know pulled me away and started dancing against me. I looked around for someone I knew, but I couldn't find anyone. Suddenly, there was an arm around my waist that pulled me off. I looked up and wrapped my arms around Jacky's neck, hugging him.

"I hate people I don't know." I whispered. He laughed and hugged me back.

"You don't know me."

"Yeah, but you're nice and cool." I let him go and he took my hand again, leading me to the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen stool and looked around, frowning.


"Oh, I-I don't drink much. I only drink dessert wine when I get really bad headaches."

"I think there's some soda or something." I smiled and shook my head, "Or we c-could go get some from the store or something?" I smiled even more and nodded.

"I don't have a car."

"We can walk." I smiled and nodded. We maneuvered through the people until we were out front. I saw Danny, so I walked over to where he sat on the lawn with Jaime Preciado and Luke Holland.




"Danny, can you tell James I'll be back?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the store to get some sodas. I don't drink, I told you that."

"Bring me back some Funyuns." Danny handed me a five dollar bill, saying that he wanted a big bag. I rolled my eyes and nodded as Jacky and I started walking in the direction of the store, I'm guessing. It was quiet between the two of us, but it was comforting.

I wonder why I feel like I can trust Jacky, even though I just met him today.

"You're staring at me." He said suddenly. I blushed and shrugged, coming confused as he grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. "You almost ran into a pole." I looked behind me and frowned, turning back around.

"I-I just . . . I usually don't open up to people when I first meet them, b-but I am with you." He smiled and stopped walking. I looked up at him and frowned when he frowned. "Sorry if that's creepy."

"It's not, you're just really nice." I smiled and giggled.

"Why're you upset about that?"

"Because you're nicer than my girlfriend." I frowned and poked his chest.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

"I-I didn't think it was important." I shrugged and we continued walking. We came upon a large store called 7-11 and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and walked in. "What do you want?" I shrugged, "You don't know?"

"I've never been in one of these before!"

"Seriously?" I nodded, "How come?"

"I just moved here." He nodded, "Yorkshire." He nodded again, chuckling,

"Well, Coke is kinda like Classic Cola, but stronger." I ran my tongue piercings over my braces-covered teeth and sighed.

"Is it better than Evoca?"

"Not really, it's not made from mineral water." I nodded and grabbed a bottle of Coke. He also said that Arizona Tea was good, so I got a bottle of each flavor. I also grabbed Danny's Funyuns. Jacky insisted on paying for my drinks and wouldn't let me since I legit have no idea how to count American money. When we got back to the house, I gave Danny his Funyuns and sat down beside Luke with Jacky sitting beside me. The five of us held a conversation on the different things here and in England.

"Hogwarts isn't real, though, right?" Luke asked me, "Because I'd be severely upset if it were."

"No, it's not real." We laughed at Jacky, "But the only . . . "legend" that England has that's true is the 5 o'clock tea. At least where I'm from, at least."

"I hated the 5 o'clock tea." I said, "Because we mainly use electric kettles and then they'd have paid programs on the TV's for two hours straight just so circuits wouldn't blow."

"I hate tea in general." We laughed again and I smiled.

"I'm mainly mad there's no Nandos here."

"Yeah there is." Jaime said, "But not the fun kind like in London." I pouted.

"I only went to London for Nandos and the YouTube center."

"There's a YouTube center in London?" I nodded at Jacky,

"It's new." The front door opened and James walked out with his arm around the waist of a very pretty brunette.

"Kat! I've been looking everywhere for you. I'm not gonna be able to come over later, I'm gonna be busy." I nodded and smiled sadly.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Maybe." He waved and walked over to the girl's car, I'm guessing, as she had the keys and got in the driver's seat.

"Why was he coming over later?" Danny asked me with a smirk, wiggling his eyebrows.

"I've been hearing weird noises for the past three days and it's scary - and no, it's not my cat, she sleeps in my bed the whole night."

"Think it's haunted?" I shrugged and we all looked at my house across the street.

"I hope not." I sighed and ran my fingers through my curly hair. "And I'm scared of the dark!"

"You're twenty-three!" The four men said.

"My mum used to stay with me until I fell asleep when I was younger because of the monsters under my bed and she died, so I still think they're there."

"How'd she die?"

"She was out with her friend Debra. Me and my dad hated her and we still do, she always tried to get my mum into trouble, even when they were children. But, um, they were coming out of a club and Debra made my mum drive and they got into a car accident."

"Wow." I nodded and jumped as my phone started vibrating. I pulled it from my shirt and looked at the screen after unlocking it.

'Sammi: Happy birthday! Jinxx and I couldn't make it to the party, but we're dropping by tomorrow to bring you your gift'

'Me: Thanks, Love! I'll see you then.' I smiled.

"Hold on, I need to do something." I said to them as I started recording a video of myself. "Hi! Um, . . . of course, I'm not in my usual setting for these videos, but today is . . . I wanna start doing video-blogs every day just to show what I'm doing because a lot of you guys tell me that you want to see my everyday life instead of just the weekly videos, I may even do two a week now. But anyway, I've moved to America! Yay, right?" I nodded, then shook my head,

"No, it's terrible." I laughed at Danny.

"Yeah, I'm not liking it that much. My friend and his friends threw me a party-"

"I'm your friend, too!" I rolled my eyes as they laughed at Danny.

"My friends threw me a birthday party and I'm not the party type of person, really. But I made three other friends, so that's good! Um . . . there's no Tesco here, which means that I'll h ave to venture out into the deep depths of Los Angeles to find a supermarket because no place delivers. Like, Jesus Christ, America, your president is Black!" They laughed and I smiled, "Obama, do something important and create delivering food markets. But, um, yeah. It's my birthday and I have, like, $2000 dollars in gift cards and two of my friends were like 'Yeah, you'll get her a bunch of iPad cases and I'll go with her to go get an iPad tomorrow!' So tomorrow, you guys get a vlog of that.

"But, like, a hug would've been nice, Danny, gosh." They laughed and Jaime said he was going to leave early, so he said bye to everyone and gave me a hug.

Damn, that Mexican smells nice.

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna see you guys later. Bye!" I put my phone up and accepted Luke's hug as his friends came out super wasted, meaning he had to drive them home, being under-aged. Leaving just me, Danny, and Jacky.

"Danny, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"A lot of your fans have been saying that James is only my friend so he can sleep with me, is that true?"

"Did he?"

"Well, yeah, but I-I just wanted to get losing my virginity out of the way."

"Maybe, I don't really know. He has a girlfriend, though, and he's trying to stay faithful to her."

"But he slept with Kat."


"I-Is she who he left with?" Danny nodded, "She's really pretty."

"Yeah, and she's a whore. She hits on us all the time and tried to sleep with Cameron when he was black-out drunk, once." I covered my mouth and he nodded, taking a sip from his water-bottle. "He's head over heels for her and one of us have the heart to tell him that she cheated on him with our old tech." I gasped and dropped my hands to my knees, grasping the dark fabric that covered them. I looked down at the jacket and back up to Jacky.

"You looked cold." I smiled, but frowned again.

"How can someone just . . . cheat on the person they're with?"

"He cheated with you."

"Yeah, but I didn't know that he had a girlfriend because he never talked about her."

"But still, i-it happened." I looked at Jacky and frowned even more, "My girlfriend cheated on me, but she was drunk, so I didn't hold it against her."

"She still did it a-and I feel bad that I did. If someone cheated on me, I'd break up with them regardless if they were int heir right state of mind or not. We'd still be friends if they were drunk, but like . . . what's the point of being with me if you're gonna screw someone else?"

"I like you kid, you're honest." I rolled my eyes at Danny,

"Yeah, thanks I guess." I yawned and covered my mouth. "I-I'm gonna go try to get some sleep."

"I-I'll sleep with you." I looked at Jacky blushing. "I-I meant . . . I-I'll stay until you fall asleep."

"I was actually gonna crash in James' room or something."

"Oh. I'll see you later then."

"W-We can go watch a movie if you want."

"A movie? In the middle of your party?" I smiled, but frowned as the girls car pulled up.

"Her name is Elizabeth, watch how slutty she is." Danny said quietly as she and James got out. "Hey Elizabeth." She wiggled her fingers and winked at Danny as she walked closer to us.

"Oh, you must James' little friend, Kat." She said to me. "I'm Liz. Killer shoes."

I don't like this girl >:(


"Where did you get them? I'm really into the whole spikes and leather thing now." She said, eying Jacky. He shifted a bit and I bit my lip.

"Um, . . . I-I don't really know, I didn't buy them."

"Oh, I'm guessing you have a rich boyfriend or something?" I frowned and shook my head,

"No, I-I just didn't buy them. My dad did."

"Oh, you're one of those girls that uses heir daddy's money for everything, huh?"

"Uh, no, he just bought me a pair of shoes." Danny laughed a bit and I frowned, looking at James. I stood up and brushed my bum off, handing Jacky his jacket as he stood up. he put it over my shoulders and I smiled. I looked at James again and frowned, "Call me tomorrow, okay? I need to talk to you about something."

"Maybe, I may be hung over."

"Oh, I know this easy way to get rid of it. It's just a bunch of-"

"He said maybe, God, why are you so clingy?" Liz asked me, sneering with a hand at her hip.

"She was just trying to help, no need to be a bitch about it." Danny said as he got up. He kissed my cheek and gave me a hug. "I'll see you tomorrow, happy birthday."

"Thanks." He nodded and said goodnight to Jacky before walking inside the house. I looked at James and frowned. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're being really rude, James."

"She's right, though, you are really clingy!"

"You're my best friend, how do you expect me to act?! You're acting like I proposed to you! Al I said was that I knew how to get rid of hangovers and asked if you were gonna call me tomorrow, but I guess this is what being nice gets me, right?"

"You asked em to stay the night earlier!"

"Because you know how I am about this house! It's scary, James, I can't help that! Just don't talk to me again if you're going to be a giant douche-bag."

"Alright, goodnight." He smiled and took Liz's hand, pulling her into the house and slamming the door shut.

"Come on." Jacky took my hand and led me across the street to my house.

"I don't want to go inside, it's scary." He sighed and gently nudged me towards the door. I unlocked it and turned on the living room lights. "Can we go over your house?"

"S-Sure, pack some clothes." I smiled and ran up to my room. I packed a pair of clothes to wear tomorrow and some pajamas. I also grabbed some basic makeup and hair stuff before putting it all in a book-bag. I ran back downstairs and fed Cookie before walking out with Jacky. "Um, . . . my girlfriend may or may not come home, s-so-"

"I can sleep on the couch, it's no big deal." He frowned and shrugged before opening the passenger door for me. I got in and buckled my seat-belt as he got in on the other side. He turned the car on and turned the heat up before driving off. I bit my lip and poked his chest.


"Put your seat-belt on!" He chuckled and fastened his seat-belt. I thanked him and he smiled. "You just drive really fast and I don't want to get into an accident." He suddenly pulled into a driveway and got out. He pushed a garage door up and got back in the car, driving into the garage.

"I live just around the corner." I got out and he turned his car off, closing the garage door. He suddenly frowned and I turned to see a black Prius next to his car.

"Girlfriend's car?" He nodded, taking my hand and pulling me through a door.

"Madeline?!" He called as he pulled me through the house. He finally went to the kitchen and saw a note on the counter. "Oh, she went out with her friends for the night." I nodded and bit my lip as he pulled me up to a room that was somewhat messy and had a lot of guitars in a case against the far wall near a window. A bed was pushed against the other wall and had dark blue bedding on it.

There were clothes on the floor that Jacky kicked under the bed and the floors were a dark hardwood, contrasting against the deep blue walls. "Your room is-"

"Messy, I-I know, I forgot to clean up." I smiled,

"No, it's really cute." He smiled,

"Um, Maddie won't be home tonight, so you can take my bed. I nodded and thanked him, "I'll just take the couch."

"C-Can you stay until I fall asleep?" He nodded and told me I could change in his bathroom. I shut the door after walking in and blushed since there was an inappropriate magazine on the counter. I pulled off my shirt and pushed my skirt down. I took off my heels and put them all in my book-bag before putting my pajama shorts ant tank-top on. I walked out of the bathroom and stopped in my tracks since Jacky had just only pulled on his boxers.

His body is so perfect, like, seriously perfect. He's kind of muscular, but . . . perfect. And pale. But that's not important.

Jacky pulled a shirt on and put on some gym shorts before looking over at me, blushing. "H-How long have you been standing there?"

"Um, n-not long." I giggled a bit and his eyes went wide. "I-I never met anyone with dimples on their back before." He blushed even more and I bit my lip, walking over and sitting on his bed. I got under the covers and held them up for him. He layed beside me and I held my closed fists to my mouth.

"Good night."

"Good night. . . . Can I lay on you?"

"S-Sure." I moved closer and layed my head on his chest. His heart-beat sped up as he wrapped his arms around me, causing me to giggle. I yawned and groaned as my phone rang. I whined and pulled it from my bra, holding it between Jacky's chest and my face.

"Hello?" I asked with another yawn.

"Hey, James is pissed, what happened?" I sighed,

"Hi Cameron, he was being a butt-hole to me and he called me clingy for saying that I could help him get rid of a hangover a-and I asked if he was gonna call me tomorrow."

"Oh, wow! Sam, Ben! He's just being a pussy again and overreacting! Nice chatting with you, have a good night, I'll call you later. Bye!"

"Bye, Cameron." I hung up and cuddled into Jacky's chest. "You share this room with your girlfriend? It's kinda masculine."

"No, I-I don't want to share a room until we're married. I didn't even want her to move in. I'm kinda traditional with that stuff." I smiled and looked up in his eyes.

"You're, like, the perfect boyfriend. Maddie's really lucky."

"I don't deserve her, really, she's the best." I nodded and he sighed, "You're a good friend, you know that?" I smiled and shrugged,

"Thanks, you too."

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