Status: Writing on Quotev - Updating when I can

The Only Exception

Chapter Six

"Hey." I smiled as Jacky opened his door, breathing kinda heavy. "I haven't seen you in a while."

"I know, I'm sorry. I've been trying to find a house close by." He nodded,

"I'm kind of busy right now, or else I'd help you."

"Oh, no, I just forgot my house keys over here."

"O-Oh, right, come in." I smiled and walked into his house, sitting on the couch as he walked over to the coffee table.

"Jacky?" I looked to see Maddie walking downstairs wearing nothing but a t-shirt that didn't even cover anything. "Are you coming back up?" She looked at me and frowned, "What's she doing here?"

"She left her keys."

"Oh, whatever." Jacky frowned, "Are you gonna come back up?" She licked her lips and Jacky blushed,

"In a bit, I haven't seen Kat in a while and I need to ask her something." I blushed and looked at my lap as Maddie flipped her hair, walking up the stairs. Jacky sat beside me and I bit my lip, thanking him quietly as he handed me my keys. "Do you wanna go to the park later?"

"No." I looked up and in his eyes and frowned. "Go be with your wife."

"She's not my wife."

"Your fiance! Or whatever she is, Jacky, just . . . don't talk to me anymore."

"Why're you so upset-"

"Because, Jacky! You can't keep trying to date me! You have no idea how confusing all this is for me! I can't be with James and I can't be with you and I just want the both of you to leave me alone so I can think."

"I'm breaking up with her, though."

"Really?" He nodded, "But you're having sex with her before you do it?"

"I-I didn't want to sleep with you early because I-I wanted to take us seriously."

"So it's just like-"

"Can you just accept my date?" He asked with a laugh, "Or we could go to dinner."

"She lives here."

"We can go to your house."

"No." He frowned,


"I'm not going on a date with you the same day you break up with your fiance." I kissed his cheek and stood up. "I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek again and waved before walking out of his house. I ran down the street and knocked on James' door. No one answered, so I knocked again. The door opened and I looked down, gasping as I picked the four year old.

"Caspar!" I sang while walking in the house.

"Hi Kitty!" He said loudly. I kissed his cheek and put him down, running over and hugging my brother, Kristian.

"YOU DIDN'T FUCKING CALL ME ON MY BIRTHDAY, ASSHOLE!!" He chuckled and hugged me back, kissing the top of my head.

"Because we were flying over here.

"Kitty, pick me up again!" I laughed and picked Caspar up. "Papi's teaching me Italian and I can count to ten."

"That's great, Ghost." I put him down and looked around. "Where are the guys?"

"Upstairs and Danny's in the kitchen."

"I'll be back." I walked up the stairs and went to James' room. I knocked on the door and it cracked open. I pushed the door open and smiled. "James, did you-" I stopped talking as Liz gagged on James' member. He looked up and pulled her up, covering himself with a pillow.

"K-Kat! What're you doing in here?" He asked,

"Yeah, what's she doing here, James?"

"M-My brother and nephew are downstairs a-and I wanted to know if you wanted to go meet them. But, um, you're busy."

"No I'm not, I can meet them." Liz scoffed,

"Are you FUCKING kidding me?" James shrugged, "She's more important than having sex with me?"

"I've known her longer." Liz groaned and put her shirt on, fixing her hair.

"Fine! Call me when you're done with her." She shoved past me and I nearly fell as she stormed down the stairs. I felt tugging at my hand and looked to see Caspar standing beside me.

That's why I call him Ghost.

He walks with the feet of the dead, my nana says. That woman is creepy.

"Kitty, daddy went to go get me some food and to go fix our stuff in our hotel room." I nodded and covered his eyes as James fixed his pants. I picked Caspar up and walked over, sitting on James' bed.

"Caspar, this is my friend James."

"Hi James!" James smiled,


"You look old!"

"I'm just as old as Kitty."

"She's my Kitty!" I smiled as Casper reached up behind him, touching my face. "My Kitty." I took his shoes off before taking off mine. I sat cross legged on the bed and pulled Ghost into my lap. "Are you and Kitty dating?"

"No, he's dating the girl that left when your daddy was here."

"She smells like nasty." I laughed and James looked at his lap. "I'm sorry James."

"It's okay, kid." Casper played with some of his hair that reached his shoulders and giggled. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"Here, listen to some music while me and James talk, okay?" He nodded and I put my ear-buds in his ears, pressing play on my music. He nodded his head slightly, mouthing the words to the song. I moved over and sat in James' lap. "Jacky asked me on a date."


"Dinner and then the park."

"Isn't he engaged?"

"He told me he was breaking up with her."

"Did you accept it?"

"No, I knew it'd hurt you."

"It would." He wrapped his arms around me and sighed. "I love you, Kitty."

"Don't say that, James, . . . because I-I don't want our friendship to end because of s-stuff." He placed is chin on my shoulder and I placed my hands over his. He kissed my collar-bone and I sighed.

"You treat him like he's your son."

"I feel motherly over him. His mom doesn't want him and my brother can't raise him and work. I think they're moving here for better day-care services."

"Do you want children?"

"I do, of course! I love children." I looked at him and bit my lip, "Do you?"

"I don't want them, but I could deal with having one."

"Would you have them with Liz?"

"Yeah, I love her a lot. I'm thinking of proposing." I turned back around and messed with my fingers. "Would you be in the wedding?"

"Of course I wouldn't be in the wedding, James. Why wold you even ask me that?"

"I want you and Liz to be friends, Kitty." I shrugged and looked to see Ghost laying down in a ball, sleeping. "Can we do a group cuddle?" James nodded and I picked Ghost up. He whined and I took my ear-buds away from him.

"Mommy, stop."

"Let's take a nap, Caspar." He nodded and I put him down under James' blankets. I layed beside him and James layed beside me, wrapping his arms around me.

"Kitty, can we make lasagna after we nap?"

"Sure." I kissed his cheek and he yawned, wrapping his arms around me. He slapped James hand and I laughed as Caspar started snoring lightly.

"Night Kitty." I smiled as James kissed the back of my neck lightly.


"You should move in." Danny said randomly, "I'm tired of cooking every day." I shrugged, wiping Caspar's mouth off.

"I can feed myself!" He said loudly.

"You're making a mess." He stuck his tongue out at me and I returned it.

"You're being a baby!"

"I'll get your dad to lock you in a closet." Kristian threw a bawled up napkin and it hit Caspar in the forehead lightly.

"I don't feel like being a dad right now, okay? Just make nice you two." The guys laughed and Caspar finished his lasagna. I got up and took him to the sink. I held him up to wash his hands before washing off our plates. I grabbed him by the waist and held him with one arm while walking back to the living room. I sat on the couch and dropped him in my lap as he giggled.

"Daddy, are you gonna have more babies?" Ghost asked Kris.

"Does daddy have a wife?"


"Then will daddy have more babies?"

"YES! I'm an only child!"

"Lucky." Me, Cameron, James, and Danny said, laughing with everyone.

"Wait, Kris is older?" Sam said.

"By one year." I smoothed Ghosts hair back as he played in mine.

"Daddy, can I dye my hair blue?"

"When you turn thirteen, sure."

"Can I have my nose pierced?"

"When you turn fourteen."

"What about a tattoo?"

"When you can buy it yourself." Ghost frowned and I laughed with everyone else.

"Aunty Kitty, can you get it for me?"

"I think I have some stencils in my purse." I always keep temporary tattoos on me in case I see him. I ran up to my purse in James' room and wet a paper towel, wringing it out before walking back down stairs. I sat down and pulled out the baggy of temporary tattoos

"Why do you have so many?" Cameron asked me.

"Because I used to watch him all the time. Which one do you want?"

"All of them!"

It took all seven of us adults, but we finally gave Ghost two full sleeves, neck, and hand tattoos. He even had a Unicorn. We took pictures and posted them to Twitter.

'Kitty-Meowth: @Kris-K came to visit with my nephew, Caspar, and he said that he wanted tattoos and us two, plus @AFuckingA are bored, so this is what gets accomplished'

I put my phone down and sighed, smiling as Caspar looked at his arms. "I look like you now, daddy!"

"Yeah, except that I don't have a Unicorn on my neck." Caspar stuck his tongue out and yawned. They decided to go home, so Caspar hugged all of us, but glared at James.

"Don't touch my aunty Kitty or I'll kick you in the butt!" He shouted, pointing at his eyes with two fingers before pointing at James'. "Got it, punk?"

"Uh, sure." I giggled as Caspar hugged me again, kissing my forehead. He and Kristian left and I sighed, getting up to go wash the dishes.

"NO!" I jumped as Sam ran over, lightly pushing me out the way. "You've been cooking for the past three days, let me do the dishes. Go something else." I sighed and walked to the living room; Danny sat upside down on the couch watching TV, Cameron was on his phone, James was on his laptop, and Ben was snoring slightly.

"Can someone go with me to go get some clothes if it's okay for me to stay the night?" There was a unanimous groan and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go." I nodded at Cameron as he slowly stood up, walking over to me. We went across the street to my house and went up to my room. I started filling a bag with clothes and my hair and makeup stuff. I had given Cookie away to some neighbor that was really, really thin and I thought it'd make her happier.

"You should just move in." Cameron said, "The guys aren't gonna be up for it, though."

"Why not?"

"As much as we like having sex, hearing you and James isn't very fun. He has a girlfriend and they're starting not to like you because-"

"I was drunk."

"Off wine?" I nodded,

"It's the only thing I really get drunk off of. Other stuff makes me sick." I licked my lips and sniffed as tears ruined my makeup. I hate tears like this; they come randomly with no warning.

"What's wrong?"

"I-I want you guys to like me. I just really like James, Cameron. Like, . . . I thought I was in love with him and I probably am." I sniffed and blinked away tears, "I-I want to be with him a-and he's so caught up with Liz-"

"He's in love with her just like you're in love with him. I hate the slut, but how would you feel if you two were dating and he cheated on you? Twice?!"

"I wouldn't care because I'd still be happy." Cameron sighed and stood up, grabbing my bag. I shut my drawer and grabbed a few pair of shoes, putting them in my duffel bag. He zipped it up and took my hand as he pulled me out of my house and back over to his. The living room was empty, so I took my bag, said goodnight to Cameron, and walked up to James' room.

He was on the phone, so I just started taking off my clothes. I felt something touch my shoulder and waist and I looked to see James holding me with his chin on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek and I moved away from him, turning around. He laughed at something and took his shirt off, handing it to me. I put it on and tied my hair up before flopping on his bed. He kept trying to hold or touch me, but I'd just move his arms away.

"Hold on a second." He put his phone on the bed face down and gave me a confused look, "What's wrong?"

"I want your friends to like me."

"So? What's that got to do with me?"

"That means that you can't treat me like your girlfriend anymore, James." I said quietly, "We're just friends."

"I hurt you and I'm trying to make it up."

"By sleeping with me?" He nodded, "I just want us to be best friends again. Nothing more and nothing less."

"Fine, but we're cuddling." I shrugged and layed down under his covers. He layed beside me and sighed. "Liz, I've got to call you back, I'm going to bed." She said something and he smiled, "I love you, too."

Insert little whimper from me.

"Alright, bye." He placed his phone to the side and wrapped his arms around me, causing warmth to spread throughout my body, starting with my chest. "You're so cold, Kitty."

"I'm a cold person right now, James."

"We need to find you a boyfriend."

"I already found one."

"Are you together?"

"No a-and we're never gonna be together."

"Why not?" I sighed and closed my eyes, "Oh, Kitty, I-I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"You really like Jacky, don't you?" I opened my eyes and shot out of the bed. "What?"

"You're legitimately mentally retarded, James!"

"What'd I say?"

"I'm talking about you! I've been in love with you for three years and I'm just realizing it, but damn it, James, I can't keep it down any longer. When I say that I'm in love with you, I mean that I really, really am in love with you. I'd marry you right now, b-but you can't even . . . you can't even . . ." I sat on the floor and covered my face with my hands, "I just want to be happy a-and you make me happy, but we can't be together and it kills me." I sniffed and licked my lips, "I really want to be happy and content, but I can't do that. I . . . I-I-I love you, James, I really do. I love the way your eyes light up whenever you talk about something you're passionate about, I love how stupid you are, I love your hair when you first wake up, I love everything about you. And you can't even-" I stopped talking and sobbed. The neckline of his shirt was soaked in my tears, along with my neck, jaw, and cheeks. "I-I just want to be with you."

"Kitty, I am so sorry. I had no idea." I shrugged and stood up.

"I'm sleeping downstairs."
